Not feeling like hitting the gym? These 10 reasons to workout today will have you packing your gym back stat!
Exercise, in any form, has multiple benefits on our minds and bodies. From an early age, it’s important to teach kids about the importance of physical fitness. I, personally, want to raise children that place value on exercise and that understand that eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle is important.
Which is why it’s so important for me and my husband to exercise and make healthy lifestyle choices.
Why should I workout?
There are a multitude of reasons to workout today. Not only is it good for our bodies to stay physically active, exercise has tons of other benefits. Here are 10 of my favorite reasons to workout today.
You will have increased energy
If you workout in the morning, your energy levels will be higher for the remainder of the day. For example, I have been getting very little sleep these past few months (some nights no more than 5 or 6 hours). So I am super tired most mornings! But if I make it a priority to exercise earlier in the day, I feel less tired the rest of the day; even with the limited sleep I’m getting.
Obviously this limited amount of sleep isn’t good, and it’s only temporary for me, but working out helps me keep up with my very active children the rest of the day.
You will be one step closer to your fitness goals
I don’t know about you, but I set fitness goals for myself frequently (here are my 2017 health & fitness goals). Skipping workouts means either 1) it’s going to take me longer to achieve my goals, or 2) I’ll never achieve my goals. I love meeting or exceeding my goals, don’t you?!
You will burn more calories the rest of the day
This one is huge! Certain physical fitness activities will have your body burning more calories for the remainder of the day. That’s huge if your goal is to lose weight and/or fat.
You will feel more confident
I always feel better about myself after a workout. I feel accomplished, my body looks leaner and I just feel damn good. Who doesn’t want to feel like that?!
It gets your body moving.
Obviously, right? But let’s just state a fact: American’s lead a very sedentary lifestyle. We sit driving to work, we sit at work, we sit driving home. We sit watching TV. Many of us spend the majority of our day sitting. Exercise is critical for people who lead a more sedentary lifestyle.
You will sleep better
The sleep you get when you are physically active is better quality sleep. One study found that people who get 150 minutes of moderate to vigerous physical activity a week saw a 65% improvement in their quality of sleep. They also found those same people to feel less sleepy during the day than those who didn’t exercise regularly (study source). I’m all for better sleep!
You will make healthier choices the rest of the day
This one is sooo important! The days I workout in the mornings are the days I make my best food choices the rest of the day. I don’t want to spoil all that hard work I put in! Diet is so important when it comes to getting in shape and an overall healthy lifestyle.
It can help alleviate stress
Exercise is seriously my answer to all of life’s stresses. If I’m feeling super stressed out, I exercise. It is a huge mood booster and really helps take away some of that stress and tension. It has also been known to help alleviate anxiety.
You will be happier
Exercise releases endorphins: the feel good chemicals released by the pituitary gland during physical activity. Low endorphin levels are linked to chronic and emotional pain, addiction and more. So get that workout in and you’re more likely to be a happier person.
This list of reasons to workout today is short compared to the multitude of benefits that exercise provides. I never regret a workout, but I do sometimes regret the days I skip. If you aren’t already, start making physical fitness part of your daily life. It’s one of the best lifestyle changes you can make!

Great list, Tiffany! I’ve started watching a couple of exercise videos on Youtube, and even though I feel like I’m going to die while doing the exercises, I do love how I feel after I’m done. I still don’t think I’ve experienced “endorphins” but I love that all of my muscles are sore, which makes me feel like something good is happening. 🙂
So much motivation to make sure to get a workout in! I wish I could get into the habit of working out in the morning, though I’m thinking it could be easier once we hit spring and summer with warmer weather and more sunlight.
I need this especially for after work today! We are doing a challenge at my barre studio and I need to get myself there tonight. I agree with the stress reliever and sleeping better. It is the truth!
You won’t feel as bad about having a doughnut. 🙂 I need to read this every morning.
Amen to reducing stress and being happier! I haven’t had time to hit the gym all week and I can feel it in my mood. I’m MAKING time to go today!
Ok Ok. Thanks for getting me off my butt.
I agree with all of these! I have been doing low-impact things at home for a few weeks, but next week I get the go-ahead from my doctor to workout however I want (I’m assuming!). I can hardly wait!
These are wonderful tips / reasons to workout Tiffany! I may have to print this out and make it my mantra! lol
Actually, ever since I designed my Life / Balance Worksheet for Moms, I haven’t missed a workout day! I think it makes a world of difference to plan for it and schedule it into the day!
Thanks for sharing!