My baby is 20 months old! I know, random age for me to pick to blog about, but 18 months flew right on by and I completely forgot to do photos or anything to commemorate 1 1/2 years! So I’m commemorating 20 months instead!
I’m amazed at this little girl every day. She is so smart and so funny. She brings so much joy into our lives. She keeps us on our toes and is always learning new things. She is so busy. SO BUSY! I’ve never seen anything like it. She never sits still. She can maybe sit still for like 10 minutes for a movie then it’s up and walking on the couch. On and off and on and off 5 or 6 times.
I feel so blessed to have such a sweet, adorable baby. Here are a few pics from the past month.

So sweet! My little one is 32 months old.. YIKES! She’ll be three before we know it! I’m not ready, but they are such joys… every moment is precious (even those little temper tantrums mine has decided to incorporate into our daily routine – YIKES!). Enjoy your sweet baby girl!
Thanks Heather! It really is crazy how quickly they grow at this age! I swear every day she’s learning something new.
Thanks for stopping by!
xoxo, Tiffany