If you’re looking to manage your weight and/or maintain a healthy weight, essential oils are a natural way to support your body. Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, essential oils are a great addition to any weight management program.
Dr. Alan R. Hirsch found that inhaling aromas (like essential oils) before eating may help reduce the amount of food eaten during a meal.
Let’s look at 5 (plus 1) great essential oils that can help with weight management.
Peppermint is an uplifting essential oil that is known to help control cravings, while also providing a sense of satisfaction after eating.
Peppermint essential oil is packed with nutrients such as vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals like potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.
How to use: Add 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil to a glass of water before a meal, diffuse prior to eating and/or apply topically directly on the stomach.
Grapefruit essential oil is made out of the rind of the fruit, and is a natural appetite suppressant. It can help with bloating and water retention. It can aide in digestion as well speed up your metabolism. The d-limonene found in the grapefruit releases fatty acids into the bloodstream, where the body breaks them down and uses them for energy. (source)
How to use: Add 1-2 drops to a glass of water to help flush out toxins and burn fat. Mix 1-2 drops with 1-2 oz of a carrier oil (like coconut or grapeseed oil) and massage onto areas of fat collection. Add 5 drops of grapefruit oil, 5 drops of lemon oil and 5 drops of Sandalwood oil to a cup of Epsom salt for an invigorating cellulite bath.
Ocotea would be considered part of the cinnamon spice family, although it has a different flavor and aroma. Ocotea has been known to aide in digestion and control sugar cravings, as well as suppress your appetite and balance your metabolism. (source)
How to use: Place one drop of Ocotea under your tongue, in a glass of water or in 1-2 ounces of NingXia red daily. It has really helped with my cravings.
Bergamot oil has a pleasant smell and can be used to support your emotional well being. Because it stimulates your endocrine system, produces calm feelings and can help relieve stress, it is great for those who eat when they are stressed. (source)
It is also effective in weight management due to the large amount of polyphenols (also found in green tea), which help oxodize fat and increase your metabolism.
How to use: Diffuse if you are stressed to reduce anxiety and potential cravings. Massage 1-2 drops onto the bottoms of your feet or the back of your neck.
Sandalwood has many uses, but is widely known for it’s wonderful fragrance and is commonly used in making candles, incense and perfume. It’s ability to transmit messages to the limbic system helps control stress and emotional eating, and may help with the ability to resist temptation. (source)
How to use: Diffuse or inhale, apply directly to the stomach and/or add 1 drop to a teaspoon of honey.
I really should have added lemon essential oil to this. Like grapefruit oil, lemon oil is full of vitamins and minerals and helps keep your digestive system toxin free. It helps balance your metabolism and increase energy levels. Adding 1 drop of lemon essential oil to a glass of water is a great way to incorporate it into your daily routine.
There you have it! 5 essential oils for weight management! Keep in mind that these essential oils have multiple uses, more than just weight management.
If you’d like to learn more about essential oils, see my essential oils page HERE, or feel free to email me anytime at addingatouchofgrace{at}gmail.com.
**As always, I am not a medical professional and cannot treat, diagnose or cure. This information is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always consult a doctor and do your research first. I am a Young Living independent distributor.
I have been curious about oils for weight loss! I guess I’m curious if it will actually STOP me from eating all the time!!! I might have to check out a few of these and see if I notice a difference. It seems a little too good to be true, but we will see! Thanks for sharing!!
I thought so too Caroline, but I’ve started doing the Ocotea under the tongue (it tastes HORRIBLE, but I just deal with it) and it’s really helped reduce my unnecessary cravings. 🙂
I love hearing about new ways to use these oils!
There really are so many things you can do with them. Love my oils so much!
Woo hoo! I just posted today I got my first few oils, peppermint being one, and wanted any ideas or uses. Thanks 🙂
You may have seriously just sold me on essential oils – weight loss as one of their effects?! CRAZY! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
This is great, Tiffany!! I need to get some Sandalwood. I didn’t know it did all of that! And you know I love my Ocotea…I think the key is that it helps level your blood sugar levels. I know that’s helped me a ton!! Really great post, friend! I pinned it 🙂
Thanks for sharing! I just tried peppermint and lemon in a glass of water for heartburn and acid reflux last night. OMG I’m never going back. I slept through the night with no issues and my stomach/throat feel like new 🙂
I need to try this out! I’m known for overeating to the point where I don’t feel well so maybe this will help me from overeating. And I eat when I’m bored… so not good for me! Thanks for sharing girl!
LOVE this post because I adore essential oils! I drink lemon essential oils in my water throughout the day for digestion, but I didn’t know about grapefruit for weight loss. Good to know for when baby # 2 makes his/her eventual appearance and the baby weight needs to come off!
I put peppermint oil on my tummy while pregs to try to help turn my breech baby. It’s said that the baby moves away from the oils… Hubs thought I smelled like a walking piece of gum for the last few weeks of my pregnancy, haha!
Keep these kinds of posts coming! Always looking for new ways to use my oils 🙂
Such an informative post as always! It’s nice that they all have multiple uses for each oil depending on what you need.
Awesome~ness all over. I am so super excited to read this. In fact, I’m going to print it out. I think I may do oil info print outs every so often, so by the time I’m ready to buy oils, I will be more educated and know which oils I want / need to buy first. I definitely want something(s) for head-aches. Will you do posts on oils like this often?? I hope so! You describe it very well and it helps me understand. Great post. Can’t wait to hear about your wknd & see pics!! xo
I didn’t know about Bergamot and Sandalwood. Thank you! (It’s pinned.)
I haven’t heard of using these for weight loss….interesting.
Renee co-host of #shinebloghop
Good to know information. I am hoping to buy some essential oils soon when I have extra money.