Before I get into the bump date, I just have to say thank you all sooooo very much for your kind words and encouragement on Wednesday’s post! I knew this blogging community was amazing but when you post personal things you really see the support. So thank you so much! Y’all are my people!
We are officially over half way through this pregnancy and I couldn’t be more thrilled about that! I’m feeling like a normal person again and eating well, exercising and just trying to enjoy this season that I’m in.
When we started talking about whether we though baby was a boy or a girl, we were both on the same page that we didn’t care what baby was as long as it’s healthy. The thought of a boy scared me a little, since it’s unknown to me, but I knew K wouldn’t mind a boy to balance the hormones out in our house a bit.
And baby almost didn’t let us see the gender. But we did at the last minute!
Yep! It’s a boy! We’re adding a little man to the group!
I didn’t really have any feeling going in. Some people thought girl for sure, some thought boy. Either way we were happy. But I could see the smile on K’s face when the ultrasound tech pointed out to us that it indeed a boy. Make no bones about that!
Now that we know the gender it’s so hard not to buy all the boy things! But I’ve picked up a few little outfits so far.
Here’s the latest with baby #2.
How far along: 21 weeks.
Baby: Baby is about 10 oz and in the 60th percentile. Now, while most people would say “that’s great!” I said “Oh no.” Little A was a small baby for full term so the thought of having a baby that’s over 7 1/2 pounds scares the poo out of me. I know that’s normal, but it just makes me a bit nervous.
The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting good pictures of him because he was moving the entire time. He kept putting his feet up by his head and holding them with his hands, so like I said we almost didn’t find out the gender, but luckily he cooperated for a bit. He’s laying sideways right now, so my doc said he wants to watch that, but that he’ll probably turn either head up or down soon.
Mood and how I’m feeling: I’m feeling really good! Monday was probably my most productive day in a long time! I cleaned, did laundry, blogged, baked, cooked, cleaned some more, spent a lot of quality time with Little A and just felt really good. I’m hoping I have more days like that in the near future with the holidays approaching.
I’ve also been much less emotional this pregnancy than I was with Little A. I was an emotional roller coaster with her and this time around I haven’t shed near the tears I did with her. I know my hubby is thankful for that.
Exercise: I’ve been running and doing some light weights 4-5 days a week. It’s been raining a lot lately, but hopefully the rain will subside so I can run more as I have really been craving running outside.
Cravings: No cravings and not a lot of aversions anymore, except some veggies. I can eat carrots and cucumbers, peppers sometimes and salad, but otherwise the veggies need to have a sauce or be mixed with rice or chicken or something. I had all the aversions during the first trimester so it’s nice to be over that phase.
Symptoms: I’ve been having some weird pains in my groin region (sorry, TMI) that I thought would have passed by now but haven’t. I forgot to mention it to my doc at my appointment this week, so if they aren’t gone soon I’ll give him a call. I’m hoping I didn’t stretch a ligament or something too far.
Big sister: Besides the meltdown she had when she found out baby was a boy, Little A talks about baby all the time and kisses my belly and tells baby she’s never going to be mean to him. She wants to share her toys and stuffed animals with baby so that makes us all happy. But she is a bit worried baby will slobber on all her things, so we’ll see how it goes when he finally arrives. She is just so excited to be a big sister and wants baby to come out right now.
Overall health: Overall I’m feeling really good. Besides being in a bit of a rut with my motivation, it’s nice to feel normal again. I’m trying to find a new routine for myself, but I feel like the fog will lift soon and I’ll be back to my usual motivated self. We’re gone for a large part of December, so I plan on puting up our tree early so that we can enjoy it longer this year. I’m really looking forward to that and getting a few things for the baby. And starting on the nursery, but that’s a whole ‘nother story for a whole ‘nother post.
I think she’ll keep him. 🙂
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! I’m hosting a mom’s night out party tomorrow and am really looking forward to having some much needed girl time.

Aww!!! Congrats! This baby boy will come and he will fit in perfectly!!! So fun!!!
Yay!!! Boys are so much fun! I am so very excited for you guys! And all of those pictures are super sweet!
I’m so excited for you!!! We would love to add a little man to our family, but not right now.
liz @ sundays with sophie
Yaaaayyyyyyy! So excited about you having a little boy, Tiffany! Love that K had a smile on his face when he heard – and he’s a tall guy! Maybe that’s why your little man is a tad bigger 🙂 Love the photo of Little A smiling…she’ll end up loving having a brother! So you can eat salad now?!?!?! Yay!!! Lastly, I love seeing the bump…I feel like it’s gone so quickly but I don’t get to see you every day :-p
Oh my goodness you look so cute!! And yay for a baby BOY!! So excited for you guys! Little A will warm up to the idea of a baby brother, Scarlett took a little time but now all she talks about is her baby brother and how she. Can’t wait for him to be here 🙂
YAY! Super excited for you all!! I think a boy will be a good addition 🙂
So awesome! So exciting! Congrats!
Oh yay! My sister has a girl and now she’s pregnant with a boy, too! 🙂
Oh my goodness! Congratulations!! How exciting a little baby boy! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Aww!! Congratulations!! How exciting! Those little boy items are just precious, too! LOVE those shoes!!!
Ohhhhhh Congrat’s!!!!! I’m SOOOOO happy for you guys!! Boys are fun!! You will be the first girl he falls in love with!!! Big hugs!! So happy for you! And you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!! :o) xoxoxoxo
Congrats! Our due dates are about a month apart. I’m hoping to find out the gender of ours around Thanksgiving. I have two girls now so I know nothing about baby boys which is why I want a boy for my husband but am a little worried about how different a boy will than the girls. Even though moms of boys tell me I need and will absolutely love having a little boy.
Angela @ Stepping into Motherhood
I knew it was a boy! Whoohoo! I think they’re the best. No such things as “threeanagers” with boys – no drama! But Lord have mercy, if they don’t eat a ton and move constantly. So excited for you! I’m here for all the boy advice you need 🙂
Yaaaay! Boys are so fun! I was scared about having a boy because I only have a sister, but it has been the best! You are going to love it!! I hope you keep feeling better and that your motivation comes back!
How exciting! A boy! A great addition to your family. Congratulations 🙂 I’m glad to read you are feeling much better. I hope you keep feeling better! Have a beautiful weekend and have fun at the mom’s night out party.
Love the bump date! Oh my goodness – you are one fabulous looking pregnant lady!
A boy! How awesome! Little A has lots of time to get used to the idea of having a baby brother… oh and when she sees him – sigh.
Love all of this.
Congratulations once again!