It’s Thursday. Almost Friday. It has been a long week, but it also feels like it’s flown by. We have HUGE plans for the weekend, and I can’t wait for Saturday!
Day 23: Real long day with Little A. The terrible 2s are in full effect these days. She is still a sweetheat, but sometimes she really likes to try us.
Day 24: Had a nice long gym session. I don’t get to the gym as often as I should, but when I do I work harder and smarter to make the best use of my time.
Day 25: We’re going to the Superbowl!!!!!! There are not enough exclamation points to show you how excited I am! It was quite the road for us to get here, but we have our tickets and will be on an airplane bright and early Saturday morning! GO HAWKS!!!!!
Day 26: We went to the new Home Goods in our area and stopped by Dicks Sports to check out some Hawks gear. Little A always goes straight for weights. Her squat form is fantastic and she is very focused when she lifts. Right after this she said, “It’s too heavy for me.” No kidding kid.

Super Bowl! So jealous!! Have fun and make lot of noise!!!!
I know we’re stoked. Long story of how we got there but I’m soooo excited. Plus I’ve been wanting to go to NYC so it’s a win-win.
Great pictures from your week. I love the “Baby Jesus in the manger” – so cute! You are one busy lady.
Loving these #graceeveryday posts!