First I just want to say thank you all so very much for your kind words on Monday’s big announcement. I feel so blessed to have so much support from this amazing blogging community.
On Friday, my baby girl turns 4. 4 years old! It seems like the years are going by faster and faster all the time. I had originally planned a sweet, sentimental post where I detail all that she’s accomplished this year and how much she’s grown and just gloat on her for a bit. I’d tell you that she’s already 3 1/2 feet tall and has the longest legs on a 3 year old I’ve ever seen (and often gets mistaken for a 5 year old). I’d tell you that she can write her name, count to 100 and can speak a little Spanish. I’d also tell you that even though she has her mama’s temper, she’s the biggest lover and little mama herself and dotes on her stuffed animals and baby dolls like they are real people. And I’d tell you that she has the most tender and sensitive heart and that I can’t wait for her to be a big sister.
But then I thought, “Well, why don’t I just let her tell you guys all about herself,” so that’s what we’re going to do. 🙂 If you’ve ever met Little A, one thing you know about her is that she is chatty. Even if she doesn’t know you she has something to tell you. It usually involves a story about some small toy or animal or drawing she has (because she is always carrying something) and she’ll just say “Hi” and start talking. She’s definitely not shy.
So the other day I did a little interview with her. Just some basic questions to document where she’s at right now and some of her favorite things.
Enjoy! Her exact responses are in pink, of course.
How old will you be on your birthday? 4
What is your favorite color? Pink!
Who is your favorite person? My baby (she’s talking about the baby in my belly whenever she says my baby.)
What is your favorite thing to do? Play with my stuffed animals.
What is your favorite toy? My owl and little bunny.
What is your favorite movie? “Brave.” (which is actually shocking because usually she says she doesn’t like Brave because the bear is scary. And she never wants to watch it.)
What is your favorite food? Mac & cheese.
What is your favorite season? I love winter. Can we draw it? Draw a snowman so they can know that I love winter.
What do you like most about school? When we play outside.
What is your favorite thing to do with mommy & daddy? Cuddle. (Truth, she is big time cuddle bug.)
What is your favorite outdoor activity? When I relax in the sun and swim in my pool. Hey Mom? I’m a little hot so can you fill up my pool? (It’s 50 degrees outside. We didn’t fill up the pool.)
Today, what do you want to name the baby? Sweetie, I love the name Sweetie.
What are you most excited about being a big sister? When I make my baby giggle.
What makes you the happiest in the whole wide world? You & my baby. (I love that she calls it her baby already).
And that pretty much sums my girl up. She’s sweet, and funny, and at the end of the day, even though we have struggles and hard moments, she’s a little lover. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings for her and how she handles all the changes that will be taking place. I pray that she just takes them in stride and that 4 will be a great age for us. Because Lord knows that I am over 3.
Happy Birthday sweet girl!

How cute is this interview!! She and I have the same fave food lol! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
What a sweetie. I love reading little interviews like this!
What a sweet girl! I love that she’s already calling the baby hers. She’s going to be a great big sister. 🙂
I love the movie Brave too! I don’t get to watch it very often, you know, raising a boy means I get to miss out on girl power Disney movies! I like her taste! 4 is such a fun age! Enjoy each moment of it!
That is freaking adorable. That girl and owls!! 🙂 Such cute answers. Sweetie for a name 🙂 I think it’s hilarious that she asked you to fill up the pool. Such a fun little interview! Happy early birthday, Little A!
This is so precious! I love the idea of having her do a little interview. I am definitely going to be doing that for my littles, too!
Sweet girl! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating!!!!
Aww, this is so very sweet. I did interviews with my girls but *gasp* I forgot to do one with my youngest on her 4th birthday! AHHHH!
I love how much love she already has for her sister. Yup – I’m calling girl… but bot, girl, it doesn’t matter – this baby is sweet and already loved.
Wishing you a lovely evening.
Enjoy reading interviews with the little ones. She is a cutie and no doubt she will be a helping hand when baby comes.
What a cute interview! “Brave” is also a wee bit shunned at our house due to the ‘scary bear’.
SO PRECIOUS! And her and H could be bff’s – he also loves Brave (but he likes the bear and will actually watch it) and playing outside at preschool is his fave too 🙂 And yeah, she totally looks older than 4! Watch out mama… !!!
Aww, this interview is too cute. You can tell she is going to be an awesome big sis!
Awe, your daughter is precious! I’m a big fan of mac & cheese and Brave too. The bear is scary though. I hope she had a great birthday.
so cute her interview
Thanks Nicole. She was so funny with it.