We’ve hit the half year mark folks! Our boy is 6 months old and my heart just keeps getting bigger every day. This boy. I just can’t say enough about what a true blessing he is to our family.
Here’s a little 6 month update on EJ.
Weight: 21 pounds, 95th percentile (he gained 4 pounds in 2 months!)
Height: 28 inches, 94th percentile (I don’t like how his doctor records their height. I don’t think it’s accurate because he’s definitely outgrown a ton of clothes that used to fit him 2 months ago, so I think he’s more like 29 or 29 1/2 inches).
Diaper size: Still in a size 3 diaper
Clothing size: 9 and 12 months, but he’s outgrowing the 9 month onesies by the day, so we’re mainly in 12 month clothing.
Since his 4 month update:
- He has 2 teeth and is cutting 2 more on the top! They will pop through at any moment.
- He rolls from front to back now.
- He can sit up on his own.
- Feeds himself. We started giving him Mums and puffs and he’s doing great feeding himself.
- He’s still obsessed with his toes. Every time he’s on the changing table now he instantly reaches for them to put them in his mouth.
- He started standing about a month ago, but is standing longer and longer every week.
- He’s also scooting around on his belly. I turn my head for a second and he’s in a completely different spot.
- He says “Mama!” Makes this mama’s heart so happy! He says it at least a few times a day now.
- Eating solids!
I’m sure there are more that I’m missing. I feel like it’s been a big few months.
We started him on solids a week or two after he turned 4 months old. I wanted to wait longer, but he was soooo interested in what we were eating. He even lunged at a muffin Kellen was eating one day, so we thought we should give it a shot.
So far he is loving:
- Sweet potatoes
- Zucchini
- Carrots
- Avocado
- Apples
- Pears
- Rice cereal
- Squash
- Strawberry (gave him one in a little mesh pouch and he gobbled it up)
- Eggs (his doc gave the go ahead to start meat and eggs on Monday so we gave him some eggs and he loved them!)
He dislikes:
- Peas
- Green beans
I’ll give the peas and green beans another go here soon to see if his tastes have changed at all.
He’s been a great sleeper most of his life, but lately his sleep has been a bit all over the map. He slept through the night (9 hours) for the first time right before he turned 5 months old. We were doing great but ever since we got back from Chelan (beginning of September) his sleep has been sub par. Sometimes he’ll sleep 7 or 8 hours, then other nights he’ll sleep 4 or 5 hours and wake up wanting to eat. And even other nights he’ll wake up 3 or 4 times and we have to go in and give him his paci for him to fall back to sleep. These last few weeks I’ve been trying to cut out the night feedings and just rock him, but most of the time he just cries and fusses. I’ve been sending Kellen in as well, which has helped some, but most of the time he wants mama.
Monday night he did well though, and fell back to sleep without a feeding, so I’m hoping we’re on the upswing.
He’s down to 2 naps a day. One morning nap and one afternoon nap. His afternoon nap time depends on how long and early his morning nap is, but half the time he ends up sleeping in the car when we go pick up sissy from school. Her school schedule is definitely less than desirable because it interrupts nap time a lot.
Likes & Dislikes
- Still loves tummy time and to just be on his stomach in general.
- He’s really enjoying sitting up to play.
- Looooves food!
- We’re still in the “everything in the mouth” phase.
- He loves his jumper and will play in there for a good 30 minutes.
- Loves to laugh and be tickled.
- Loves to grab hair, especially the tiny ones on the back of your head. And all of sissy’s hair. 🙂
- Dislikes being put down when he’s overly tired.
- Sitting in the high chair in the afternoons, unless he’s being fed.
It’s been an amazing 6 months with our boy. It really has flown by and I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months bring.
Have a great day love bugs!

Ohhh look at those little teeth!
EJ is such a happy boy! I cannot believe he’s 6 months old.
I can’t believe he’s already six months! Do you notice any similarities between the foods Little A liked, and what he likes so far?
HAHA I loved that snap of him laughing (mostly at you) when he wasn’t taking his name. He literally was WIDE AWAKE. Did he end up going down for a nap that day? You never updated us… Also, both of your kids are RIDICULOUSLY adorable and proper beauts <3 Finally, how is he 6 months? I feel like in next month's post is going to be like "EJ going to college" 🙁
Oh my goodness, he is such a cutie! And those teeth! Don’t you love the jumper? Easily the best baby purchase we ever made!
He is gorgeous. It is so great too that he loves food. My eldest did too and it made feeding him a pleasure. hope his sleep settles soon. #shinebloghop
6 months and 21 pounds?! Otto was an even 19 at his 9 month checkup! But he’s a tall skinny boy. Henry was 26 pounds at 6 months and 29 at 12 months, and still weighs 29 at 2 and a half, hahaha! Otto had a sleep regression at 4 and 8 months so maybe EJ is having his a bit early? I know there’s a growth stage in there somewhere around 8-10 months, and a sleep regression is expected… Man, I take for granted what a great sleeper Otto has been from day one. 12 hours straight since 9 weeks, with one major regression at 4 months and one minor one (only lasted a week) at 8 months. I sooooo won’t miss the baby sleep phases!
I don’t blame not liking peas! Ash didn’t like them either..I tried them and not so good mushed up!
I can’t believe he’s already 6 months old! 6 MONTHS! What happened to all that time?!
He’s such a sweetie and what a great palette of foods – that’s awesome he’s liking so much!
Thanks for sharing this update of your beautiful babe. He is so adorable.
How on earth did you get this precious munchkin to ENJOY tummy time? Lucky mom! My children would look at me maliciously whenever I got out the Special Tummy Time Blanket.
Sounds like he is healthy and strong. Both of your children are lovely!
Oh my gosh those two little teeth are just adorable! I love his smile!
What a sweetheart! He just has the sweetest little smile!