I was unsure if I should share this post or not, because this week I’ve felt really good. But y’all know I like to keep it real on here, so I figured I might as well share.
I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately. I was worried this would happen. I don’t know if it’s the combination of pregnancy and now being a SAHM, or just being a SAHM, but I feel like I’ve lost my inspiration.
Each morning when I wake up, I just feel blah. I’m tired and unmotivated and don’t want to do much of anything. I’ve been trying to figure out how to find my inspiration again because this is so not like me, but I’m just feeling lost.
I trace it back to when I started staying home with Little A. She was struggling with sleeping and I was as well, being pregnant and all. So I was sleeping in as much as I could after she would crawl into our bed at 5:00 in the morning. And it just kind of stuck. Now I struggle to wake up before 7:00 these days. And Little A is waking up around 6:00 or so each morning and coming into our room, instead of sleeping in until her usual 7:00 or 7:30, so I don’t see the point in getting out of bed when I know she’ll wake up any minute and come into our room to cuddle and sleep more. I’ve thought about trying to get up at 5:30 or 6:00, but right now I’m just so tired it’s hard. My goal is to get back to waking up by 6:00, but that’s going to take some time. At this point, I don’t even want to get out of bed half the time, let alone get dressed or do my makeup for the day. I can tell it’s impacting my motivation and my happiness.
And blogging just hasn’t felt the same. By the time we get Little A to bed at night, K and I are so tired we don’t want to do anything. K gets up at 4:30 in the morning for work so he hasn’t been getting much sleep for the past year. In the evenings I blog a little, but then he doesn’t want me on the computer since we barely get to spend time together as is. I hate that even he and I have fallen out of our normal routine. I have post ideas, but when I sit down to write them (or even finish them), I just……blank.
I think part of it is the fact that what previously inspired me no longer does. I no longer go to a job and find inspiration around me all the time. I don’t have co-workers there cheering me on and wanting me to succeed. I just have myself, and I now have to find a whole new form of inspiration and that can be tough. It’s like night and day going from corporate America to full time SAHM.
I really don’t know why I decided to write this post. Probably to hold myself accountable because I know it will get better. I will get better. This blogging community is amazing and so supportive and I know that I can share my feelings with you all and you’ll be supportive. Like I said at the beginning, this week has been really good so far. Baby girl has slept better and I’ve been feeling more motivated and have gotten a lot done around the house. I’m just hoping I can get it to stick and I can get back to my old self. Because feeling uninspired sucks. Big time.
What has helped you find your inspiration and motivation?

Thank you for being so honest, Tiffany! ๐ I think it’s okay to give yourself grace. We have ups and downs in life AND you’re growing a precious little baby in you. I’m no expert but I think it’s totally okay for you to sleep in – you and the baby need rest…and I’m sure that cuddle time with Little A is special. Her closeness to you is helping her develop emotionally and psychologically (or so I’ve read).
I find my inspiration in the Lord. I know it sounds cliche but it’s true. My goal is life is to glorify Him and He is the one that keeps me going….even when I don’t “feel” His presence, He is still there, cheering me along and He is cheering you on too. From what I’ve heard, being pregnant is tough too and brings all kinds of emotions, especially for someone who is so fit like you. ๐ You’ll come out of this! I’m praying for you and am here for you anytime you want to talk. If I’m at work, just text me first and I’ll go outside so I can chat. Love you, friend!!
You’ll get your mojo back girl – especially with the holiday’s coming up!! As weird as it sounds I get inspiration from looking at pinterest and instagram – pretty pictures instantly make me perk up! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I know the feeling. When I first became a stay at home mom, I didn’t really like it. Somedays are still and struggle but I’ve found blogging to be a good outlet. It’s something for me and me only. It is hard to find a inspiration being a stay at home mom. I totally get it.
Hang in there girl. I think everyone goes through ruts at times. I worked for 11 yrs full time, then home for 3 yrs with kids and now back working part time and it is so good for me. I totally get what your feeling. I love being home, but actually love going to work and feeling productive and conversing with my co-workers. I remember those days ๐
Grace friend! God’s grace!!!! You are doing a great job! I am sure it will take you awhile to figure out a new-normal!
Things WILL get better. The past several months have been very hard on me, too. In the fall, my work is pretty tough and with long hours. When I get home, I just feel blah. That paired with some other personal things have just led me to not feel any inspiration or happiness, really.
I’m thankful to say that I am slowly climbing out of that slump. I’m finally starting to see the light again. I wish I could give you some sort of cure all, but I think it’s just cyclical. You’ll get some relief, girl. So sorry you’re feeling this way.
I hear ya! I think it’s also that time of year when it’s dark so early you just hibernate..at least that’s what I’m going to blame it on. I find myself going to bed right after kiddo goes to bed at 7:30 because I’m so tired. Maybe with the holidays coming you can get inspired by decorating the house and you have a nursery to begin ๐ Hang in there!!
I’m so sorry you feel this way. But in the end, it will only make you stronger. Find your strength and you will get there. No matter what, you will get your mojo back and feel better. Hang in there!
I have so many things to say. First and foremost, BEING A SAHM IS THE HARDEST JOB IN THE WORLD.
