Homeschool life can be a massive rollercoaster. These are our favorite homeschool diffuser blends that keep our days on track and everyone in a pleasant mood.
Oh homeshool. It’s something we’re still working on. I’ve heard it can take a year for it to feel “normal.” A whole year. That means 12 months of off days, not doing all the things we’re supposed to, push back from the kids, and mama losing her cool with said kids because of said pushback.
We’ve been trying ALL THE THINGS to make homeschool feel like normal for us, which includes diffusing all day long. Our diffusers work overtime in our home for all sorts of things, but during homeschool time, they are cranked on full blast. These homeschool diffuser blends really do keep my kids more on task, and me a happier mama.
Why we diffuse
Essential oils can stimulate the olfactory system, the part of the brain that processes smell. They are then able to impact the limbic system, which is linked to emotions, blood pressure, heart rate, memory, stress, and even hormones. To learn more about the benefits of diffusing, read my post on why you should be diffusing essential oils in your home.
Having a good quality diffuser is key. I recently bought this one for my mom and she loves it.
What we diffuse
It took me some trial and error to figure out the combination of oils that works for my kids. Everyone is different. Our body chemistry is different, which means the way we react to essential oils varies. This goes for my kids as well. I use two different rollers on my kids for sleep, emotions, and sometimes even focus because they respond differently. But for diffusing, these combinations work well for the whole house.
Side note: Get our 3 tips for how we’re having a more peaceful homeschool morning HERE!
Here are our 3 favorite homeschool diffuser blends.
Rise and Shine
3 drops Bergamot
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Cedarwood
Focus Time
3 drops Cedarwood
3 drops Frankincense
2 drops Vetiver
2 drops Lavender
Peaceful Afternoon
3 drops Frankincense
3 drops Ylang Ylang
3 drops Orange
You’ll notice some essential oils are repeated in these homeschool diffuser blends. These are oils that are great for emotions, like Frankincense and Cedarwood. They are oils we use all the time and they work well for our kids.
Other essential oils to try for your homeschool day.
Peppermint-Focus and wakefulness
Peace & Calming-When the kiddos don’t want to calm down and get to work.
Geranium-Can help with anxiety.
Essential oils can be powerful when used correctly. I am not a doctor so I cannot treat, diagnose, or cure. But I am a mom who has done many years of trial and error with my children to find out what works for us. I highly recommend you get a diffuser going in your home, load it with some high quality essential oils (because the store bought stuff is just to make your home smell good, they won’t do anything for your body), and start experimenting.
For more on essential oils, check out my essential oils page. If you are new to essential oils and want to learn how to get your hands on the highest quality essential oils, go HERE.