Feeling a bit….off lately? Your body may be in desperate need of a detox. Try one or two, or all 10 of these ways to help reset your body and detox your system.
If you’re like me, after the holidays you just feel a bit….ick. I know I tend to indulge more during the holidays and sometimes even into the new year. Hello apres ski! Especially after kids, it takes a lot more work for me to get my body back in check. Getting rid of the toxins that build up in my system makes me feel better and more rejuvenated as we head into the spring and summer months; even year round!
There are a number of ways you can cleanse and detox your body to get it back in proper working order.
When you detox your system, you’re basically cleansing your vascular system and organs of all the toxins that have built up from lack of proper nutrition, carcinogens, pesticides, chemicals, etc.
Cleansing your system can help improve liver function, increase circulation, make your skin look better, and just help you feel better overall.
Here are 10 ways to detox your system.
Sweat it out
Your body eliminates toxins through perspiration, so get moving and get sweating!
Drink a green smoothie
A green smoothie will provide your body with fiber and promote digestion. Kale or spinach, celery, apple, banana and parsley make a tasty combination. Try drinking a green smoothie a few times a week for a nutrient boost.
Get a deep tissue massage
When you push the pressure points in your muscles, it releases the toxins that tend to build up in those areas. Drink a lot of water afterward to ensure the toxins are flushed out of your system.
Drink more water
Not brain science, but water naturally helps detox your body. Proper water consumption helps keep your organs functioning properly and helps your system flush itself naturally. Think you’re drinking enough? Drink more. You get a lot of water from the foods you eat (assuming you’re eating whole foods like fruits and veggies), but shoot for at least 84 ounces of water a day.
Drink green tea
Though it may be hard to give up that cup of coffee (or two) at first, green tea will still give you a boost of caffeine, but provides antioxidant benefits as well.
Eat more super foods
Super foods contain the nutrients that our bodies need to function properly. Antioxidants and other nutrients help fight free radicals and can boost your immune system. Look for foods rich in Omega 3s, including tuna, avocado, almonds and walnuts to name a few. And be sure to add antioxidant rich foods to your diet. Blueberries, raspberries, spinach, kale and tomatoes are some great sources of antioxidants.
Try acupuncture
Our nanny swears by acupuncture. While I haven’t tried it myself, for her it helps keep her centered and unblocks areas of her body that may have toxins built up.
Get more sleep
Sleep provides our bodies with the necessary time to recuperate. Lack of sleep contributes to a compromised immune system, weight gain and poor nutrition for starters. It also contributes to the build up of toxins in the brain. Shoot for at least 7 hours a night to allow your body to function properly.
Take a probiotic
Probiotics help eliminate bad bacteria from the body. They help regulate the digestive system, including the intestines, and keep the proper balance of good bacteria. You can find probiotics in food, but finding a good probiotic supplement will ensure that you’re getting enough of the good stuff.
Learn to manage your stress
If your body is constantly operating in a state of stress, then you aren’t releasing endorphins, which your body needs in order to combat those stressors. This could result in sickness, weight gain and an all around unhealthy life. I know when I’m stressed I tend to get sick much easier than when I’m not. Our bodies are easily susceptible to illness if they are fighting the good fight to get us back to a happier place.
There are so many ways that you can detox your system to lead a healthier life and kick your body into overdrive. Figure out what works for you and incorporate it into your daily or weekly routine. You’ll feel better in no time!

I need some antioxidants in my life!! I also really need a green smoothie (or 10) before my trip next week LOL! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Love this list! The only thing I would add is taking deep, conscious breaths. Oxygen is another huge detoxifier! I also love this post because I always see women talking about “detoxifying” as a means of weight loss or a thing to boost her appearance. It’s certainly more about the way you feel and far less about how you look in the end! Although, I’ve found that if I feel great, I usually look great too.
Love your tips! Green teas, tons of water and some good sweat sessions are my go to’s 🙂
You are always full of so much good information!!! A massage sounds good to me 😉
Aw thanks girl. I so wish I got massages more often! I feel so good afterward!
I just bought a Magic Bullet yesterday when I was at Costco. I’m hoping to start making morning smoothies… I wonder if there is a good smoothie that includes Bacon?! Ha! 😉
Ha! Jenny 🙂 If you find one, my husband would be thrilled! :-p
I want to try acupuncture so badly but still haven’t found the right place where I live yet! This is a great list girl!
#10…easier said than done! 🙂 I have been wanting to try acupuncture….I just haven’t found a place yet. Ok I need to set a reminder so that I’ll take Life 5 every day. I keep forgetting :-p Love this post, Tiffany!
Great tips my friend.
I need a detox. I’ve been eating way too much garbage lately.
I tried acupuncture a few times. I really didn’t like it… although I’m all for the massage!
Thanks for sharing.
I want a massage. As in, soooooo bad! I never get them. But I love all the ideas and hints,…. as I do a lot of these already. So good for us! Now, about that massage… hmmm!
Great tips Tiffany!! I’ve always had it in my head that detoxing has to be some extreme, torturous thing to do, I really love that all of these tips are healthy and easy to do!
Great list!!! I, like Jess, have always thought detox to mean this drastic thing you do to eliminate all the bad things, but these are simple, effective ways that are doable everyday!! Definitely keeping these tips!
Such a great post… I’m all ready scheduling my massage for when I get home!!!! 🙂
Great list of tips, Tiffany! I usually try to drink more water and green smoothies when I’m feeling bogged down from eating crappy. I did acupuncture my entire pregnancy with Scarlett and it was amazing, I always felt so great afterwards!
These are so great! I love each and every thing you have listed. Although, I don’t know if could do acupuncture. I now want a deep tissue massage and I need to re-stock my green tea supply. Thanks for the awesome reminders! I also need to start running again and get back on track with my Paleo diet. It’s really when I feel my best. I was just telling M (the hubs) this week how I was feeling “ick.” So glad you put this together!
Deep tissue massage?! Sign me up! I definitely need to get a probiotic into my vitamin routine, and I have been trying to drink more tea. I have been awful with my healthy living goals lately, so this is a great reminder to kick it into high gear!!
Hi Tiffany, I can see it in my skin when I’ve not been drinking enough water or de-stressing enough. I really must make a concerted effort to drink more water!
I am a big fan of eating natural strained Greek yogurt as I think it works wonders for the digestive system and helps to boost immunity, even Doctors here will tell you to eat more of the stuff.
Great tips!