If you’re not getting the results you want from your workouts, you could be making some serious mistakes. There was a time in my life when I was a gym rat. I’d go directly there after… [Continue Reading]
My Postpartum Health and Fitness Plan
Sharing my plan to get back in shape after baby number two! I am 1 week out from finally being cleared for more intense exercise. I’m doin’ a little happy dance over here friends! After… [Continue Reading]
6 Ways To Get Moving Every Day
Just getting your body moving ever day is the first step toward a healthy lifestyle. Here’s a few simple ideas to incorporate movement into your day. We are all super busy, but taking the time… [Continue Reading]
How To Make Working Out A Habit
Want to know the success to continued fitness? It’s making working out a habit. Here’s how. We’ve all gone through phases where our health and fitness was on point. We were motivated, we worked out… [Continue Reading]
Tips For Staying Fit During Pregnancy
A few simple tips to help you stay fit during pregnancy. Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! We trick-or-treated in a down pour, so we were only out for about 10 minutes… [Continue Reading]
10 Healthy Post Workout Snacks
These satisfying and healthy post workout snacks will leave your belly happy, as well as your waistline. Here’s the situation: You’ve just finished a killer workout and your body is craving something to eat. So you… [Continue Reading]
Why you should be using weights
Weight lifting does more than just build muscle. And no, it doesn’t make you bulky. Here’s why you should be using weights in your workouts. I started lifting weights in high school when I was… [Continue Reading]
Building a home gym
I know I’ve mentioned it before, but we are a very busy family. Because of our lack of free time, we decided not to renew our gym membership. Honestly, we hadn’t used it in months…. [Continue Reading]