What a good week it has been friends! We had a fun filled weekend with some get togethers and Seahawks, and a busy week with more painting and curtain hanging. I’m trying to get ready for Little A’s birthday in a few weeks as well. I can’t believe she’s about to be 3! EEK!
Day 261: Hueie cleaned out the garage over the weekend so I finally had my workout space back! Happy day! You can check out my latest workout post HERE.
Day 262: Friday night we went over to one of Huebie’s co-workers houses. They had just moved in a few months ago and you guys, their house is gorgeous! And they have 2 sweet little girls. Little A had a great time playing and making new friends. And of course it was blue Friday so we were all decked out in our Hawks gear, including baby girl. 🙂
Day 263: We celebrated the 2nd birthday of one of my bestie’s daughters. Little A was the only kid who refused to put on the Minnie ears. Typical. But how cute is little miss Minnie!? Ugh, I love her so much.
Day 264: Seahawks Sunday! Our besties (and Little A’s god parents) came up from Bend for the game. They have season tickets as well, and we’re so glad they kept them even though they moved 5+ hours away. So good to see them! And the Hawks pulled off a win!
Day 265: Family walk Monday evening after dinner. It cooled down significantly on Monday and the trees have really started embracing fall. Little A ran the entire way around our block, which is about .6 miles. She would stop for a few seconds and breathe hard, then run again. She is quick too! I somehow ended up carrying the puppy.
Day 266: My aunt threw a baby shower for her new grand-baby. He is 8 weeks old now and the sweetest thing. It was so great to finally get to meet him. All us ladies were in heaven. I mean look at those eyes! I melt.
Day 267: Aaaandddd this is how we usually end up when I’m trying to get a picture with her. Girlfriend cannot sit still to save her life!
You can find me on Instagram HERE.
And hey, if you aren’t on Instagram, I’m on Facebook too, HERE! 🙂
I’ll be back tomorrow with Friday goodness!

That last picture made me laugh so hard when I saw it on Instagram. What a little toot. Little A is SO grown up for not even 3 years old! You better watch out, momma!
Sounds like you had a great week. I always enjoy reading all of your posts!
Della@Della Devoted
Thanks Della! It definitely was a good week. Really looking forward to the fall. 🙂
Love that y’all get to go to the football games!! How fun! I LOVE football 🙂
Hahaha! JR doesn’t sit still for pictures hardly either! I can’t believe she’s going to be 3 either. She looks like it though. 🙂 I love her little Seahawks jersey. I showed hubby and told him we have to get one for JR- Cowboys one of course. I love the pictures with the fall leaves in them! This time of year is so fun.
They are so squirmy at this age. But it’s such a fun age. You should for sure get JR a little jersey. 🙂
And yes, love the fall leaves! It’s perfection right now!
So funny that she wouldn’t put on the mickey ears :-p So glad your friends still come up for Seahawks games. That sounds like a blast! And that’s a great photo of you!
Great pictures friend. Woah… you are looking fit and lean! Okay, I’m convinced… more exhertion and less ice cream sandwiches. Can you post a workout on how to lose boob “fat”? LOL
That wee little baby boy… oh my goodness… delicious!
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Awww I’m so glad you had a great week, and I love how into football you guys are! Your little workout area looks great!! I bet you’re loving that. And that pic of Little A and your hubby walking is soooo pretty, the trees! And I noticed they’re wearing sweaters and it made me totally jealous lol. It also amazes me how much little kids can run, their energy is amazing. I hope you guys had a great weekend!