Knowing your why can create a greater sense of purpose. Do you know your why?
Has anyone ever asked you that? What is your why? I don’t remember where I first heard the question, but I remember it being a light bulb moment for me. I remember thinking, “that’s a really good question. What is my why?”
Knowing your why is one of the first steps to figuring out how to achieve your goals. It creates in you a drive to succeed, positive energy and focus. It gives you purpose in life. It motivates you to stand strong when times are hard and not going as planned, and helps you wake up every day with a positive outlook on life. Your why is the purpose, cause or belief that inspires you to do what you do.
What makes a good why? It should be:
- Specific and clear
- Rooted in love and not fear
- Energizing
- Something you connect with emotionally
- Aligned with your values, passions and desires
- Inspiring and worth building a life around
My why last year was to stay home with Little A. I worked hard, we saved and saved and paid off debt. I started making money through other avenues; all so that I could be home with her full time.
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What do you really want out of life? Why do you get up and go to work everyday? Discovering why you’re doing what you’re doing each and every day can completely change your perspective on your life, and even change your vision for your future.
Everyone should have a why.
There are a few questions you can ask yourself to figure out what your why is.
- What are your strengths? Are you a natural born leader? Are you an amazing cook or baker? Are you a great people person? Knowing what your strengths are can help you focus in on what your why could potentially be.
- What makes you happy and excited? When we work on things that are exciting to us, we’re more motivated to continue striving for success.
- What are you passionate about? Doing work that you’re good at, but can’t stand, isn’t going to provide you with fulfillment in your life. I think we’ve all been there. Understanding your passions can help guide you toward a future that makes you feel fulfilled and help you develop a why for your life.
Knowing your why will ultimately help you take on challenges that not only stretch you, but inspire you as well.
So, I ask you, what is your why?

This is a really great prompt for learning more about oneself…I think finding our true purpose is the hardest thing about life…but once you do it’s the best (so ive heard lol)! xo, BIana –BlovedBoston
This is so thought-provoking!!
Great question, Tiffany! My why is to glorify Jesus! There are so many other ‘whys’ underneath that, but that’s my ultimate WHY that guides my entire life. Have a great week, my friend!
what a great way to really think and reflect on yourself! 🙂
Such a great reflective piece to really make you think to start the New Year off with!
This is awesome! I completely agree that knowing your why is important. It helps you find direction, motivation, and purpose in life. And it gets you excited about life!
I think I heard somewhere that we may never know our Why or our Why is constantly changing…which I can see. I love the reflection of this post, but until I discover my why, I will just BE! 🙂
I’ve never heard that question asked that way before. Definitely makes you stop and think about what your own “why” is. Great post, Tiffany.
Very thought provoking and something I will have to think about. Besides for me, the obvious, sharing Christ and pursuing Him, it’s a tough question! Great to ponder girl! What is your why this year?
I’ve been thinking a lot about this myself lately. About how we all need something about ourselves to be proud of. Its actually the post I linked up to your #shinebloghop
Love this post! I think having a why is so important for purpose and motivation. I love that you wrote a whole post dedicated to helping others realize the importance of having something that grounds them 🙂
I think it’s important to consider our why.
When I was in management positions, it was constantly emphasized that businesses need a vision and a mission. However, I feel that even we need a vision and a mission – and our lives will be a lot happier if we are working towards living a life of purpose and intent. Finding out your “why” helps with that.
Thanks for sharing.