These 10 personal development books for women have all made an impact on my life. They are inspiring, informational, and many of them are damn entertaining.
A few years ago I wrote a book about some of my favorite inspirational books. These books changed the way I look at personal development as a whole. They inspired me and made me want to better myself. And who doesn’t want to better themselves? This list of personal development books for women is similar, and includes some of my old favorites. But these are the books that have been most life changing for me as a woman. They have helped me grow in business and my personal life. They have inspired me to be better and to look at things in a new light. These 10 inspirational books are books that every woman should read.
A few of these books I’ve read multiple times. And each time I get another little nugget that I missed. These personal development books inspire more than any others out there.
Here are the 10 best personal development books every woman should read.
How Successful People Think, John C Maxwell
John Maxwell is one of the godfathers of personal development. He has written close to 100 books or more, many of which have hit the New York Times best seller’s list. How Successful People Think give you a shift in your mindset and teaches you ways to shift your thinking to build success.
The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy
I always come back to The Compound Effect because it was the first personal development book I can remember reading that changed the way I view my life. It opened me up to the world of personal development and set me on the path to a more positive outlook on life.
Not only is this one of my favorite personal development books, it’s one of my favorite books of all time. I think I’ve read The Alchemist 4 or 5 times in the last 5 years, and each time I’m re-inspired. It’s not a self-help book, but a book about self-discovery. It’s told as a story, and follows a shepherd boy as he searches for riches and wealth. It is enlightening and gave me a new approach on life.
The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck, Sarah Knight
So so good, and funny to boot! The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving A F*ck helped me learn to say no to people and things I no longer wanted to do, but did out of obligation. It helped me with my people pleaser mentality.
It’s been a few years since I read Big Magic, but I still remember how inspiring it was for bolstering my creativity.
Girl, Wash Your Face, Rachel Hollis
I will admit, the first time I approached this book it was on Audible. And I didn’t love it. I wasn’t inspired by her story. But I knew so many women had loved it, I started listening to her podcast, and I was enjoying it. So I decided to give the book a read. Y’all, I loved it so much! She writes very conversationally, which I do as well, so that spoke to me. Some day I would love to be able to attend her Rise conference and take in all the goodness.
Girl, Stop Apologizing, Rachel Hollis
This is the sequel to Girl, Wash Your Face. Girl, Stop Apologizing is a book for women who want to accomplish their goals and learn to live unapologetically. She defines excuses we need to let go of and the behaviors we should adopt instead to live our best lives. It’s a really inspiring read.
If you want to stop procrastinating, read this book! Eat That Frog is about procrastination and learning how to tackle your most important tasks, not waste time, and be more efficient. It’s a classic.
Super funny and practical, You Are A Badass is a great read and makes you feel better about some of the quirks you have. Jen easily helps you identify your quirks and gives practical advice for how to change them. I love personal development books that are fun, quick reads, and this is one of them.
Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins
If you truly want to take control of all aspects of your life, this is the book you need. Tony Robbins is amazing, and Awaken the Giant Within guides you through how to gain control of your emotions, your body, your finances, and basically your entire life.
If I could only choose 10 personal development books for women, these would be my top 10. I continue to read more books each year, so this list may change and grow as I learn and grow.
Honorable Mention
It was really hard for me to narrow down this list to just 10 books. So I wanted to give a shout out to some other fabulous books that have really inspired me.
The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki
12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson
These books are also worth a read once you get through the first 10 above.
Is there a book you have that has completely changed your life? I’d love to hear so I can add it to my reading list!

I’ve actually only read one of these! I’ve heard great things about Tony Robbins and a few other authors on this list, though!