If you want to start your goal setting journey, these 5 steps can help get you started.
Did you ever learn about SMART goals in school? I’m sure at some point you did. But if you need a refresher, SMART goals are goals that are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, REALISTIC and TIMELY. I love SMART goals. They are a great way to get started if you’re new to goal setting. And we all know goal setting is the key to success and actually accomplishing what you desire to. Starting with the SMART goal plan of making specific and measurable goals that are realistic for you to accomplish, and something you can do in a timely manner starts you on the path to writing some great goals.
Here are 5 steps for you to take when setting your goals:
Write them down // I’ve read that a goal not written down is just a dream. Until you write down what your goals are, they are just in your head and are easily forgotten. Writing them down makes them real. I like to write my goals down in my planner as well as on sticky notes and post them on my bathroom mirror and on our fridge. That way I see them multiple times a day.
Be specific // This is so important! Instead of saying “I want to lose 20 pounds by summer,” write down the steps you’re going to take to get there. For example, you could say “Work out for 30 4 times a week,” or “Download a food/fitness tracker app to my phone and start tracking what I eat and what exercise I do.” Those are specific goals that will get you to your larger goal of losing 20 pounds.
Make a plan on how to get there // Lofty goals are great, but like I said above, you need to be specific and have a plan on how you’re going to accomplish that goal. Small, baby steps are the way I like to set up my goal plan. If I want to redecorate a room in our home, I know there are steps I need to take to accomplish that goal. So I make a plan of everything I want to do in the room (paint, hang curtains, choose furniture, pick out wall decor, etc.), then sub plans (or small goals) for the larger plan. If I want to paint all the walls first, I’d write down “save to buy paint,” “get color swatches & choose color,” “buy paint,” and “tape & paint room.” Those would be my baby steps on how to get to my larger goal of painting the room, and my even larger goal of redecorating the entire room.
Find motivation & don’t get discouraged // Sometimes we set goals then never look at them again. We have goals we want to achieve (like me cleaning out our pantry, a goal I set at the beginning of the year that still hasn’t happened…ahem) but then we become unmotivated to complete them, or we get discouraged because we aren’t accomplishing the goal as quickly as we’d like to. Finding what motivates you to accomplish your goals will keep you accountable and make you inspired to want to accomplish even more goals. My motivation varies depending on the goal, but a lot of time my husband is my motivation. He motivates me when I have a health or fitness goal, when I want to meet certain goals with my essential oils business, or even when I want to remember to write my goals down. He is a great motivator. Find what motivates you and keep it around.
Review your goals daily // Writing your goals down is great, but if you never look at them again they are just words on paper. Reviewing your goals daily keeps them in the forefront of your mind and helps you stay motivated to want to accomplish them. Like I said above, I post my goals in places I frequent in our home so I see them often. That alone motivates me to want to accomplish them.
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Goal setting can actually be really fun and motivating in and of itself. Just the act of writing down what you want to accomplish makes that idea or thought a reality. A few of my blogging friends have written books recently, which to me is a dream turned reality. I’m sure they couldn’t have achieved this without setting some goals for themselves in the process.
What are some steps you take to achieving your goals?
You and Paige had the same idea today- great minds think alike.
I plan to work on my end of year SMART goals today. These tips will help!
This is an awesome post! I have been trying to get published on The Huffington Post all year, and recently I’ve really been trying to write better posts so that I can submit one a week. I still haven’t heard back, but I’m not giving up!
Great tips, Tiffany! I believe writing them down, is so important.
Nice tips! I agree with all and I really like to review my goals frequently ♥♥
Yes to all of this – obvi, we’re on the same page 🙂
I see so many bloggers write goals, but they’re something elusive like “get more twitter followers” – what does that even mean?! So if you get one more follower you met your goal? How do more followers help you? But SMART goals are so great because they have a clear direction they’re taking you AND they’re obtainable. If your SMART goal is to get 2000 followers on Instagram in a month, you need to break that down into smaller goals that drive towards that. I started doing SMART goals in my first job out of college and learned how valuable they are for business! So for a blog, they’re essential.
Girl we are totally on the same page today! I posted about my goals today, but next month I will definitely take some of your advice! I find that blogging about them keeps me accountable which I like! Thanks for your tips!
These are all super helpful! I started writing my goals down some weeks ago, and they actually became plans. Every morning I write down what I’ll do that day that will get me closer to where I want to be. Great post!
xo, Esther
Great tips! I agree with not getting discouraged. When I get down on myself for failing in a certain area, I lose momentum. If I just keep on keepin’ on, then I will meet the goal!
Fabulous tips my friend.
It’s so important to write goals down and the more specific, the better. I have much more success that way because it’s more measureable.
Thanks for sharing.
Need to do this!