Happy Memorial Day everyone! I hope y’all are enjoying the extended weekend with family and friends. Huebie and I had a fabulous time in Vegas, but were of course ready to be home and see baby A. Here… [Continue Reading]
It’s Over! 24 Day Challenge
Today was the last day of our 24 Day Challenge! Hallelujah! It has been a looooong 24 days let me tell ya. But I’m glad I stuck with it and I’m happy with the end… [Continue Reading]
Weekend in Review
We had such a productive weekend! My dad’s birthday was Sunday so we did a family lunch at Las Margaritas. With the 24 day challenge going on it was so hard not to eat everything… [Continue Reading]
To have, or not to have, baby #2
It seems more and more lately that everyone is asking when we’re having another baby. It’s been going on for awhile, but now that Baby A is almost 2, it’s becoming more frequent. The thing… [Continue Reading]
17 down, 7 to go! 24 Day Challenge
We are in the home stretch of the 24 day challenge! Thank the lord! It has been a looooong 17 days. My weight is about the same, but I do think my body has continued to… [Continue Reading]
Yummy Banana Oatmeal Muffins
Happy Monday! I hope all the mommies out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day and were pampered by their hubbies and little ones. It’s been awhile since I posted a recipe, so I’ve gone back to… [Continue Reading]
Tips for Successful Blogging
So I’m about 2-ish or so months into this blog. I’ve been spending a decent amount of time learning about blogger, playing around with templates, backgrounds, fonts and even my blog name. I’ve read a… [Continue Reading]
10 down, 14 to go! 24 Day Challenge
We’re 10 days (well, today is day 11) into our 24 day challenge! But let me tell you, it has not been easy. I’m down about 6 lbs, but I’ve been down about 6 lbs since… [Continue Reading]