It’s true. I was the head of fundraising for a national nonprofit and in corporate America, and nothing, nothing, not one thing compares to the work (and honestly, mental/motivational strain) of staying home with kids. Nothing!
I struggled with staying home for almost a full year. I stopped putting on makeup and showering regularly and looked like a slob. I just didn’t see the point in getting ready! I slept in until Henry got up because he didn’t sleep through the night until a year, and I was SO TIRED. But that meant I had zero me time, zero day planning time, and didn’t even get coffee poured before I had to dedicate myself to him and his needs. It was ROUGH.
Now I make myself get up at 6. Of course, he started to get up early so I might only get 15 minutes to just mentally prepare myself, but it’s sooooo helpful for motivation and inspiration! I blog after I feed him breakfast because he’s content to play at my feet for a bit. I make sure to hit the gym up daily. I now bring stuff to shower at the gym so I can get myself together (and feel good about how I look again!) Then when he naps, I blog some more. In the afternoons, we run errands or meet up with folks for playdates. This is a great schedule that has really provided structure for our happiness.
I’m in the same boat with you with a hubs that gets up at an insane hour for work – heck, he might be gone the whole week so I never see him! We also have the “no laptops at night” rule. So I blog in the evenings too, if he’s traveling, and if he’s home, I quickly catch up while he plays with Henry for a brief while before bed. That’s how I manage to stay on top of blogging, structure the day as a SAHM and still manage to see some friends for a social life!
I hope this novel I wrote you is helpful! Text me if you need anything. I can tell you FOR SURE your lack of inspiration is the transition to staying home with A; it will take a while, but you’ll find your groove again.
Giiiirl thank you so much for sharing your heart and being so honest! And I am so glad that you did! Because honestly, I have been feeling the exact same way lately. And I don’t know how to snap out of it. Feeling unmotivated to do anything is the perfect way to say it, so I am trying to find ways to find my inspiration again too. So thank you so much for your honesty and letting me feel as if I’m not alone! We can get through it with the Lord and with the support of each other! I’m here if you ever need to chat about anything, I am so happy to have this blogging community to meet such amazing people like you! Praying for you ๐
I totally get you! I sometimes feel as if I’m in the Ground Hog movie, doing the same things over and over again… which, isn’t that the definition of insanity?! Haha! ๐
I tend to find most of my inspiration from friends. Just having a simple lunch date or stopping by their house for coffee. I can only go a couple of days at home, before I need to get out and do something. I thrive off a schedule/routine. And the older little A gets, the easier it will get. She will learn to self entertain more, and you’ll be able to get more done while she’s awake. I’m always just a phone call away if you ever want to chat. ๐
I’m sorry it’s been so rough! I was feeling bored and kind of blah recently, too. I decided to start planning some activities for us to do every day, and it’s helped a lot! It will get better ๐ You can do it!
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been in this rut, I can totally relate because I went through it too. It’s seriously almost like a culture shock when you go from working outside the home to becoming a SAHM. I went through all of these emotions and felt like I lost myself for a few months.
The good news is you’ll come out of it and you will find a groove with your new routine. Being a SAHM does mean that a lot of days the kids never come out of their pjs, and you too! You will find ways that make you feel so much better despite the days where you never leave the house. I definitely have to fix my hair and put on some make up and perfume so that I feel like a WOMAN.
It’s just a whole different world. Also…I am doing the same with sleep right now. The boys finally entertain themselves in the morning, but since my little one still wakes us up at night, I feel like death in the morning and will stay in bed while they play. I’m really going to try and break that habit by going to bed earlier.
Seriously loved this post because we can all relate to it, your honesty was helpful because being a SAHM can feel so isolating sometimes and you just wonder if other SAHMs do and feel the same things as you.
Ahhh, fiirst off, I hear you and I totally identify with what you shared.
I had quite a bit of a culture shock when I stopped working. Then I felt guilty because I was like – woah – you wanted this! But just because I want something, doesn’t mean it will be easy.
I find inspiration in spending time with God. I find inspiration in documenting the blessings in my life and I find inspiration by opening up and sharing with others (just as you’ve done here).
We all go through funks. Hoping you continue to feel refreshed and that the inspiration floods over you (and more sleep would help too)!
Wishing you a lovely evening.
Like you told me before = everything has it’s season, remember!? I was in that rut before too. No day is the same nor perfect, but that’s when we challenge ourselves to find and seek new adventures and our new sparkle. And you are so blessed to be a mom AND pregnant. So, soon, you will have this little man looking up at you and you will be so joyful and exhausted and crazy emotional,…. that none of this will matter. You will be busy, but for a season, and then each new day that unfolds, will bring you to and through a new phase and emotion.
Besides, you have the support of your blogging friends who adore you and we will be here when you need girl time!! I will blog again off and on more when I can.
So, we all go through that as mom’s and/or women. You are not alone!!! ๐
Just blog when you can… and keep shining, even when you feel tarnished, because God created you, Tiffany, for so many reasons. Feed God’s words into your mind daily too. Be inspired by His light and thoughts. ๐ Luv ya!