I’m dishing the details on all the supplements Kellen and I take these days and why I think most supplements are overrated!
I get asked frequently what supplements we take, so I figured I should do a new post. Because what we take has changed drastically since my last supplements post years ago.
Over the years, the supplements I take have changed many, many times. At one point I was taking like 10-15 different supplements and it was like, whoa. That’s including things like protein powder, but still, that’s way too many.
Here’s the thing. If you’re eating a nutrient-dense diet, you don’t need a lot of supplements. It’s better to get your vitamins from the foods you eat versus pill form. People think they need to take a vitamin for every damn thing out there. But that’s just not the case. I will say, though, that today’s foods don’t contain all the minerals we need, so supplements can be necessary.
I try to keep our supplements to a minimum. But every now and then we’ll try something new, to see how our bodies react. For example, right now Kellen is taking some mushroom supplements. He’s been doing a lot of research on the benefits of mushrooms, so he’s experimenting with some of the supplements he found. If we find benefit from a new supplement, we add it in, or figure out if we can replace another one we already take. I don’t want to take more than I have to. Because let’s be honest, supplements can get expensive. But I want to give my family the best, so for me, the extra cost for the best supplements is worth it.
*Affiliate links included. See my full disclose for more details.
These are the supplements Kellen and I take.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is full of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for overall health. Our bodies don’t produce Omega-3s, which means they are “essential fatty acids;” you must consume them to be healthy. There are three kinds of Omega-3s (hence the number 3): ALA, EPA and DHA. I won’t go into the details here, but EPA are the ones we need the highest quantities of, and they are found in things like oily fish, algae and krill. Omega-3s can help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, support retinal function, reduce inflammation, and have been linked to preventing and managing autoimmune disease. And more!
Americans do not get enough omega-3s in their diet, so fish or krill oil supplements are important. We take the Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega fish oil and love it.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D is something our bodies produce, but women still don’t get enough of. It’s sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because our skin produces it when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is critical to the body. It aids in calcium and phosphorus absorption, and facilitates normal immune system function. It is also critical for bones, and not enough vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis and other bone abnormalities. Vitamin D also helps fight depression, aids in weight loss and fights disease (source). We take 2,000 IU of this brand each day.
Sulfurzyme is a supplement that combines MSM with NingXia wolfberry fruit powder. It’s a Young Living specific supplement that both Kellen and I take. MSM is utilized by the body to create 2 of the 20 essential amino acids we need to live and thrive. In addition to supporting the musculoskeletal system, these two amino acids play a role in breaking down fat, DNA/RNA synthesis, supporting hair, skin and nails, supporting muscle strength and tone, detoxifying harmful accumulations of lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic within our bodies and soooo much more.
MSM is a simple compound, but when combined with wolfberries, it’s effects seem to be magnified. It’s something we are never without in our house. We take 2 capsules twice a day.
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. Unfortunately many people, especially women, don’t get enough magnesium in their diet. Every cell in the body contains magnesium and needs it to function. Magnesium helps convert food to energy, create and repair DNA and RNA, helps move blood sugar into your muscles and dispose of lactic acid, fights depression (this study about the lack of magnesium in our modern diet and the link to depression and mental illness is very interesting), is an anti-inflammatory, reduces PMS symptoms, and I could go on and on. Needless to say, it’s an important supplement to take. Right now I’m taking 135 mg at bedtime (magnesium helps with sleep as well), but am going to bump that up to 270 mg. Thorne Research is our favorite brand.
NingXia Red
NingXia Red is by far my favorite supplement we take! Not only because it tastes amazing, but because of alllllll the wonderful benefits! It is a drink, of which the primary ingredient is the NingXia wolfberry. The NingXia wolfberry is said to be one of (if not the most) antioxidant rich food in the world. The world y’all!
Just a few facts on the NingXia wolfberry:
It is the most nutrient-dense superfood and is the highest known antioxidant food according to ORAC test. The wolfberry contains over 21 essential minerals, 18 amino acids, and substantial amounts of chromium. It also contains extraordinarily high levels of vitamins such as thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3) and vitamin C. It also contains high levels of calcium, chromium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc and manganese.
It also has:
+ 67 times the thiamin (vitamin B1) of brown rice
+ 2 times the niacin (vitamin B3) of baker’s yeast
+ 3 times the vitamin C of raw oranges
+ 5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower
+ 2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach
It supports every system of the body. It supports eye and heart health, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, supports healthy digestion, sleep, memory, weight management and inflammation. It is also AMAZING for the skin (it reduces levels of collagen and protein destroying enzymes). It is also the secret weapon of Chinese Olympic athletes! Basically it’s amazing and everyone should be drinking it. (If you want to find out more about NingXia Red or Sulfurzyme, shoot me an email! I always love to help people learn more about amazing products that can benefit their health!)
Those are our core supplements that we never are without. Keep in mind, we eat a healthy diet of vegetables, healthy fats and meat. If you aren’t eating a nutritious diet there are other supplements you should be taking in addition to these.
Other supplements we use
MCTs are medium-chain triglycerides, a form of fatty acids that have many health benefits. MCTs are naturally occurring in coconut and olive oils. They help maintain a healthy weight, help you think more clearly, aide in digestion, balance hormone levels, fight bacterial infections and more. We mainly use MCT powder (versus an oil), as it mixes well with our drinks. We use Perfect Keto’s MCT Oil Powder.
Exogenous Ketones
Exogenous ketones can be used in conjunction with a keto-based diet. They help increase fat burning, help you avoid the “keto flu,” increase exercise endurance, provide mental clarity, and help you get back into ketosis quickly. We use Perfect Keto’s Exogenous Ketone Base. My favorite flavor so far is chocolate sea salt.
Collagen Protein
Collagen has a full amino acid profile and is the most important structural protein in the human body. Although most collagen is absent from the human diet. It strengthens bones, improves gut lining and skin health. Grass-fed collagen is the best source of collagen available. We use it before a workout or Kellen puts it in his coffee in the morning (along with his MCT oil powder and grass-fed butter).
We also use protein powder occasionally, but that’s a whole ‘nother post for a different day!
Phew! That was a lot of words. I’m really passionate about vitamins and supplements as you can see. We’ve done, and continue to do, a lot of research on what is best for us and the kids. Yes, they also take a few vitamins and drink NingXia Red. 🙂
If you work to get most of your vitamins and minerals from food sources, you won’t need to take dozens of supplements. I’m very picky about what we take and will continue to ensure my family is getting the best of the best.
If you have any questions about vitamins and supplements let me know!

I’m totally with you on magnesium, Ningxia Red and Sulfurzyme! That stuff has made my hair grow sooooooo fast. I also take YL’s multigreens, vitamin c tablets and inner defense if I feel a cold coming on. Yay to pill popping! Hahaha
I take Young Living’s OmegaGize to get my omega-3’s and I love it! And yes yes yes to Ningxia Red! I need to go drink some now!
I’ve started taking a few of these since becoming pregnant. I got my initial blood work back and everything look GREAT… except my vitamin D levels. I shudder to think of where they were. SO, I’m supplementing with a D3, Calcium, and Magnesium on top of my regular whole food prenatal.