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I always feel like I blink through February because it’s such a short month. And yes, this year is no different. This month flew by once again. Earlier in February I shared how I’d been less than motivated since the beginning of the year. But over the last few weeks I’ve felt a change and this week I’ve been super motivated to accomplish all the goals I set for myself this year. It feels go to want to blog again! I attribute my renewed motivation to reading more personal development books. I hadn’t read one in a while and I could tell. The Slight Edge is a favorite in our family, so if you haven’t check that one out yet, I highly recommend.
I’ve been working hard on some behind the scenes projects that I can’t wait to share here! And I’m doing my best to make time to work when I can, but man, having Kellen gone every week is HARD! Plus EJ’s sleep is crap, so I’m like a walking zombie half the time. Like what kid does a complete 180 when it comes to sleeping through the night?! What happened to my great sleeper?! I need all the tips y’all because the force is strong with this one and he will not stay the f asleep! Sorry….I’m very tired.
But I digress…
Here’s how I did on my February goals.
Get 1/4 way through another e-course // Check! I am just about a quarter of the way through an amazing e-course! So much goodness that I now need to find the time to implement!
Workout four times a week // Check, except the running part. I worked out four days a week every week, with HIIT routines and booty workouts. It has been raining non-stop here this month, which allowed for very few days outside. Instead I decided to squeeze in an extra HIIT workout on Sundays.
Work with A on her reading // Success! The girl is a rockstar reader! She is reading small books, can read all her sight words within a day of getting them from her teachers, and is asking to read herself more and more. So proud of her!
Date with the hubs // Yeah buddy! The hubs and I had a date day one weekend. We had a nice lunch on the water, then grabbed coffee and a pastry from the cutest little bakery. Unfortunately it was a short date because that day Little A ended up with a stomach bug. But it was nice while it lasted!
Man, I rocked my February goals! That feels awesome!
Here’s what’s happening in March!
Plan EJ’s birthday // Y’all, my baby is turning one on the 30th! Like what in the world! I still can’t fathom that he’s almost one, except for the fact that he is ALWAYS MOVING! I thought our house was baby proof but man, this kid gets into everything (his new favorite thing is the wine cooler). We’re throwing a little party for him that I can’t wait to share with y’all, so lots of planning will be taking place this month.
Implement e-course strategies // Okay, so I think I may have an addiction to e-courses. I love them! But I need to actually implement the strategies these folks recommend. So this month I want to begin implementing some of the strategies I’ve learned in my latest e-course.
Celebrate Kellen’s birthday // It’s more than likely that Kellen will be in Kansas on his birthday (St. Patty’s Day), but we can always celebrate a different day. That man works his tail off for us and I know that being away from the family is hard for him. I want to make sure we celebrate him this month!
Schedule 1 essential oils class // It’s been a while since I’ve hosted an oils class. But I’ve had a renewed passion for sharing in the last month, so I want to schedule at least one class to teach about the amazing power of essential oils.
Take the kids to the library // This one could completely backfire on me with how much EJ likes to be down and crawling, but I want to get to the library at least every other week. I used to take A every week, but since EJ was born we’ve only gone a handful of times. She loves books and the library so I want to make it a priority to go for her to pick out some new reading books.
I love March! There are so many birthdays we celebrate, the weather (hopefully) starts to warm up and spring begins. I’m really looking forward to March. I have a feeling there will be lots of traveling during this month, so I need to keep my expectations in check for what I can accomplish. But with my newfound motivation I hope I can accomplish these goals and more.
So tell me, what is one goal you have for March?

I can’t believe EJ is already almost one! I can’t wait to see what you put together for his party and it sounds like you guys will have fun celebrating Kellen’s birthday too! I’m excited to hear more about everything you’ve been working on– it sounds like you’ve been busy, hoping EJ will start sleeping a bit more soon so you can catch up on some rest. I just added that book to my tbr list 🙂
YAY FOR DOMINATING GOALS! I always tell you, but I love these posts. I also love that EJ is a happy little engine. Literally seeing him move around and flapping his hair is the cutest thing I have ever seen haha. Can’t wait to see how your e-course implementation goes! It’s so cool to see you be a mom, wife, entrepreneur AND take care of yourself 🙂 x
I cannot believe EJ is turning one. My nephew will be one on the 2nd and it feels like he JUST got here. Are you feeling all the feels about it?
Woo hoo! Great job accomplishing your goals in February! I’d have to say one goal I’ve had is to not get so angry and irritated with the kids and honestly, I think I’ve gotten a little better. I’m not perfect, but I’m taking steps to get better at it! On a different note, I can’t wait to meet little EJ!!
Hooray for accomplishing last month’s goals, and good luck (and happy birthdays all around!) this month!
I just found your blog and am loving all the posts. But I had to comment because my son is named Kellen and its rare to meet anyone else with both his name and specifically the spelling as the few we have met spell it with an “a”. And he will turn 6 on March 19th! Keep up the amazing posts.