Huebie came home yesterday (finally!) so I didn’t really plan much for today’s post, so I threw together this little project. I found some blue chevron duct tape at Target over the weekend and really wanted to use it in our office. Right now, the office is the catch all (along with the bonus room) for not only files and our computer, but crafts, pictures, misc. items that don’t have a home. Typical office I’d say. Unfortunately it’s another one of those rooms on my list that I want to do about a thousand things with, but don’t have the time to. So it sits in it’s textured blue glory (the previous owners were texture happy with this house unfortunately; and they hated white walls I’ve surmised).
It’s a pretty dark room, with our black desk and the one small window that doesn’t seem to get much light. So I thought the blue chevron would brighten it up a bit. Does it match the room? Oh heck no! But it makes me happy when I walk in and see it sitting on the desk.
I found an old shoe box lid that is just the perfect size to fit papers in, covered it with the chevron duct tape and there you have it!
I hope I’m not alone when I say that we have a problem with filing things away in a timely manner. Mail will sit on the counter in the kitchen for a while; usually until I can’t stand the sight of it anymore and we bring it upstairs and usually I’m pretty good about filing it away, but sometimes I’m in a hurry and it sits on the desk. I move the mail from one place it doesn’t belong to another. At least with this cute tray I have one place to put it until I get a chance to go back, sort it, and file it away where it belongs. It’s the little things right?!