I mean, come on. It’s May. Like, we’re almost half way through the year! I feel like I just took down my Christmas tree not that long ago! As I get older I’ve noticed that the weeks and months go by so much faster than they used to. Maybe that’s the result of having a child as well, who knows. But still, I can’t believe it’s May. Just stop.
And as usual, it’s been constant chaos around our house.
Day 114: Little A saw the Robin Hood cartoon for the first time last week and is now obsessed with Maid Marian. We had to call her Maid Marian for like 3 days straight. And every time she’d say “I’m Maid Marian” she’d put her hand over her heart like that. So cute.
Now even she sometimes says she’s Maid Marian and if we call her anything else she corrects us and says, “No, I’m Maid Marian.” So funny.
Day 115: I was up a bit before Little A and got to have some quite time with my coffee and Dr. Oz. I really love his new magazine. So many great health tips, recipes, articles on healthy living, etc. It’s awesome.
Day 116: Trying some new recipes. She is becoming quite the baker. Makes mama very happy.
Day 117: It was a Chucks kind of day. Love those little pink feet!
Day 118: My two sickies cuddling on the sofa. Huebie was home Monday and Tuesday hacking away. Luckily they are both healthy now, but it’s been a hot bed of germs in our house. We’re in disinfecting mode now.
Day 119: Laying down post workout. She’s been doing some of my workouts with me, which I love. She’s actually pretty good at some of the moves. I had a photo of us doing mountain climbers, but it was all my rear end (thanks hunny) and I figured you could probably do without that photo. 🙂
Day 120: Her nanny made her a Maid Marian head piece. She, once again, insisted on being called Maid Marian all day.
And I had to share these gems with you.
She got a new bathing suit last week and we had to put it on the minute we got home. She was modeling and posing in the mirror. She kept saying “Hands on my hips.” It was hilarious and so darn cute. Her suit is from Target (you can find it HERE). Target, call me! We need to get this girl in some print ads. 🙂

Oh my gosh! I LOVE the Maid Marian thing! How adorable. I can just picture it! And that swimsuit is adorable…seriously, she needs to be in Target ads. How cute that she does some of your workouts with you! I have a friend who straps her daughter on her and does push ups. She’s crazy! Love all the photos, Tiffany!
She is so sweet. I hope at some point I will get to be in the kitchen with my little ones. JR is not ready just yet 🙂 So cute that Little A wants to be Maid Marian. I was thinking “awwwwww” when I read that! 🙂
Thanks Brittnei. She is so sweet (most of the time). 🙂 Her imagination really is growing.
Hi Tiffany! I’ve been on holiday, so behind with all my blogging. Little A looks so cute in all these pics. : ) x
I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday!
I just love these photos! So many awesome things going on.
I LOVE the Dr. Oz magazine too! One of my favourites.
My little girls have been sick with hacking coughs for at least two weeks now. Ugh, not fun. You got some pretty adorable looking sickies there though.
The swimsuit… OMG – too darn cute. Seriously. Little A is such a doll.
Wishing you a lovely day.