,If you know my workout story, then you know I do all my workouts at home. I haven’t been to a traditional gym in more than 5 years and haven’t felt like I need one. The hubs and I used to go to a private gym and do boot camp and personal training, but that can be expensive and since we’re big on saving as much as we can these days, that got cut a few years ago. But working out at home also means that my kids are almost always around when I do my workouts. This can be challenging at times, but one thing I’ve learned in the 3+ years of working out with little ones around is that you can make it work and sometimes it’s even more fun with them! Being able to exercise with your kids may not be for everyone, but I love to set a good example for my kids and working out with them is one of the best ways to teach them about health and fitness.
So how do I do it? Well it takes a little patience and some planning but I’m able to exercise with my kids every day and honestly, it can be really fun!
Sometimes you have to get creative when it comes to working out at home. This means taking advantage of the hubs being home from work, getting up early, nap time and if you have to, a movie. I never sacrifice my workout time so if the kids have to watch a movie for 30 minutes, so be it.
This isn’t for everyone, but it’s one of my favorite things to do with our daughter. She LOVES to do workouts with me and the hubs. Just the other day I had to do wind sprints, so we all went for a run and she rode her bike. We made it into a fun race and she loved it. Not only did we make our workout happen, our daughter got to burn off some energy and we still spent quality time together as a family.
Not only can it be fun, but you’re also setting an amazing example for your kids by showing them how important exercise is! You’d be surprised at how much they are capable of doing!
Before baby boy came along, I used to get up at 5:30 or 6:00 every morning and do my workout before Little A woke up. I got my workout out of the way and it didn’t interfere with our time together.
Working out in the morning makes me feel like I’m starting my day on a high note. I’ve got natural energy going for the rest of the day and it always puts me in a good mood. It took me a while to become a morning person, but I can testify first hand that it makes my days go much smoother.
Working out in the morning can take some getting used to, but if you can be consistent with it I promise it feels so good!
Hands down the baby item we’ve gotten the most use out of is our jogging stroller. I used it almost daily until Little A was about 3 1/2, and I’m using it almost daily with EJ now. If all else fails with getting my usual workout in, I can throw the baby in the stroller, sister on her bike, and we can go for a walk or jog around the neighborhood. A good jogging stroller is a must for active parents and we’ve never had the need for any other stroller.
And by unknown I mean any potential meltdowns. If you have to take the kids on a run with you, pack snacks, toys, even the tablet. There have been times in the past where I’ve been out on a long run and 3 miles in Little A starts whining and wanting to be done. I always bring her some healthy snacks, a little sketch pad and the tablet or her Leap Pad. Find what works for your kids and always bring it with you!
If you have a friend who’s in the same boat as you, ask if you could trade watching the kids for gym time. One day you watch her kids and the next day she watches yours. You both benefit, and you get to see your friend a few days a week!
You could also make it a group affair and take all the kids on a walk or bike ride. I did this just last week with a friend and her girls and the kids had a blast!
These tips on how to exercise with your kids are awesome! Click To TweetINVEST IN SOME EQUIPMENT
If you want to be successful at working out at home, you really need a few pieces of equipment. I highly recommend some dumbbells (5 and 10 pounds), a kettlebell or two (25 and 35 pounds), a yoga mat, resistance bands, and a medicine ball (8 pounds). You can also check out my post on building a home gym for a few other ideas!
You bet that when Little A and I go to the playground I often use that time for a little exercise. I do step ups, push ups on the equipment, pull ups and more! She loves it too and we use that time to make games and even play tag. We’re both exhausted by the time we leave.
A few years ago I was really into Jillian Michaels’ DVDs. When you’re pressed for time, you have a sick kid(s) or you just can’t get into it that day, a DVD is a great way to still have a quick workout but not leave the comfort of your living room. Tracy Anderson has some great videos as well. Check them out!
This is a super fun one! I love to hold Little A on my back and do squats, or do push ups with the baby laying on the mat under me. They always have the best time and the endless giggles are a great motivator for you to keep going!
I’m a firm believer in setting goals and rewarding yourself when you achieve them! Your reward could be as simple as a cheat meal, dessert, new exercise clothes or even a massage (I prefer the last one!).
It’s not always easy to exercise with your kids. There will be times you’ll get interrupted, the baby will start crying or the toddler will need everything under the sun (like they always seem to when you’re trying to do something for yourself, am I right?), but taking those 20-30 minutes a day for yourself will make you feel so much better. And I’m sure the kids won’t be permanently scarred.
Even if you only make it around the block a time or two, do it. If you’re a mom, I challenge you to get out and exercise with your kids more. You may end up having more fun than you think.

