Back to school time can be stressful for some kids. Add to it being exposed to ALL THE THINGS and our bodies may need some extra support. Here are a few tips and tricks using essential oils for back to school.
Oh back to school time. Seeing friends again, meeting new people and getting into a new routine. For some kids back to school is exciting, and for some it can bring on anxiety. Add to that being exposed to germs from dozens of other kids and well, you get the picture.
Each year I learn new ways to help my kids put their best foot forward. I work diligently to protect them from all the things that come with being around dozens of children. I find ways to help my daughter with her emotions, and ways to help them get restful sleep.
Here are a few of my favorite ways to use essential oils for back to school.
Happy Head
We have been fortunate not to have a run in with those little mites, but they run rampant in elementary schools. One way to protect your kids from getting lice is with essential oils. You can make this happy head spray, and spray on their head daily before school as a preventative measure.
-2 oz spray bottle
-10 drops Tea Tree oil
-5 drops Lavender oil
-5 drops Rosemary oil
-5 drops Peppermint oil
-5 drops Eucalyptus oil
-Add essential oils to bottle. Fill bottle remainder of the way up. Shake well before each use. Spray close to the scalp and around the ears.
Focusing on important activities at school can be difficult for young children. After recess and lunch, before tests, and during homework time, focusing on tasks can be aided by using this amazing blend. It’s one of my daughter’s favorites, and we use it anytime she’s having trouble focusing on homework or other important activities.
-10ml roller bottle
-15 drops Cedarwood oil
-15 drops Lavender oil
-15 drops Vetiver oil
-liquid carrier oil of choice (Jojoba, grapeseed, fractionated coconut oil)
-Add essential oils to roller bottle. Fill remainder of bottle with carrier oil. Add roller filament and lid. Shake well and roll on wrists, behind ears and chest when needed.
Essential oils for wellness
There are a variety of essential oils you can use to support immunity during the school year. Especially during the first few months, boosting our kiddos’ immune systems will help them have a better chance of fighting off any ickies they may come in contact with.
A few great oils for immune support are:
*All of these oils can be diffused daily as well as applied topically.*
Wellness Roller
I like to make a “wellness” roller for my kids, which includes:
-20 drops Thieves
-20 drops Lemon
-10 drops Frankincense
-10 drops Peppermint
-Add oils to a 10 ml roller bottle and fill rest of the way with carrier oil. Shake to mix and roll on as needed.
My daughter really struggled with the transition to kindergarten. She didn’t want me to leave and cried for the first few weeks at school drop off. When we switched schools mid-year, it was even harder. I could tell she was stressed out and had anxiety about all the changes.
If your child struggles with emotions, a few great oils to try are:
-White Angelica
-Stress Away
-Peace & Calming
Evening Routine
Getting back into a consistent nighttime routine can be hard after a summer full of fun and later bedtimes.
To promote a healthy and relaxing sleep environment we use:
-Tranquil Roll-on
-White Angelica (also helps with nightmares)
-SleepyIze (Young Living children’s blend)
This is the routine we use with my daughter:
-White Angelica and Frankincense in her diffuser.
-Tranquil rolled on her spine while getting her pajamas on, teeth brushed, etc.
-Lavender rolled on her chest when it’s lights out.
These are just a few of the ways we use essential oils for back to school. Essential oils are so versatile, and there are dozens of uses for any single oil or blend. But not every oil will work the same for each person. Trial and error will help you figure out what works best for you and your children.
*Note: Make sure when you apply oils topically to children you dilute. Children’s skin is more permeable than adults, so they absorb oils much faster. I do a 1 to 10 ratio to start. 1 drop essential oil to 10 drops carrier oil. See how your child reacts and you can reduce the dilution ratio if you feel comfortable.
You can find more uses for essential oils on my Essential Oils Page, including an entire post on essential oils for emotional support.
*I am not a doctor, and this information is not intended as medical advice. I cannot treat, diagnose or cure.

These are really great ideas Tiffany! I need to implement them in my home! 🙂