Merry Christmas eve friends! I unfortunately have to work today (boo!), but I’m sure I’ll be getting out of here early to spend the afternoon and evening with my little family. We have Christmas eve church service, which is my favorite service all year.
We only have 1 week left this year! I just cannot believe it! Here’s what last week held for us.
Day 352: My new essential oils bag came last week! So excited but I probably need another one or two to hold all my oils. 🙂
Day 353: We got to meet baby Jake! My friend Megan had him a few days after our last visit, about a month early! He is so tiny and sweet. Perfect little boy. And Little A did a great job holding him. She really wanted to pick him up and carry him as well.
Day 354: Cookie baking extravaganza! We spent Saturday baking and Sunday decorating.
Day 355: Doesn’t everyone sit in a laundry basket when they watch a Disney movie?
Day 356: Huebie made a new drink a few weeks ago. He’s really become famous with his drink concoctions. We named this one the Das Berliner. It’s like a moscow mule except with orange juice instead of lime juice. And it’s really good! I had it in my monogrammed wine cup that Kelli gave me for my birthday.
Day 357: Last night I did a little workout in our garage gym. I wasn’t feeling all that well but a good sweat session always fixes my wagon.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday with family and friends! Merry Christmas!!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday!! Way to get a last minute workout in!! xo, Biana BlovedBoston
Sorry you have to work today! Have a Merry Christmas Friend!!!
Thanks Jenny! You as well!!
Haha 🙂 Fixes my wagon :-p I’m still laughing about Little A in the laundry basket. Funny girl! Good job working out! I finally got to the gym once this week. I hope you get to leave early today! Have a wonderful Christmas Eve, my friend!