Answers to my most asked questions!
How tall are you?
I’m 5’10”. People are always surprised that I’m so tall!
What do you eat in a day?
I get this question a lot. It varies, but I eat a mostly paleo diet, with some exceptions like Greek yogurt and cream in my coffee. Oh and good cheese on special occasions.
How do you workout with your kids around?
This post tells you how I’m able to get my workouts in with my kids around.
How do you stay motivated to workout at home?
My most asked question to date! This post tells you how I stay motivated to workout 5-6 days a week.
How do you do it all?
The answer is, I don’t! But I do use a lot of tools to help me stay organized. I also firmly believe in journaling to keep me sane and keep me motivated and working toward my goals. I believe in setting timers to stay on task when I work, and I devote each evening to my children, so they get quality time with mom, distraction free!
Do you accept guest posts?
I am not accepting guest posts at this time, but I so appreciate my readers and their daily support.