Being a type A, I like to plan. And Sunday’s are the day I use to get ready for the week ahead. Sometimes I’m successful and our meals are planned, our lunches are packed, laundry is done and we are ready to take on all that the week has in store for us. And sometimes I crash and burn and nothing gets done. Those are the weeks I feel stressed out and like I’m falling behind on everything. But by doing these 7 things on Sunday, I’m more than prepared for a successful week ahead.
Write down your goals for the week. You have to write down what you want to accomplish or it probably won’t happen. An unwritten goal is like a fart in the wind. I don’t think I have to explain that one to you. Write it down and mark it off as you accomplish your goals. Completed all your goals by Tuesday? Awesome! Write down some new goals or bask in the glow that is no tasks that need to be done.
Write out your meal plan and do your grocery shopping. This is one thing we struggle with a lot. But when we do it, we are rock stars. We save so much money when we meal plan and eat better as well. We also like to make our lunches for the week on Sunday. We picked up these bento boxes on Amazon and they make meal prep a breeze. We cook a bunch of chicken, add some veggies and healthy carbs and we’re set for 5 days. Meal prepping takes effort, but it’s totally worth it when you get home late one evening and you don’t have to think about what you’re making for dinner that night.
Change the bedding. I change our bedding every Sunday. It takes less than 10 minutes and it feels so nice to crawl into clean sheets on Sunday night before the start of a big week. Plus, it’s an easy day to remember to do it.
Pack the kids bags for school and activities. Little A has 3 activities each week: School, dance and swim. And she has a bag for each activity. It makes it so much easier when we’re running late to just grab the bag and go. I’m not spending 10 minutes looking for her ballet slippers or her swim toys. They are all in their respective bag ready to go. I also set the respective bag downstairs the night before the activity so it’s easy to grab as we walk out the door.
Finish the laundry. I do laundry throughout the week. But I never quite finish it all. Sunday’s are my catch up day. I love going into the week with all the laundry baskets emptied and all the clothes folded and put away. It makes me feel accomplished and let’s me breathe a little easier; if only for a few days.
If you work from home, organize your work space. As the week goes on, time seems to get more limited and sometimes chaos ensues, which transitions over to my work space. I know that for me, when the baby starts crying or Little A needs me, I drop what I’m doing and sometimes don’t come back to it for the rest of the day. Because of these little breaks in my productivity, my work space can at times get cluttered. Papers get disheveled, toys end up on my desk and by Friday it can look like a hot mess. I like to take time on Sunday to go through what’s on my desk, toss what I no longer need and organize what’s left. So when I sit down on Monday I can focus on my work and not on all the shit piling up around me.
Check out these tips for how to use Sunday to prepare for a successful week ahead. Click To TweetDe-clutter the house. The mail is piling up, kids toys are tossed everywhere, shoes are at every door and the house just looks a bit disorganized. Lucky for us, since we simplified our lives we don’t have nearly the amount of things to put away, but when the toys get out of hand (and they do every now and then), I like to take Sunday to really organize where they go and toss what I know Little A doesn’t play with (like every little trinket known to man).
Doing these 7 things has really helped us get prepared for the week ahead. I love going into Sunday evening feeling like I can relax and enjoy the rest of my evening before it starts all over again on Monday.
What is something you do on Sundays to get prepared for the week ahead?

You might be the most organized person I know! Seriously, I admire all the goals you set, and the way you plan and keep things so organized and in line. I need some of that in me!
HAHA oh girl I am far from it. It is work for me to stay organized that’s for sure. But if I didn’t our house would be a DISASTER all the time.
“An unwritten goal is like a fart in the wind.” HAHA! You’re too funny. I’m all about meal prepping on Sundays! Only I refuse to go to the grocery store on a Sunday. Here, at least, it is PACKED and not enjoyable at all. Going on a Monday evening makes a huge difference. But I do feel better about the week when I know what our meals will be!
My dad used to say that. He’s a wise man, haha! We do shopping on Sunday’s, but we also go Thursday evenings as well since that’s pay day, ha!
I love all of these tips– meal prepping makes a huge difference when we do it, but it doesn’t always happen. I’ve also been wanting to pick a designated day to do laundry and just get it over with, otherwise it seems to linger half done all week long!
Laundry is a tough one! My hubby goes through clothes so fast that the minute I think I’m caught up the hamper is full again! Meal prepping has made the biggest difference for us for sure!
LOVE these tips. I tend to have really packed weekdays and I think sorting my crap out on Sunday is always the best way to have a stress free week. ALSO, an unwritten goal is like a fart in the wind… BAHAHA
It definitely helps us a ton, if we get things lined out on Sundays. It doesn’t have to be much, but like you said, just writing down goals for the week. And I love straightening up, so it feels like I’m starting with a clean slate. Nobody has time to feel behind all week! 😛
Yes! This week we did our meal prep on Saturday and all the laundry, straightening up, etc. on Sunday and it was so nice. I took Sunday night off just to spend with the hubs before our packed week.
We meal plan and do laundry on Sunday’s – it does help get me prepared for the week! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston