5 morning rituals that will change your life and make you more productive throughout the day.
I’ve been trying to be more deliberate with my schedule over the last few months since I have so much on my plate. Sometimes I’m successful, and sometimes I fall off the wagon and feel like a hot mess and that I’m getting nothing accomplished.
But the times that I get my to do list checked off and still have extra time for myself and my family are the days when I start my morning off right. Having a morning ritual puts me in the right frame of mind to take on the day and make it a success. Morning rituals for happiness and productivity can truly be life changing. I think that how we spend our mornings sets the tone for our whole day.
The first thing I will say about morning rituals is don’t start your day on your phone. When you start your day by looking at your phone you not only get sucked into whatever is on there (social media, email, etc.), but you are the reactive instead of proactive for the rest of the day. I spend the first 30 minutes of every morning away from my phone and I swear it makes such a difference.
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Here are 5 morning rituals that will change your life.
1. Wake up earlier.
“Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” “The early bird gets the worm.” There’s a reason these sayings exist.
Waking up early, as hard as it can be at times, gives you time to actually wake up and make time for yourself. You can write down what you want to accomplish for the day (I’ll talk more about that in a bit). You can enjoy your morning coffee. And you can take time to get review what you have scheduled for the day. Getting up early keeps you from rushing through your morning. I have had mornings where I miss my alarm and am running around trying to get ready for work. These are the days I feel stressed the rest of the day. I don’t like those days.
Set your alarm for 5 minutes earlier for a few days, then 10 minutes. Work your way up to 15 minutes or half an hour before your normal wake up time. I usually wake up at 6:00, but I’m slowly working to get back to waking up at 5:30 so I can have more time for my morning routine. When I get my morning routine done, I feel so much more accomplished throughout the day!
2. Have quiet time.
This is my favorite thing to do on my days off. I get up at the same time I would if I were going to work, grab a cup of coffee, my journal and the book I’m reading and enjoy the peace and quiet. Having that quiet alone time really sets my mood for the day, and just puts me in a good place. The days I sleep in and get up just before my kids do are the days that I feel off.
3. Stretch it out!
When you wake up stiff and a bit sore, take 5 minutes to stretch out your back, neck, legs and arms. You’ll feel better in no time!
4. Write down 3 things that would make your day great.
I’ve shared my love of the 5 Minute Journal before. It is the journal the hubs and I write in every morning and evening to record our goals and accomplishments for the day. We also recently started using the SELF Journal, and I am loving it so far! It’s a little more on the pricey side for a journal, but if you have goals you want to accomplish this is the journal you need! I’ve never had something hold me more accountable and make me want to reach my goals more than this journal.
Journaling has really helped to change my mindset and I feel like a happier person overall. I’ve shared before how journaling can change your life, and it really is true. My morning ritual wouldn’t be complete without time for journaling. Writing it down and then reviewing it at night makes you feel accomplished and gives you something to look forward to as you go about your day.
If you’re looking for other journaling ideas, make sure you read my post on 7 types of journals to keep.
5. Listen to something that motivates you.
I used to listen to personal development audio books during my commute. Now I listen to Podcasts while I workout, on long drives and whenever I find the time. Maybe for you it’s turning up Taylor Swift that puts a little pep in your step. Whatever motivates and inspires you, listen to that.
If you’ve ever thought, “Why have a morning ritual?” I hope this helps answer that for you. There are so many fabulous ways to create morning rituals that will change your life. Making a few minor adjustments in how you go about your morning can really set the tone for your day.
What morning rituals do you have that start your day off right?

This is amazing Tiffany!
I follow a lot of the same routines and it really DOES make a difference to the productivity of my day.
I wake up really early (anywhere from 5 – 6 am). I read my Bible and pray. I listen to some praise music and I look at my goals for the day and I make a short (4-5 item) to-do list. Then I exercise and try to tackle at least one item immediately on the list.
It’s made a huge difference to my motivation and productivity!
Thanks for sharing.
Yes yes yes! It’s amazing how much better the day starts after spending time in the word! Love waking up early and hitting the gym every morning too 🙂
I think when we’re younger we just want to sleep as much as possible. Now I hate to sleep past 6:30, ha!
I’ve been steadily waking up earlier even on mornings I don’t go to the gym and in that 45 minutes I get so much done – I love it! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
It’s so hard sometimes, but the getting up early thing is so true – and even more so if you have kids! Hubs gets up before 5 to get things done in the morning. I’m not that great of a morning person, but on the mornings I do get up I’m constantly amazed at how much I can accomplish before Henry wakes. It really sets the tone for a productive day!
I really love these ideas, Tiffany! #1 – ugh..I’m so out of rhythm right now. I want to start waking up earlier and need to get back to it. I really do have a less stressful day when I do that. I like your journaling idea. I think that’s something I should start doing. Kevin and I, this weekend, started a list of goals/things we need to get done and decided to choose a few for each weekend that we’re home. It’s stuff we’ve been putting off but that we really need to get done. We should do the same with our day!
I used to be someone who slept until the very last minute hitting snooze 10 times. Now, I get up at 5 am everyday and Dustin leaves at 5:30 for work. I don’t have to be at work until 8:30 so that is now MY time and I love it. I get so much done, read my devotionals, do yoga & just relax a little. I quickly became a morning person and LOVE it 🙂 I also love listening to something motivating while I get ready, usually a sermon.
What a difference getting up earlier and not rushing around. It seriously has been such a game changer for me recently!
I love mornings!!! Not so much the getting up part… but once I’m up, they’re my favorite! 🙂 The first thing I do is start a load of laundry. That way I already feel productive while I sit down with my coffee, make my to do lists, read blog posts, devotionals, etc…
Sounds like a great weekend! Happy late Fathers Day to K.
These are some great tips, Tiffany.
I have been trying to focus on getting up earlier.
I absolutely NEED my quiet time in the mornings. I can’t function without it. I always get up before my husband so that I can have time to unwind and wake up before I have to speak.
I love the idea of writing down three things, though. I’m going to start that—today!
These are such great tips, Tiffany!
Beating insomnia has definitely been hard, but now I love getting up at 5 am, getting in a quick run or yoga session, and starting my day with some ‘me’ time.
I’m off to read about your journal.
These are great! Have a morning ritual is so beneficial to us. I love exercising in the morning. It is like a wake up call for mind and body. I love journaling also. It really helps give me direction for the day. If I sleep longer, I feel tired. Getting up early works great for me. #ShineBlogHop
This list is GREAT. I am going to incorporate the writing three things for sure. I have the tendency to make unrealistic long to do lists… but three things to make the day great… so manageable! And I will pin this 🙂
Thanks again for sharing!!!
Great tips, Tiffany! I’ve been trying to get up earlier and have a better routine in the morning, and it’s amazing what it does for my productivity! Thanks for sharing!
I always thought I had to put aside time to “exercise” but never thought about just stretching. Thanks for the tip! I will give it a try.
This is a good reminder… I know that if I get up earlier my day goes better in general. But the caveat to that is that I also need to get to bed earlier, which seems near impossible.
I have the bad habit of wanting to check my phone first when it takes up that precious time that I have to get my day started right. On the mornings that I make time for my morning ritual (it’s similar to yours!), my day seems to go so much better!