When I first started using Young Living essential oils, I never in a million years thought I’d want to start building a business. I loved the products so much, though, that I couldn’t not share them with other people. If I can help others get healthy and happy using natural products, and help them save money on medical bills, home products, etc, then to me it is worth it. But hello! Isn’t multi-level marketing a pyramid scheme?! I’ve heard that so many times it’s honestly become quite comical. No, network marketing is not a pyramid scheme. Really, you could argue that some corporations are like pyramid schemes. There’s only one person at the top and everyone else is below. Network marketing is the exact opposite. It’s designed to bring you to the top, not keep you at the bottom.
Why Network Marketing?
Network marketing allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results. Results you may never see from traditional business opportunities. Lord knows I’ll never be a VP or CEO, nor do I want to be. But with network marketing I have the opportunity to become a leader and help people become leaders as well.
I thought I’d share just a few reasons why I’ve come to love the network marketing business model.
1. You get paid to talk about what you love! Even if I weren’t building a business with Young Living I’d still be using the products. I absolutely love them! And I really love sharing about the oils and other products Young Living has. Instead of paying for a bill board, TV commercial or magazine ad, when someone signs up, network marketing companies pay you.
2. You can work wherever, whenever you want. This is huge for me. You can work from home, Starbucks, or rent an office space. Get your work day in before your little ones wake up or during nap time. Do it on the weekends. You make your own hours with network marketing. You can be a stay at home mom, teacher, full-time professional, nurse, you name it!
3. Starting your own network marketing business won’t break the bank. Take it from someone who owns their own traditional business, it is not cheap to start a business. You invest your life savings to get a business going, or you find people to invest in your company, paying them back in interest or dividends. With network marketing, the investment is minimal, and the ongoing costs are low.
4. You are your own boss. In network marketing, you are the boss. You succeed or fail based on what you put into it. You aren’t laid off because someone invested poorly in your company. You aren’t dependent on someone in a totally different organization for your monthly bonuses. You are dependent on you. You reap what you sow! One of my favorite Jim Rohn quotes is: “Work harder on yourself than you do your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself you can make a fortune.” I’m investing in myself.
5. In network marketing you aren’t alone. Yes you are your own boss and this is your business, but you always have support from the people above you and the people below you. At least that’s my experience with Young Living. Our team has grown by the thousands and everyone is wanting everyone else to succeed! It isn’t a competition for a job, it’s a community.
6. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. I said that above and I’ll say it again. Anyone can do network marketing. You don’t need a degree or any specialized training. Yes I have a master’s degree, but it doesn’t make me any more qualified than the next person to run a network marketing business. And it doesn’t mean I’ll do any better than someone with no degree. Right now I work part-time in the corporate world, where there is a cap on how much I can make. With network marketing there is no limit on your earning potential.
7. At the end of the day, I love what I’m doing! Is it always easy? Heck no! I’m doing things I never, ever thought I’d do. I’m pushing past my fears (which includes writing this post and engaging people’s varying opinions on network marketing) and I’m learning so much about myself. I love sharing the oils and helping people take their health into their own hands and to me that is so rewarding. And I’m building a community. The people I work with every day are some of the most positive, supportive people I’ve ever worked with. Everyone is encouraging of one another and it feels so good to be part of team where helping others helps you as well.
I want to share a testimony about a young man who’s part of Young Living’s network marketing business. He’s a Royal Crown Diamond (the highest level you can get in Young Living) and he’s about 25 years old. And he’s making over $1 million a year. A million dollars a year people! And he’s a baby! That’s how powerful network marketing is. You don’t have to be in your job for 30+ years to make a 6 or 7 figure income. You can achieve it at any time. Will everyone make over $1 million a year? Probably not, but it just goes to show you that if you work hard it pays off.
Donald Trump once told David Letterman in an interview on the Tonight Show that if he lost everything and had to start over he’d find a good network marketing business and get to work. He and Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad Poor Dad) even wrote a book called Why We Recommend Network Marketing. I think over the years network marketing has gotten a bad wrap. People started pyramid schemes and some network marketers are really aggressive and overbearing, but at the end of the day it’s a great business model and one that I’m learning to embrace.
“The richest people in the world form and build networks. Everyone else is just looking for a job. ” Robert Kiyosaki
Question of the day: Have you had experience with network marketing? Good or bad?
Have a great weekend love bugs!

Network marketing is a tricky thing. Since it’s your own network, you need to make sure you’re not constantly “selling” to your friends and family. I’ve had this happen to me… And it’s super annoying. But done correctly, it can be massively successful! I’m glad you love what you do and are building a successful business 🙂
Yes!!! I think as Paige mentioned it all depends on the approach you take! With both YL and Stella and Dot it really does seem way to good to be true — but, I’m also doing them as side jobs – which means the last thing I’m trying to do is make money off people, I’m doing them for fun! With that being said I hate those who pepper me with trying to buy their product — I don’t think anyone really likes that approach. But, I agree with so much you said! Who doesn’t love making an extra cash, having fun with friends, etc? Love love! It’s such a blessing the Lord opened up these doors for me! So glad I have a YL friend in YOU!
Yes! Totally agree Caroline! I don’t know why people think that approach works. That’s the biggest reason why I was hesitant to start building a business with YL; those people taint it for the rest of us. So glad you like what you’re doing with both YL and S&D!
This is so great, Tiffany. You put things so eloquently in a way that I definitely couldn’t. I’ve always hated network marketing and still do with some of the other companies and people that constantly hound me. With Young Living, my mind has completely changed – with our company at least. I feel proud to be a part of it and most importantly, the product sells itself! Too many companies are too obsessed with sales and not the product and I feel like YL is opposite. So proud to have you on my team, friend!!!
While I am not in the oils business, freelancing is a lot like a network marketing business…and i needed this post today!
I think you summed it up best with your last statement – at the end of the day you love what you’re doing and that’s all that matters! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
I love the way you explained this! I actually DID think network marketing was a pyramid scheme only because I’d never really read anything about what it REALLY is. And Donald Trump knows his stuff, so if he thinks it’s the new way to go, I’m sure it is. I do have a friend from It Works who seems to be doing really well…she quit her job as a dental hygienist to stay home with her kids and sell the wraps.