Moms are always running around doing all the things for their families. We usually put our health second to our kids’. But we shouldn’t. Here are 10 healthy living tips for busy moms.
These healthy living tips for busy moms will help you feel like you are making progress toward better overall health.
I am far from perfect. In fact, I think I will always be a work in progress. But really, is anyone perfect? I think not. If you’re anything like me, you’re continually working to improve yourself. I love personal development. I believe there is so much wisdom out there to learn, that we SHOULD be continually learning and growing. What does that quote say? If you aren’t learning, you’re dying. That may be a little drastic, but I sort of believe it to be true.
As busy women and mom’s, we wear many hats. We are the chauffeur, housekeeper, shopper, budget keeper, booboo kisser, bed time tucker-inner (yes I know that’s not a word, just go with it ok?). On top of that we’re supposed to always look put together, have our makeup flawless, be healthy, make time to exercise, cook perfect Pinterest-worth meals, and please our husbands/partners regularly.
Wait, it’s not the 50s anymore? Phew!
But really, women still have a lot of pressure put on them in today’s society to do all the things. The mom truly is the keeper of the home and does so much for her family.
Whether you’re a working mom, stay at home mom or part time mom, these 10 healthy living tips are for YOU.
Work to be body positive
Whether you love your body or not at this moment, speaking life into yourself about your body can make a significant impact on your mental and emotional health. Instead of picking out the things you dislike about your body, find the things you love. For example, I love my strong back. Speak life into yourself, just like you would want your children to.
Make time for you at least once a week
Probably the thing that takes the most effort, making time for just you is one way to practice self-care. A few ways to make time for yourself could be going to the gym, getting a mani or pedi, spending time with friends, or taking a class. Whatever you choose to do with that time, make sure it’s spent away from your kids, so you can fully focus on yourself.
Everything in moderation
This is more than just food. But food is what we think of when we think moderation. I 100% do not believe in diets. They do not work long-term. Instead I encourage people to choose whole foods as their main source of nutrition, and if they would like to have a treat every so often that is fine. It’s not a daily occurrence, it’s a once a week occurrence.
But don’t feel like you need to restrict all foods all the time in order to be healthy. There are different levels of health and everyone processes foods differently. Find what works for you, but make sure it’s a mostly whole foods diet.
Find an accountability partner
Having someone there to support you in your goals is one of the best things you can do as you work toward them. There will be people in your life who don’t want to see you succeed. These are usually the people who have no goals or drive, and they want to keep you down with them.
Find someone (or better yet multiple someones) who has similar goals as you and become each others accountability partner. What I love to do is have weekly calls with my partners. I have multiple accountability partners. A few for my businesses and a few for my health. Some I meet with weekly, some monthly, and some I talk to daily. These people have similar goals as I do and we make sure the other person is working toward those goals.
Find a fabulous water bottle, and carry it with you EVERYWHERE
Water, water and more water! It’s the one thing I preach in the majority of my health posts. Drink more water! The majority of our body is made of water and we need it to live. I don’t feel like I need to say much more, except the quality of water is almost as important as the quantity.
City water is full of crap y’all (including trace amounts of birth control, chromium, and chloroform….yes, chloroform. To find out more about your city’s water, go to the EWG Tap Water Database and search your zip code. You need to find a way to filter that junk out (I feel a new post coming on). We travel full-time, so we have a Berkey in our trailer that we use. Not only does it filter out all the toxins, the water tastes amazing! I also use a Yeti water bottle. I love the wide mouth on it. A few of my other favorites are the Healthy Human and Hydro Flask insulated stainless steel water bottles.
Schedule your days, but don’t over schedule your life
I remember before we started traveling full time that every day was scheduled to the minute. We were going from 8:30 in the morning until 8:00 at night sometimes, with no break. That’s too much schedule. It’s important to make sure you schedule in time for yourself, family time, and other things that are important to you. Don’t fill every single moment with activities.
Cut out sugary drinks
Sugar is more addictive than some illegal drugs. In fact many would consider it a drug. Sugary drinks are an easy way to cut excess and unnecessary sugar from your diet. Starting with sugary drinks will help you be able to cut sugar from other foods when you’re ready. Plus most of those sugary drinks make you bloated anyways.
Get outside every day
There’s something about sunshine and fresh air that is good for the soul. The sun is the best source of Vitamin D, and fresh air is amazing for our bodies. We aren’t meant to be cooped up inside all day long. Get outside every day and find beauty in the world around you.
Get enough sleep
A tired mom is not always a good mom. Sleep and stress are two things that can affect our bodies more than the food we eat. Getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night is key for overall health and longevity.
Give yourself some grace
Here’s the thing, at the end of the day, I feel like most of us are doing our best. We are trying to be healthy, getting in exercise when we can, and working to make healthy food choices for our family. It’s okay to not be able to do all the things all the time. Give yourself some grace in some areas if you feel like you are struggling to do everything you feel like you should. And when you’re ready, you will be able to accomplish all the things you set out to.
I hope these healthy living tips for busy moms help you simplify your life a bit so you can focus on what’s most important. Being healthy doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. It’s little things that sometimes bring the greatest benefit. I challenge you to incorporate one or two of these this week and see how you feel after 7-14 days.

Yes to alllll the water and a cute water bottle!!
I love that you included giving yourself grace at the end! And I really need to do better about bringing my water around with me!