Happy Monday and holy hotness Batman! It has been warm here in Seattle! I know 90 may not be hot for some, but when you don’t have AC, 90 is really hot. But you can’t be the perfect morning and evening temps!
It’s July. By now, those who made a New Year’s resolution to get in shape, eat better or lead a healthier lifestyle are either 7 months into their journey, or they’ve given up. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions anymore. If I want to make a change in my life I don’t wait until the new year. I start as soon as I can.
So if you happen to be one of those people who have given up on your fitness goals, you don’t need to wait until December 31st to start over!
You can start your healthy lifestyle today! Don’t wait until all the junk is out of the house. Throw it away! Don’t wait until January 2nd like thousands of other people do to join a gym. Do it now! You don’t need a reason (like a new year) to get started on your health and fitness journey.
I promise you, if you start today, by the time December 31st rolls around you will 10 times happier that you started today than waiting until January 2nd (because let’s be honest….most people wait until after New Year’s Day to start their diet, join the gym, etc.) to set your goals for a healthy life.
And if you need a little motivation, print this photo out and stick it on your refrigerator. Put it up at your desk. Tape it to the dashboard in your card. Put it wherever you will see it every day so you always have a reminder that it’s never to late to start.
Hahaha! Sweat is fat crying! :-p Too funny!
Y’all don’t have A/C?? In your house? Yeah, 90 would be hot then! It was 101 here yesterday :-/
Haha! I love it – “sweat is fat crying”. I totally needed this encouragement today… I’ve been avoiding workouts for a week! Thanks for the motivation!!
I think that’s one of my favorite quotes as well Heather. 🙂
I’ve slacked a bit this last week as well; it’s been really hot here so it’s hard to get motivated when it’s so warm. But I’ll definitely be taking my own advice and getting back into it this week!
Awesome motivation Tiffany! Love the poster too!
Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a lovely week.
yes!!!!!! so good!!! So important to stay healthy and work out the WHOLE year!
Good motivation as I’ve been sitting around all day saying I should really go for a run. Now that the rain stopped, I think I will. Thanks for motivating me. 🙂
Thank you for this! I didn’t make any health specific resolutions this year– other than to run a 5k– but I’ve been trying to stick with the C25K program this time and not get lazy about exercise! It’s definitely still hard for me to *want* to do it!
stopping by from the bloggers digest link-up!
This is a great post! I have been really hit and miss with my workouts as of late – I made it a goal of mine to get in 15 km a week running, and in between there, some strength training, and I have to say, I’ve been pretty good at sticking to it! 🙂
Alycia//Crazily Normal
Loved this!!! You are so awesome!! And I totally feel you, I do not like to wait when I want to make a change! I actually really needed this because I’ve been mulling over working out over and over in my mind recently and want to start NOW. Thanks for the motivation, friend!
Love this! I actually just started wishing my clients and co-coaches a happy New Year! Why not kick off the second half either reigniting your first goals or going after new goals to push you farther?! Love that you said you don’t need a new year. You don’t even need a new Monday! Great post girl!
That’s awesome Bekah! I hope that helps motivate your clients. And I totally agree. You don’t need to wait for Monday. You can start today!
Sweat is fat crying? I love that! How sweet of you to share this mid year. You’re right. So many by now might have fallen off from a resolution. I think these are really great encouragement. 😉
Isn’t that the best quote?! Cracks me up. I thought it was important to try to re-motivate some folks mid year. You’re right, a lot of people fall off the bandwagon mid year. I hope this really inspires some folks to get going again and finish the year out strong. 🙂