If you’re like most people, your attention will turn to your physique, as the summer months draw nearer. This may mean looking for ways to drop fat, so your favorite outfits from last summer will still fit you this year. When you do squeeze into your favorite tank top, bathing suit, or dress, you want to make sure it flatters you.
To that end, a total lifestyle regiment is the best way to lose weight and regain your rocking summer body. While starting a ketogenic diet is one way to drop fat, adopting an overall healthier lifestyle will help you get to your goal weight faster.
Lose Fat, Not Muscle
The ketogenic diet is especially popular among those looking to lose weight fast. This is because this diet encourages weight loss when there is a calorie deficit in the body.
And not only does it encourage weight loss, but more importantly the keto diet is specifically designed to cause the body to burn fat and not muscle, unlike other calorie restricted weight loss diets. This allows you to retain your lean muscle definition, as you shed the excess fat, and helps you look more lean.
On a normal diet your body uses carbs for energy, breaking them down and turning them into glucose. However, the ketogenic diet limits your carb intake, which forces your body to look for alternative sources of energy.
This is why the high fat content of the keto diet is so important. The absence of carbs forces the liver to break down fatty acids. The fatty acids are converted into ketones, which the body then uses as energy.
The original purpose of the keto diet was not to aid in weight loss, but to help control symptoms of epilepsy in children. Since its early use, however, a wide range of benefits have been uncovered. As well as supporting fat burning, it also provides better quality sleep, improved mood, improved cognitive function, and healthier skin.
In a traditional ketogenic diet, 65-90% of your food consists of fats. Protein makes up 5-25%, while carbs are limited to 5-10% of your total food intake. It’s vital to adhere strictly to these ratios, because ketosis relies on the low intake of carbs and proteins. If you consume too much protein, not only is it unhealthy, but it may keep you from ketosis because your body will convert that into energy instead. If you’re interested in trying a ketogenic diet for its fat burning ability, you can calculate what you should eat with a keto macro calculator.
Exercise Effectively
Exercising effectively doesn’t just mean forcing yourself to workout every day. In fact, it shouldn’t feel like a chore at all. If hitting the gym isn’t your thing, go running or look for a sport you enjoy. The key is to make your physical activity fun, so you will want to do it everyday. When beginning an exercise routine, burning out or injury are common if you try to start with exercise that is too intense.
Another way to stay motivated is by bringing a partner. That person can be a spouse, a friend, or your children, but they should enjoy the activity as well. Together, you’ll keep yourselves dedicated and may even engage in some friendly rivalry. A little competition can be good for your ambition and force you to work harder.
If you’re looking for other ways to keep yourself motivated to workout, try reminding yourself why you’re doing it. If you have a specific outfit you’re trying to fit into, keep it out where you can look at it every day. If you’re just trying to regain your summer body, hang up a picture of yourself from a time when you were your ideal weight. Look for more ways to help you keep your goals in mind and that will encourage you to continue your workouts.
Become Conscious of the Foods You’re Eating
Eating healthy, even when you’re not dieting, can help you maintain a healthier body weight. By planning out your meals in advance, you’re less likely to take a shortcut and fill up on junk food. Skipping the fast food altogether can go a long way toward helping you stay healthy and fit.
Additionally, eating slowly can help you fill up sooner and keep you from overeating. One of the biggest problems people face is managing their portion sizes. By eating slower, you’re less likely to overeat.
Another tip for portion control is to drink more water, especially at meal time. Water fills you up without adding calories, so you’ll eat less and take in far fewer calories.
Try to reduce your sugar intake and monitor your foods for sodium content. Foods high in sugar and sodium can cause unnecessary cravings and addiction, and you’ll eat more than you wanted in minutes! Additionally, these are all factors that affect conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, so making healthier choices can benefit you in other ways as well.
Change Your Mindset
Above all, it’s important to maintain a positive state of mind. This means starting off each day by addressing yourself in the mirror and pointing out your best features. Complimenting yourself can go a long way toward chasing negative thoughts away that can make you quit a weight loss plan.
It’s good to keep your fitness goals in mind, but don’t let that eclipse what you’ve already accomplished. By congratulating yourself for your achievements, no matter how small they may seem, you’ll keep yourself motivated. Conversely, don’t let your failures sidetrack you. Acknowledge them once and move on. Dwelling on your slip-ups can sabotage your positive state of mind and send you on a path of destructive behavior.
If you have trouble keeping yourself in a positive place, take a break. Do something fun. Take a road trip, go camping, or listen to some uplifting music. These activities can reduce stress, which is also important, and return you to a better frame of mind.
Live Healthier and Longer
While your immediate goal may be to fit into that bathing suit and get ready for the beach, you can do more for yourself with a full lifestyle change. By looking after your body with a total wellness plan, you’ll be able to keep yourself in good shape all year round. That means you won’t have to worry about losing weight every spring. You’ll stay healthy, be happier, and live longer.
Thanks to Janine Einhellig for the guest post!

These are awesome tips! With snow still on the ground here it feels like summer is years away haha! I’ve got some time!
I think that’s my problem – I just don’t find working out fun anymore like I used to. Kevin and I are trying to walk/run together after work as our schedule allows which helps us relieve our stress and enjoy the nice weather before it’s blistering hot. Thanks for the tips!