A HIIT treadmill workout that will torch calories and have your legs and lungs burning.
Y’all may know by now, but running on the treadmill isn’t my favorite thing to do. Back in the day you couldn’t pay me enough to run on one of those things. If I’m going to run, it’s going to be outside, which I love to do.
But sometime last year I started utilizing the treadmill a bit more, for interval training. And I’ll tell you what. I LOVE IT! I still won’t run on it for steady-state cardio, but doing intervals or HIIT (high intensity interval training)? Yep, it’s one of my favorite ways to burn calories and sweat my face off. Seriously, my face is the color of a tomato for a good hour after these workouts.
I know a lot of people aren’t fans of the treadmill like me, but this HIIT treadmill workout is less than 20 minutes, and will burn way more calories than walking or running on the treadmill for an hour. Get in, get it done, and get out is my motto!
This workout isn’t hard to follow and there’s no needing to adjust the incline. Just stick with a flat surface and push as hard as you can. It won’t be easy, but you will burn some serious calories and fat with this workout.
Adjust the speeds to your level of fitness, but you should be pushing nearly as hard as you can throughout the workout. If you need a longer break, take one, but try to stick as closely to this as you can. If you need to, start with 10 minutes and work your way up to the full 15 minute workout.
If you’re someone who isn’t a fan of the gym, but would love to do something like this at home, I highly recommend you check out reviews.com’s treadmill review. They give a comprehensive review of the best treadmills available, at all price points, and for different variables: best for walkers, runners, training and best entertainment features. It’s a great guide!
Are you a treadmill fan, or do you avoid it like I normally do?

Sounds like a great workout, Tiffany! I haven’t been on the treadmill in a while. We do have an elliptical in our garage now that I use or I run outside if the weather is nice.
This looks so intense! I don’t ever run on the treadmill (I run on the track) but this would be a good workout if I want to mix it up! Definitely saving this one! I think I could actually do it!
HIIT workouts seriously torch calories and I’m totally with you – for steady state cardio, I’d better be outside because that treadmill makes 30 minutes seem like 2 hours!
I like how easy this is to follow! I would just print this out and put it at me treadmill for easy access.