7 affirmations for the homeschool mom: This is a crazy time in our world friends. A crazy time. Parents who never thought they’d be teachers have been thrown into the roll of educator for their kids. And for us parents that already homeschool, we find ourselves giving advice, help, and resources to our friends and family.
I wanted to share 7 affirmations for the homeschool mom. Because it is a thankless job we have. Even 9 months into homeschool, I still get the “You’re not my teacher,” sometimes, and we go to bats at what needs to be done each day. It’s definitely easier than it was at the beginning, but it’s not perfect. These affirmations are for moms because let’s be honest, it’s primarily the moms that do the schooling. But these could apply to any parent.
As homeschool moms, we’re constantly juggling all the priorities. Not only are we in charge of our children’s education, we are in charge of the home, meals, laundry, after school functions and more. It’s a lot. And it is overwhelming at times for sure.
Some days are amazing, and school is a breeze, the kids are helpful and you get all the things done. Those days are my favorite. But they are rare. Most of the time, though, our days look like frustration from me and my children, arguing over doing school, dirty dishes in the sink and me wanting to give up.
If you’re that mom, like I am, these affirmations are for you. You got this. You made this decision because you know it’s what is right for your family. Yes, it is such a thankless job. But it’s also so rewarding knowing you are the one shaping your kids.
Here are a few of my favorite affirmations for homeschool moms.
- I am a positive asset in my child’s life.
- I am a mom and teacher,
- I am not alone in this journey and have friends I can turn to during tough times.
- I am learning alongside my children about patience, kindness, and respect.
- I set my family’s schedule in a way that works best for all of us.
- I can get through hard days with God and family beside me.
- I am the best teacher for my child.
Moms, don’t be discouraged. We all have those days. There have been so many times I’ve wanted to just quit and put my kids back in school. But I try to remember that we are teaching them more than just math and science. We are teaching them to be kind, compassionate and hard working humans. They are learning so much more from us than just what’s required by the state.
Also, I love this 3 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids. Start your morning journaling with your kiddos and I bet you will see a change start to happen. If you need some ideas for a more peaceful morning, check out my diffuser blends for a peaceful homeschool day. Also, my friend Jennifer at The Deliberate Mom is the homeschool queen. Check out her site for some more homeschool love.
I pray these affirmations for the homeschool mom help keep you calm in times of struggle and frustration. Print them out and hang them somewhere you will see them often. Keep repeating them to yourself. And remember, we are doing the absolute best thing we can for our kids. They need us to be our best each and every day, even though we don’t always feel like it.
You got this mama.

So timely, friend!