I read a post by another blogger a few weeks ago about how to connect with your readers. One of the things she says to do is blog about the hard stuff. Not everyone’s life is flowers and roses and puppy dogs all the time.
So I thought. And I thought. I thought about the hard times I’ve had in my life. Challenges I’ve faced. Frustrations I’ve encountered. And I thought about some hard times we’re going through right now. And honestly, our hard times really aren’t that hard. I mean yes, they are hard for us, but compared to what I know other people are going through (or have been through), I feel like we are very very blessed.
In May one of my girlfriends was diagnosed with Leukemia. She’s in her early 30s and just got engaged a few months ago. She’s now in remission and home, but it was a tough battle and she’s on the donor list for a bone marrow transplant. She lost her hair. She was in the hospital for weeks. And all the while she was in good spirits. I can’t even imagine going in to the doctor for a persistent sore throat and being told you have Leukemia.
After I read Renee’s story about her adopted son’s lack of care from the state (the state I live in), I was in tears. My hardships are nothing compared to what Renee and her family have been through in getting proper care and support for her son.
I’ve read so many posts from bloggers struggling with infertility, adoption woes, cancer scares. I have nothing like that to share. This doesn’t make me better, or happier, or indifferent. It just makes me realize that I am very lucky and fortunate.
I shared our debt free journey with you back in May, and while it has been hard and we’ve struggled and fought and I’ve wanted to give up, in the grand scheme of life this is just a moment in time. We will get through it and come out the other end better for it.
How true is this quote? The hard times will pass and the sun will shine brighter than ever. Even though I feel like sometimes we’ll never get through our hard times, I know we will and I know it won’t last forever. It won’t always be this hard, right? And I know that my hard times are nothing compared to others’.
My family has had struggles over the years. I told you a little about my brother passing away 2 years ago and the years of turmoil my family endured. It was HARD. Years and years of hard times, but there was some good. There were good times and not every day was a struggle.
And while hard times are all relative, I feel very blessed to have my health, my family, my friends, a roof over my head, food to eat. I feel blessed to have the life I do.
So you probably won’t see me blogging about the hard stuff very often. My life isn’t all roses and puppy dogs and when it’s not I’ll share it with you. But I feel like I’ve been very fortunate in my 31 years.
And I’ll leave you one of my favorite quotes. It says, “God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.” – Unknown
I don’t care what you’re beliefs are, that quote makes me hopeful.
We will always come out cleaner and brighter than we were before. 🙂

Great post, Tiffany! It’s so great to be thankful for our lives, no matter how hard stuff is that we’ve been through. I love that quote that you shared at the end. It reminds me of Isaiah 43:2 that says “when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” 🙂
Have a great Tuesday, friend!
Lovely post Tiffany. Yes, there is so much to be thankful for. I think thankfulness also makes hard times less challenging.
I love the quote you shared at the end of this post. How uplifting!
Thanks for sharing and for setting an example of gratitude and grace in all the moments.
Wishing you a lovely week.
I feel the same way. We have troubles and worries but nothing like other people have to go through. I also feel blessed for what I have. Nice post, love the quotes.
Love that quote, it gave me chills. I think being openly thankful for what you have brings your readers close to you just like sharing something hard. It reminds us to be grateful for our lives and experiences. I also don’t have many “hard” things to blog about, thank God. I just complain about my life as a tired mom, haha! Great post Tiffany!
I think its far more inspiring to be grateful and positive. As you said, we all have struggles, some big, some small, some new and some recurring, but I continue reading and connecting with bloggers who are overall positive and engaging, and who are still real, still them. There’s no need to sugar coat everything, but I think a positive and embracing blogosphere is a unique and wonderful space. xx
I think if people are just the real them, it’s fine. That was the one piece of advice that I got from a blogger and it has stuck with me. I try not to do a lot of comparing to others. It may not be leukemia or the loss of a job, but you may have something tough you want to share with us one day. I felt it could have been hard when you shared about your brother. So be you and whatever is you, be it tough or not, share it if you are comfortable to. 🙂
I try not to compare myself to others either, but it’s hard at times. And you’re right, some of the things we may have going on may not be hard to some, but for us they can be at times.
This is such an awesome post! I’m praying for you as you guys journey through your getting debt free walk. We are working on that, as well… it’s very trying! You are so right… there are blessings all around. Sometimes I get bogged down in the moment, and forget how happy some would be to stand in my shoes. Loved this post – so encouraging!
Thanks Heather! I’m glad this was encouraging for you! Good luck to you guys as you continue on your debt free journey! You’re right, it can be so hard a times, but I know it’s the right thing for us to do and we’ll be so happy when it’s done and all we have to pay is our mortgage. 🙂
Love the quote! It sounds to me like you’ve been through hard times… But as you say, you’ve come through them! I think we can connect with our readers whatever our situation. Walking along side people as well as letting people walk along side us – there’s a time for everything.
Thanks for linking with the #SHINEbloghop 🙂 I’ve been over at your site at least 10 times in the last week checking out when you co-hosted a few weeks back too! You have a lot of beautiful posts; I’m glad to have found you!
Thanks for stopping by Steph! You are right; we’ve all been through hard times but we get through them. And those hard times are usually the things that really build our character. 🙂
However hard we think our lives are, I always try to spare a thought for those who have it harder. That isn’t to say that knowing that makes our difficulties and hardships any easier, for me it just puts things into perspective.
On days when we feel strong, our difficulties and hardships are easier to handle and accept, but there are days when we may lack the energy to deal with things, that is when I remind myself that tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to be strong again.
I hope your friend gets a bone marrow match soon and fully recovers from her leukemia.
Popped over from the #SHINEBlogHop.
That’s a great way to look at things Debbie! I try to think that as well: tomorrow is a new day. Thank you for the kind words as well. I really hope they find a match for her as well. She’s a strong lady with a lot of support and love around her.