I need to get better at this. I start and then I stop again. I guess it’s time to start again. 😉
OMG USE YOUR KIDS AS EQUIPMENT is the best advice. I love your snaps when you’re doing some intense HIIT and EJ is just chilling on the side doing his own thing haha
I’m so impressed that you’re so consistent with working out, Tiffany! These are all great tips! I hope your Tuesday is going well!
These are awesome tips! I definitely think it’s important to do it when you can. Even a little bit every day is better than nothing!!
It sounds like you’ve definitely found ways to make the most of your time to make sure you’re getting your workouts in! Near where I used to work there used to be a group of moms that would meet with their strollers and do workouts and runs a few times a week (even in the winter!) and it always looked like so much fun.
Your snaps of working out are the only motivation that I need! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Lol! I’m glad I’m motivating someone with my snaps, haha!
Be prepared for the unknown! Hahaha! Yes, when I was trying to workout at home when Henry was an infant, he would ALWAYS melt down 12 mins in and I’d get so annoyed. I took him to our gym daycare the day he was old enough! Otto is far more relaxed so he’d allow it to happen for me, but I love my gym so much (it’s my social scene as a WAHM) and I cherish that hour or two break I get – the membership dues are worth their weight in gold!
If we had a gym I liked better close by I may consider going back (for a little break from the kids), but the ones around here are just, blah. There’s an athletic club about 25 minutes away that I’d love to join, but the dues are astronomical so there’s no way the hubs would let that fly, haha!
Fantastic tips Tiffany! I think the best is getting up early or including them… workout DVDs are great for that. My kids can’t just watch — they participate (and then I write that up as part of their Phys. Ed for the day)! lol
Thanks for sharing.
A loves the workout videos as well! They are so fun to do together! I love including her in my workouts!
Great tips!! Girl, I need to get on the ball and take care of myself this way. Thanks for the tips!
Thanks lady! I find that I feel so much better when I do my workout. Even with the kids around; it’s a fun way to incorporate physical fitness into our lives.
These are all great tips, Tiffany!! I need to start exercising again. I know its excuse after excuse that I’m making but I always feel so good when I actually get a work out in!
Thanks Tawnya! My workout is the one thing that I never compromise on. Once you get back into a normal routine of working out I bet you will stick with it. Plus training for your half marathon will help with that a lot!
great tips. MIne has been more than willing to exercise along with me for as long as I can remember. Great habit to get them into early #shine
Yes! I swear if you can get them into good habits early they will last a lifetime.
Great ideas! You are so right about getting up early before the baby is awake to get it out of the way. sometimes, I really mean to do something and the I get caught up with so much stuff . I then don’t have anymore energy in the evening to exercise… #SHINEbloghop
I’ve found that if I’m consistent with my workouts in the morning it just makes life so much easier throughout the day.
These are all great tips! I could use some of them even if I don’t have a little baby boy. Thank you for reminding me that I should start exercising again. 🙂
I’m so glad this motivated you to start exercising again!!
Great tips! My daughter is 2 1/2 now and I’m trying to figure how to get a workout in with her!
Thanks so much! If you can’t do it on your own, try doing it with her! It may take longer but it’s so fun!
I LOVE this list! I had two kids 13 months apart and I was a sight to see pushing that double jogging stroller all around our neighborhood- but it kept me in shape and the girls actually both loved it- so it was a win/win! Thanks for these tips! I’m late into my third trimester now and not exercising much, but I can’t wait to get back to it when the baby is born!
Congrats on the new baby Suzanne! Just pushing 1 baby in a jogging stroller is hard work. Those double strollers are awesome!
These are all fabulous tips and they come at such a great time for me. Its time to get back on track and I will definitely be referring to this post!
I’m so glad you liked it Nicole! Glad I was able to provide a little inspiration for you!
I haven’t gone to a gym in a half-decade either. Helpful, practical tips, Tiffany! You have my tweet. 🙂 -Elle C. Mayberry
Non-gym goers unite, lol! So glad you liked the tips Elle!
I like morning workouts too. These are great tips. I’ll need this for those days that I think I can’t fit in a workout.
Don’t you just feel better when you get your workout out of the way first thing?! Glad you liked the tips Allison.
My little guys love to copy me while I’m doing my workout…it’s so cute! I agree, I definitely have to take time for myself to get my exercise. It makes me feel better. Good for you getting a workout in every day!
Xx, Emily
Aw I love that! And yes, I just feel so much better after a workout.
Great suggestions! I think getting up early is particularly effective.
Yes! Getting up early has so many great benefits!
I love this post! I need to do it with the kids more often.