I did it! I took 1 photo a day for 365 days. Well, some days I took more some days I sort of forgot. But in all it equaled out to about 365 photos! Phew. I have to say it was sort of a lot of work. But I’m so glad I did this to document our year.
Here’s how the last week of 2014 was for us!
Day 358: You can’t see them all but I made a Christmas card tree out of the cards we received this year. Little A had a great time looking at them all.
Day 359: Merry Christmas from the Huebner family! We celebrated Christmas at home and all our family came to us. I really liked being home So A could play with all her new things and we could just relax and hang out.
Day 360: A little post holiday run. Huebie has been running with me again and I love it. Much more fun to run with someone than by yourself when you’re going a good distance.
Day 361: Our first sledding trip of the season! The snow was pretty wet, but we had a great time. Little A loves her custom Molson Runner Sled. 🙂
Day 362: Watching our Seahawks clinch the NFC West Championship again! We’re looking forward to the playoffs again this year!
Day 363: She said she wanted to workout with me. This was how she envisioned that I guess.
Day 364: Look who came to see me at work! Her and Huebie came to have lunch with me on Tuesday and Little A was really enjoying typing on the keyboard. She said she wanted to stay and work. I’m totally ok with her taking over for me.
Day 365!! Happy New Year! We celebrated out with some friends and had a great time.
2014 was an awesome years. We had some highs and some definite lows, but overall it is a year to remember. I don’t think I’ll continue my #graceeverday photos in 2015, but I’m sure I’ll continue to take lots of photos of all our adventures.
You can find me on Instagram HERE
Have a great weekend friends!
Great job completing a photo a day! You have so many awesome memories to look back on over the year. Love your Christmas card tree! I might give that a try next year- what an easy way to display your cards!
That’s a huge accomplishment to get a picture for everyday. It’s sure fun to look back through them and take the trip down memory lane. Dan and I were going through the ones I had posted on IG and we’d already forgotten some of the fun things we did last year. So thankful for pictures! Have a great weekend!
I’m sure taking a picture everyday was pretty hard. Some days it seems like there is a photo op every minute, but other days nothing. My husband is a runner and I wish I could run with him, but he is too fast for me and I just don’t like running. haha! Maybe one day I’ll work up to it, but for now it’s not happening. 🙂
Holy cow, you took a pic a day for a year?! That IS a lot of work! I remember to take shots in batches, and just try not to overload Insta with too many baby shots. That’s about all I got in me 😉
Have a wonderful weekend lady!
How awesome that you committed to this for a year and got through it. It actually makes me think of how long it has been since I started following you because I’m pretty positive I was visiting when you decided you wanted to do this. Glad I’ve gotten the privilege to know you and your family here. Enjoy your weekend off from the playoffs as a hawks fan! 🙂
Love your Christmas Card tree!!!!!
Thanks Caroline! It was fun to put together!
A photo a day IS a lot of work! Congrats on completing such an awesome project. Now onto business….
* Your Christmas card tree is AWESOME – what a sweet idea!
* Sweet Christmas photo! I wish we could have family come to us, it would be so much more relaxed… I think.
* I love the matching jerseys! Cute!
* I think I like Little A’s workout gear… lots of room for movement.
Happy New Year my friend! I hope 2015 brings you nothing but the BEST!
How did I miss this post?! Love all the photos! Next year I will be doing Christmas cards 🙂 Let me know how Little A taking over for you at work goes 😉
Awesome pics! I always enjoy your photos here & on Instagram. I hope that you & yours’ had a beautiful Christmas! 🙂 xo
Just found ya, how cute are you guys?!!!! A picture every day for a year -SUCH an accomplishment! Happy 2015!
Thanks so much Ashley! It was a lot of work, but fun to do.
Thanks for stopping by!