Can I just get one more day please?! I think we all need to boycott for a 3 day weekend because 2 is NEVER enough. Ever.
I would like to say that I can’t believe EJ is 4 months old, but honestly, I definitely can. It feels like he’s been in our lives forever and he has the size to prove it! This kid is a tank!
We had his 4 month check up last week and he weighs a whopping 17 pounds (89th percentile)! He has more than doubled his weight in his 4 short months of life. He’s the sweetest, happiest baby. And even when he’s obviously in pain from his shots or teething, you wouldn’t even know it because he barely makes a fuss.
Here’s a little update on all things EJ.
Height: 27 1/2 inches (99.34 percentile)
Weight: 17 pounds (89th percentile)
Diaper size: I just moved him up to a 3 because I felt like the 2s weren’t long enough.
Clothing: 6-9 months, but he’s about outgrown the 6 month items, so I’m transitioning those out and all the 9 month clothes in.
- He’s been giggling for months, but he full out belly laughs now. And smiles constantly.
- Loves to reach for things on his play mat and put them to his mouth. Same with his jumper. Loves all the toys on it and immediately puts them in his mouth.
- He cut his firth tooth! I honestly could not even believe it! He’d been a little fussy from what I thought was shots and a cold, but then I felt in his mouth and there it was. I feel like it’s so early but then my mom told me that I cut my first tooth at 3 months so I guess it’s not surprising. We’re just advanced in this family, haha!
- Rolls from back to front and just started rolling from front to back.
EJ has always been a really good sleeper, but has yet to sleep through the night. But really, what constitutes “sleeping through the night?” He goes down around 7 and wakes up around 3AM or 4AM to eat, then goes back down until around 7:30AM. So he sleeps a good 8-9 hour stretch, which I cannot complain about at all.
He takes 3 naps a day; a 30 minute morning nap, a long 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon, then another 30 minute nap around 4 or 5.
We haven’t really sleep trained him, per se, but I can put him down sleepy and he usually just falls asleep on his own. If he ever doesn’t I just go in rub his head and he zonks out.
Likes & Dislikes
- Loves to be up at your level so he can see what’s going on.
- Loves tummy time! He would much rather be on his tummy than his back.
- Loves his Sophie and his paci and putting everything in his mouth.
- Hates the car seat, sometimes. That’s really the only time he ever gets upset is when he’s been in his car seat too long and wants out. Then he’s mad.
- Loves his big sister.
- Loves to play games when he’s nursing. He’ll latch on for like 5 seconds, then unlatch and look up at me and smile, and latch back on. He’ll do this over and over again like a little game. It’s so funny!
- He has started to sit up a little on his own, if he’s in a certain position. Part of me wants to push him down and yell, “Not yet! Too soon buddy, too soon!”
EJ smiles all the time. I mean he really is always happy. For some this may be typical baby behavior but having a high needs first baby for us, this is something totally new. Who knew babies could be so happy all the time?! Also, he is very interested in what is happening around him. He loves to sit up high and watch what we’re doing at all times. He especially loves to watch the hubs cook, which makes me think he may be ready to try solids sooner rather than later (although I’m not quite ready).
Other milestones with Milestone Baby Cards
I still can’t get over that he cut his first tooth! The kid is growing by leaps and bounds and I just want the time to stop. I am loving the Milestone Baby Cards as a fun way to document special occasions. I wish we’d gotten these cards sooner because there are quite a few things that he already surpassed and it would have been fun to get pictures with the cards to commemorate the date. They also carry toddler cards to commemorate ages 1-4, as well as pregnancy and first activity cards. The “My First Olympics” card would be a fun one to have for the summer Olympics happening right now.
I love that the Milestone Baby Cards are sold in 19 different languages in 37 countries! They are the perfect way to celebrate those special moments as your little one grows.
Disclaimer: Milestone Baby Cards were given to me in exchange for my review. All opinions are always 100% my own.
Have a great day love bugs!

He’s such a little cutie!! I love all the faces he makes! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
He is such a chunky cutie!! Actually, chunky isn’t the right word. He definitely is a TANK! Goodness I could just kiss those cheeks. I don’t know how you get anything done… Because I’d just be captivates by that grin all day.
He has such a sweet smile! 🙂 My sister is due any day, and I’m ready to get my baby fix.
Aww I just love his little smile! I’d love to hear that little giggle in person. And yes! 3 day weekends would probably help me to be even more productive at work 🙂
ah he’s such a cutie! I love his little random coos and giggles on snapchat. Also, I can’t believe he’s 4 months old!? Pretty sure I “met” you the day after he came into this world. <3
What a handsome boy! He sounds like such a good baby! My son was the same way with teething! We never really knew he was teething and then all of a sudden he’d have another tooth!!
What a handsome little guy. I can’t believe he’s four-months-old already. Slow down!!
I love baby giggles. Could you record him giggling and put in on a loop for me to listen to over and over again?
It sounds like you’ve been blessed with a great little baby there!
He is so cute– I love when his hair sticks straight up! I’ve never seen the milestone cards, but they’re so cute & a fun way to document all of the firsts.
I literally yelled out Holy Guacamole when I read the first part of your post. My boys were preemies so when I think back to their size at this age, I’m dumbfounded. My boys weighed around 21 lbs when they turned a year. They lagged behind for about 18 to 20 months and then began to grow at a more normal rate. EJ is a such a cutey!