Try these simple tips to prepare to bare your skin and be bathing suit ready.
Summer is upon us and if you’re anything like me when it’s hot out, the fewer clothes I have on the better. But to take our bodies from frozen tundra weather to bathing suit ready can be a lot of work. I know for me, I definitely don’t shave every day during the winter. I mean come on! That extra hair helps keep me warm when I’m skiing in 15 degree weather.
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There are a few ways I like to get my body ready to be seen in fewer clothes than usual and be bathing suit ready. It just takes a little time, a few fabulous products and some effort on your part to look your best when it’s time to slip into your suit.
Drink more water
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Water is great at detoxing your body. Not only does it detox, it makes your skin more supple and helps get rid of bloat, making you look slimmer. In the weeks leading up to your bathing suit debut, up your water intake. Try drinking half your body weight in ounces every day. I try to drink a gallon a day because I’m very active and sweat more during the summer.
Get your sweat on
Start exercising. Even if you are just getting started, doing any work can help. Focus on your booty, belly and legs. Your quads are some of the largest muscles in your body, so work those to burn more calories (lunges, squats, squat jumps, step ups).
Exfoliating is step number one when it comes to getting your skin prepared for summer. It helps smooth the surface of your skin, prevents breakouts and helps minimize pores. Exfoliating your body also helps moisturizer penetrate the skin better and your self-tanner go on more evenly. You should only exfoliate a few times a week; less if you have sensitive skin. I like to use my homemade sugar scrub (2 tablespoons coconut oil, 2 tablespoons sugar, 5 drops lavender essential oil).
Use self-tanner
We all want sun-kissed skin, but we know that laying out in the sun (or a tanning bed) is the worst thing we can do. Using self-tanner gives you that glow, without the damaging effects of the sun’s rays. A little color on your body also makes you look slimmer. I’m super pale and have tried many sunless tanners in my time, but I love St. Tropez self-tanner more than any other I’ve found.
Cut back on starchy carbs
Foods like pasta and bread have a lot of sodium that can contribute to water retention, thus making you look more bloated. Cutting these foods out will help keep the bloat down.
Drink less alcohol
We all like to enjoy a refreshing adult beverage this time of year, but alcohol is a killer for your body. It increases water retention, leading to puffiness and bloat. It also hinders muscle repair, so if you’re working out, trying to get in shape for that bathing suit, you’re doing more damage to your muscles because they are unable to repair themselves properly.
It just takes a little time and effort to get your skin and body ready for bathing suit season.
What are your favorite ways to get ready to show some skin?

Exfoliate? I clearly need to add that to the list. Thanks for the idea 🙂
Yes! It’s a great way to prep your skin for moisturizer and self tanner, and just get your skin some extra glow.
DID YOU SEE MY SNAP TODAY? I’m doing a shoot in November with a swimwear brand and basically this applies. I’ve increased water intake in the last month and I’ve seen so much of a difference in my bloat.
Yes about the water! It seriously makes all the difference. And when you’re hydrated, it’s easier to work out so it’s like a double whammy. Now. I just need to go take my own (and your) advice! I can’t be the only one who finds drinking enough water challenging!
It is hard for sure. I have to be super deliberate about it. There’s days where I haven’t drank nearly enough and by the end of the day I’m soooo thirsty! Then I spend all night going to the bathroom.
These are all such good reminders! Water, water, water and get that self tanner on. I totally agree with that!
Water for the win! And I love me a good self tanner!
I love self tanner – I use this 24 hour bronzer that basically fakes it for me for a night or day out!! xo, biana –BlovedBoston
Oh nice! That sounds perfect!
Yeah I never exfoliate. I need to start! Thanks for the tip and the recipe! And thanks for the reminder to drink more water. But wine tastes so much better 😉
I used to never either, but started in the last year or so.
Oh this depresses me. I never wear bathing suits… or even shorts! I really need to work on my body / self-esteem.
I like the tip about exfoliating. Do not like the tip about no alcohol. Not even red wine?! Wasn’t there a study that said one 5oz glass of red wine = 1 hour of exercise? Don’t answer that. I’m going to hum merrily to myself and keep on believing it.
Thanks for sharing these tips. I’ll aim for 3-4 of them and maybe try on a pair of shorts. LOL
Wishing you a lovely evening.
I mean you can drink, just not all the time. So many people drink every day, a lot, and it makes your body more bloated. I bet you’d rock a pair of shorts lady!
Your tips will not only keep my body beach ready, but also very healthy. Thank you for reminding me to exfoliate. Have a sunny weekend, Tiffany! 🙂
I love exfoliating! My skin feels so soft!
I am really looking forward to getting (slowly getting) back into pre-baby shape so I will have to remember all these tips for next summer! Thanks for the tips! #SHINEboghop
Yes! That’s what I’m working on right now and these tips are helping a lot.