We are almost half way there! Can’t believe we’re into week 6 with our half marathon training. Craziness.
Injury update: I know I haven’t mentioned this yet, mostly because I wanted to know what was going on before I told y’all, but I’ve been having some ankle pain when I run. So I went and saw the doc last week and luckily it’s just tendonitis. So a few Aleve a day, some ice, special stretches and I’ll (hopefully) be good as new in a few weeks. I can continue to run I just need to make sure I drug up twice a day and ice after each run. Done and done.
I’m also reevaluating my goal time for the race. I mentioned in my last half marathon post that my goal was a 10:00 minute mile. Well, that’s great and all when I’m running under 5 miles. You kick it up to 13.1 and there is no way this mama can move her behind that fast. Yeah, I know, super slow for some of you runners out there, but for me, my new goal is just complete the dang thing probably around 11:00 minute miles or so (I use the “or so” term very loosely). That’s more realistic when you consider stops for water and GU, running around slower folks (ha!) etc. We’ll see.
Luckily she held out until we were at the end of our run to want to get out and walk.
And then be carried.
And this day it decided to pour. We had to run separate so Little A wouldn’t get wet. So glad I had my hat on. I know you’re jealous of it’s awesomeness.
Long run week 4. Super warm outside.
Aaaand long run week 5. Really cold and rainy. I’m trying to get used to wearing a hat running to keep the rain out of my eyes. It’s pretty probable that it will rain on race day so I want to be prepared.
Like my new compression socks? I’m looking pretty hot there I know. 😉
I also decided that I can’t wear both compression pants and socks at the same time (a la the picture above). Just too much compression going on for me. So I think I’ll most likely end up with shorts and compression socks come race day. Maybe even some compression sleeves who knows. Although I may change my tune if it’s going to be sub freezing.
The other thing doc recommended was getting fitted for some new shoes. Really didn’t want to do that since my shoes aren’t that old and I did not want to go in and spend another $100+ on some more shoes. Well, come to find out my shoes will only go around 200 miles so it was a good thing we went in on Sunday and got fitted. Today will be my first run in my new shoes so I’m hoping for the best. And these new ones will last me around 500 miles so they will end up being my race day shoes. Good to start breaking them in now. And I got some insoles for my high arches. The fitting guy couldn’t get over how high my arches are so it’s a good thing I have more support for them I guess. Should help with the tendonitis as well.
Running solo this week since Huebie is on travel again. Except Saturday. We have a 5k that day as prep. Ok, let’s be honest, we’re making our own 5k up so we don’t have to pay for a 5k, then a 10k, then the half. I’m looking for a sub 30 minute 5k.
Wish me luck!

Love the posts of the progress!! Glad you got fitted for new shoes, as you know they are instrumental to feeling good. I finally wore the ones I got when we went shopping…yeah broke them in during the half marathon. One of many poor choices that day. Can’t wait for race day and to see those pics of you guys finishing 🙂
PS took me awhile to get used to running with a hat, but so nice to have the rain out of your face and keep the heat in on cold days.
Yikes! I’m curious to hear about the half this weekend! I hope it wasn’t too terrible….
Glad to know I’m not alone in the hat department. 🙂
Wow, you really are making progress. Love the pictures of all of you! Sorry to hear about the ankle… but it sounds like it’s quite manageable.
Compression socks… hot pink… foxy lady!
Love these updates. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Jennifer! The ankle is already feeling better.
Love my new compression socks. I feel awesome in them; like a real runner, ha!