Happy Friday y’all! Apologies for my absence this week. I started to come down with something Sunday afternoon as we were driving home from my in-laws house and it quickly turned into a full blown sinus issue. My head is pounding and I can’t even move without it being in pain. So Little A and I have hunkered down all week so I can get over this thing before trick-or-treating tomorrow night.
I don’t have much for you today since I’ve been just sitting around a lot this week and not spending much time on the computer.
1) This girl has been such a trooper for me this week. She started to get a bit of a cold as well, but woke up this morning feeling much better. We were able to fight her’s off quickly (thank you essential oils!).
2) We have a date for our anatomy ultrasound! We’ll be finding out if this little bun is a boy or a girl on the 10th. Neither K nor I really care, so either way we’ll be happy as long as baby is healthy. I can’t wait to find out so I can start getting the office ready for the nursery. And do a tiny bit of shopping for baby. 🙂
3) I also haven’t spent all of our extra spending money this month, so I’m finally going to get a few maternity tops. I’ve noticed that some of my tanks are a bit shorter than I’d prefer now that I have a bit of a belly. So I’ll be ordering a few of the Gap items from this post. I’m also trying to get our family photos scheduled, so I may try to get something new for that as well.
And that’s all I got in me today. We’ll be spending our Halloween taking our little Jasmine trick-or-treating and handing out Halloween candy. We usually get close to a hundred kids, but the weather is supposed to be pretty terrible Saturday, so it will be interesting to see how that effects the kiddos Halloween fun.
I’m hoping to be back to 100% next week and a more regular posting schedule. Have a great weekend love bugs!

Hope you feel better! I got sick with a sinus infection this time last year when I was preggo :/ Can’t wait to find out what you’re having!!
I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is so not fun. And it’s even worse when you’re pregnant. I’m excited that you’re getting family pictures ready! We just got ours back and they were a lot better than I thought they would be. And hooray for anatomy ultrasounds!
I can’t wait to find out if you are having a boy or a girl. I’m thinking girl… 🙂 I hope you get to feeling better and can enjoy your weekend! xo
Sinus issues are the worst. The pain, how I wouldn’t wish it for anyone. I hope this find you feeling much better and you can enjoy Halloween with your little one.
Thanks Michelle! Much better today and hopefully back to 100% by tomorrow.
I want to see photos of Little A from Halloween! Sounds adorable. Glad you’re feeling a little better, Tiffany!