Thank you all so much for the sweet comments on Tuesday’s post! I love hearing so many people wanting to do no spend months and focus on what we need not what we want.
So remember when I said I wasn’t going to set any goals for myself for 2015? Well, this post isn’t about setting any goals, but more about setting my priorities. Life is very, very busy right now and I have been overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. I know that my “goal” of not setting any goals probably isn’t going to be 100% realistic for me for the whole year. My main goal is still to just live my life and enjoy 2015, but I know that if I want to stay home with Little A and grow my essential oils business I’m going to have to set some small goals along the way. I’ve been reading The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and it has been an eye opener for me. One thing he says is “Goals that are not written down are just dreams.” I mean how true is that?! Unless you write it down it’s just floating around in your head and you can’t really focus on it.
So with that said, here are some of the things I want to make a priority this year.
Priority: Quality time with my family. Yes I spend a lot of time with my family, but that time isn’t always “quality” time. I want to be there for Little A and not just in the room, if you know what I mean.
Actions: 1 hour of electronic free time daily (more on days I don’t work) // Family walks & park days // 2-3 family trips this year
Priority: Spend more time with God. After my brother passed away I struggled with my relationship with God. But after a long battle I’ve finally found peace and want to re-focus on my church and my faith and get Little A involved in the church as well.
Actions: Read Bible 3-4 times per week // Get a study Bible // Church 2-3 times per month // Little A in Sunday school
Priority: Workout 3-4 times per week. Because I’m so busy right now it’s hard to get a workout in every day. But if I can just get my body started I can usually get a decent workout in at least a few days a week.
Actions: Write it in my planner // Run 2-3 times per week // Do something! Even if it’s just going for a long walk, get moving!
Priority: Keep our home clutter free. We’re still slowly working on our organizing projects and once a room is complete I want to keep it that way. I don’t want to bring unnecessary stuff into our home. Less is more!
Actions: Put away mail every day // Clean out our “junk drawer” each week // Clean our office & organize it each month
Priority: More quality time with Huebie. Between Huebie and I we have 5 jobs (if you consider this blog a type of job). 5 jobs! That’s just insane. Throw a toddler into the mix and that’s a recipe for never getting any quality time together. I really want us to focus on our relationship and staying connected, especially right now while we’re so freaking busy!
Actions: Plan date days/nights 1 month in advance // Be deliberate // Plan at home date nights
I guess one other priority is my essential oils business. My goal is to be home with Little A and I’m really hoping that I can share the wonderful power of essential oils with more families so people can have the same benefits of healthy, natural living that my family enjoys.
Question of the day: What is your #1 priority for 2015?

These are great priorities to have!! I sort of had a breakdown moment yesterday when I felt like I had so much on my plate (that I put on it) and was just freaking out at how I was going to get it all done…but then i realized the most important things had been done and that’s all that matters – so yes priorities!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Great list girl!! Please keep us updated! I think we can all use these goals and to apply them to our own life!!!!
Thanks Caroline! I’m realizing that having no goals is just not realistic. I’m actually looking forward to these and setting some more soon as well. 🙂
I think it’s important to have goals… even if they are just figuring out priorities. I hope to maintain some balance in my life, soon. Work has been taking everything I have.
I love this. Having a priority driven life is what I want. And I’m so with you on the more quality time with God. I think my number one priority this year is to focus on that so much more. I also would love to spend more quality time as a family. Explore and learn more about each other and just experience new things together. Love this post sweet girl!
I think these are all great! And I love how you mentioned writing it down. I’m hoping that’s the key! This year, I’m trying to become more organized, and in that, hoping that it will help with lots of different areas of my life. So with my planner, at the beginning of the week, I’m trying to write out a list of things to accomplish each day for the week, including the things I want to make more time for… things like, exercise, devotions, etc. That way it’s right up front and I see it everyday, and am reminded of exactly what I want to accomplish each day. If I don’t see it, I’m bound to forget about it, and fill my time up with other things. I’m hoping it will help me! 🙂
I love that quote! “Goals that are not written down are just dreams.” WOW! So true right?!
You have some fabulous goals. God knows your heart Tiffany. Keep seeking Him and time, life, priorities, all kind of sort themselves out… you know?
You have such a beautiful heart. I pray you can achieve your goals and find more love and peace in the process.
Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.
Wishing you a lovely evening.
So true…. goals don’t mean anything unless written down. Man, I need to write some down, then! 5 jobs is crazy talk!! I am with you on trying to find a career path that will allow me to be more present at home. Cheers to accomplishing these goals!
I didn’t realize how powerful writing down goals was until I started doing it. I really this list you made because it’s all things that are going to improve your health, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I can’t believe you guys have FIVE jobs between the two of you!! How are you doing it Tiffany?! Your list inspires me because I want most of the same things, two of which are focusing on my family and my marriage with more intention. It’s just crazy how fast the days go by and you feel like you didn’t REALLY connect with anyone under your roof!
SO BEAUTIFUL!!! God and The Bible inspire so much hope, guidance and direction in such an amazing and positive way. It makes the heart smile! So worth it. Having a relationship with God is the best thing ever. You may like some Beth Moore and/or Stormie Omartian books. Family / hubby / kid time = I agree, is a must. No phones nor computers, instead, quality time. I want my husband and son to remember me WITH them, not anchored to my phone. Ohhhh the essentials oils…. (tears in eyes)… I see them and … we will see. If I change my mind, I PROMISE, I will still buy from YOU, Tiffany! xoxo
Such great priorities!! Seriously…I feel overwhelmed and don’t even have a toddler. I know y’all are super busy! I’m struggling to find motivation lately. Not sure what my deal is…well, I kind of do, but anyway. Love that you’re digging deeper into time with God 🙂 I believe that’s the key to everything! It’s something I need to do too!
I love this and that quote is really pushing me to be more intentional with my goals vs just having dreams! Thank you for sharing!