2 weeks down in our half marathon training! So far I’m feeling really really good. Not only am I feeling good, I’m seeing some changes in my physique as well (I feel so fancy saying physique, ha!).
My legs are more tone, my abs have a little more definition and even my arms are feeling strong. Not bad for 2 weeks of running. I think I’m going to like this running thing. 🙂
Since Huebie was away on business this week I had our sweet little running partner to myself.
But man, it is HARD to push a stroller and run. I’ve done it before, but not as far and not in preparation for a race. Girlfriend is starting to get heavy and pushing her up the steep hills is a task. But it’s good training. I’ll just be that much faster when it’s race day.
I also officially signed us up for our race on December 1st! We are doing the Seattle Half Marathon! Super excited…and a little nervous. It’s real now. I’ve given them my $$ so no backing out.
She loves our runs. Our short runs that is.
We did our long run on Saturday. We had a movie, snacks, good weather. Baby A was set. She did great until a mile left in the run. And then she lost it. I mean, lost it you guys. She was screaming, kicking, trying to get out. She was a hot mess. People were looking at us. You could hear us coming up the road, practically sprinting to get our last mile done before she wiggled her way out. That’s when we decided that from here on out she will be staying home on Saturdays with the nanny or one of the grandparents.
This is how we ended our cool down. Alternating between walking, being carried and shoulder rides. She’s much happier on Daddy’s shoulders. Little stinker.
Like I said last week, new gear just makes you feel better about running. So I ordered a few new things last week that came yesterday!
The Northern Lights tank and Stability Run shorts from Athleta. Super excited to break these out later this week when the temps are supposed to be a bit warmer (above 65 degrees).

Way to go! That’s a huge accomplishment. Kinda funny that she waited ’til the last mile to be upset… it’s like they know when to get loud. LOL!
Thanks Heather! Yeah, she can only go so far then she looses it. Most days she’s fine. They do know how to time things!
Congrats on your training accomplishments and signing up for your half! Love your cute running partner 🙂 And totally agree that a new, cute outfit makes working out so much better!
Thanks Becky! A new outfit really does make you feel more motivated 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!
You’re such an inspiration! Go you! I’m like proud of you and I’m just a new follower getting to know you. xoxo
Aw thanks so much Brittnei! That really means a lot. It’s a lot of work but hopefully it’s something new I can enjoy doing.
Have a great weekend!