If you are struggling with stress check out these 9 secrets on how to lead a less stressful life.
A stress free life sure sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But it’s not something many of us can achieve. Being a type A, I’ve always had a tendency toward being a bit stressed out. I can sometimes be wound pretty tight and my stress levels rise when I’m running late, my kids aren’t cooperating, or things aren’t going how I planned. So I’m always looking for ways to lead a less stressful life.
Stress can be more detrimental to the mind and body than a lot of people realize. Chronic stress can lead to everything from headaches, depression and insomnia, to loss of menstrual cycle in women and weight gain. It can also make you more susceptible to viral illnesses like colds and the flu.
Here are a few tips for how to lead a less stressful life.
Exercise is my #1 tip for stress relief. Remember when Elle Woods said, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” Well it’s the truth. Exercise has been proven to boost your mood and relieve stress in the body. When I’ve had a particularly stressful day with the kids, the minute the hubs gets home I hand the baby to him and immediately go for a run, or to the garage to do some intense working out. And I come back into the house feeling 1000 times better.
A lot of times stress can occur while we’re at work. Try to take 10 minutes away from your desk and just go for a little walk. You will be amazed at how much better you feel when you’re done.
Be in the moment
A lot of stress comes from thinking about the future or the past. When we’re in the moment and we can focus on our bodies and the people we are with, and not think about how we are really low on groceries and aren’t sure if we’ll have time to grocery shop and make dinner tonight, the stress tends to escape us. Being in the moment always makes me realize how lucky I am, it re-centers me and brings clarity to the fact that I want to remember moments, not always be thinking about the past or future.
I once read a quote that said laughter is when a smile has an orgasm. Tell me that didn’t make you smile (or maybe chuckle) a bit? 🙂 But really, laughing is good for the soul. The happiest people are those that are laughing with friends and family. If you need a quick stress relief, turn on a good comedy or look up some good jokes. My husband is in love with Jerry of the Day on Instagram. Seriously funny.
Focused breathing
Have you ever felt so stressed out that you stopped and took a few deep breaths to center yourself and regain your composure? If you did then I’m betting it worked and you instantly felt a bit calmer. Deep breathing sends more oxygen to your lungs, slowing your heart rate and stabilizing your blood pressure.
Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold it for a count of 7, then breathe out for a count of 8. I’ve started doing this with my daughter when she starts to get upset and stressed out and it really helps calm her down.
Stop multi-tasking
I remember when I was applying for jobs when I first started working in corporate America. Multi-tasking was a positive thing that many employers looked for during the interview process. But multi-tasking can be seriously detrimental to your mental health. You truly can’t focus 100% on any one task if you’re trying to do 2 or 3 or even 4 things at a time. So you end up doing everything half-assed and can miss important details. Focus on doing one task at a time and you will be less stressed while working.
9 secrets for leading a less stressful life. These really work! Click To TweetTalk to a friend
Whenever something is really bothering me and stressing me out, I call my best friend to chat. She is always reassuring and makes me feel more settled. If you don’t have someone you can trust, try making an appointment with a counselor. Talking about what you’re feeling is a great stress reliever.
Take a break
Life doesn’t always have to be about working. Making time for fun is important for our mental and emotional health. I had been feeling really stressed out this summer with my lack of time for work. So I took a blogging break. It was nice to be away and de-stress; and now I’m ready to kick fall off with a bang.
Walk away
Sometimes the best thing you can do in a stressful situation is walk away. Plain and simple. I’m not talking about walking away permanently (it’s not healthy to walk away from your problems). I’m talking about when you think you can’t pull another carpet staple out of the floor because you’ve just pulled 1000 out and your hands are killing you but you know you need to get it done. Just take a break and walk away from the task. Do some deep breathing (like I mentioned above), watch a few funny video clips or drink a glass of wine. Just get away from the situation for a few minutes, then return when you’re feeling more relaxed. I promise you’ll be less stressed than if you had continued to work through your frustration.
This one isn’t for everyone, but there have been times in my life when the stress was so unbearable that I didn’t know what else to do. So I prayed. Prayer can be powerful. I’ve never prayed as hard as I did when EJ was born unconscious and they had to rush him off to the NICU. Sometimes folding your hands and bowing your head to pray is all you need to feel the relief wash over you. Whenever we go to church I always walk away feeling a little lighter than I did when I walked in.
I know first hand how detrimental stress can be on your life. The women in my family tend to carry around a lot of stress and I’ve seen how it has affected their health. I also tend to stress easily, but using these tips I’ve been able to quell my stress levels and lead a happier and less stressful life. If you’re looking to reduce your stress levels, give a few of these a try!
What’s something you do to relieve stress in your life?

Did you write this post for me?! Even just reading it, I felt less stressed. I’ve been in almost debilitating pain from sciatica but am finally going to physical therapy which should help my stress and get me back to being able to work out!
YES! Exercise has changed my life. I love that time to myself and it gives me a time to not think and just count my reps ahah
These are all such great tips! I have a hard time with not multi-tasking, but I’ve been trying to really focus on one thing at a time and it does help!!
You are always full of useful information, Tiffany!
I think I need to really look at not multitasking. I do a great job at work of being efficient and getting things done, but in blogging, I’d like to save my best by doing things one at a time.
I like to workout when I’m feeling like things are getting to be too much…but recently I went to acupuncture to see if it would help and oh my gosh did it ever!! Going back tomorrow for my 2nd appt! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Such good tips! My methods are usually prayer, stepping away for a minute, and talking it out with my Mom/sisters/girlfriends. I think also realizing that we can’t do it all. Once we truly realize that, it’s easier to prioritize what I have to do, and what’s going to have to wait. Enjoy your day! 🙂
We all need to remember these simple strategies to help us find our focus and calm. Practicing gratitude is another powerful technique I use. Even just taking a few minutes to remind myself of everything good in my life, lowers my stress level.
Stress is so detrimental to people’s health! I’m in the process of trying to figure out where some anxiety/insomnia is sourcing and a large part of it is stress, and multitasking. I’m so glad you pointed that out! I remember in interviews when that was a good thing, and it’s just a way to do things half assed, you’re so right about that.
Good stuff! Prayer for sure – helps me to trust God and not burden myself. I’ve definitely gotten sick WAY more since having the kids than I ever did before and I know that it’s because of stress. I multitask too much. There are a billion things to be done. I’ve had to walk away from some stuff in the past (and currently) and it’s helped A LOT! I felt guilty at first but I’m finding it freeing now.
Great suggestions Tiffany. I think prayer is so essential. Often though, I go to God when I’m broken rather than before I break. I’m trying to improve in this area but it takes time and prayer 😉
Your tips are awesome Tiffany.
Thanks for sharing.
Oh thanks for s:) I need to use some of your tips because I’m quite stress right now
I love a woman who can quote Elle Woods! 😉 Exercise is a really important part of my stress management, but all of your tips here are wonderful. Staying present is probably one of the best – but I struggle with it!
-Erin at stayathomeyogi.com