Another week down! We are now 3 weeks away from race day. Lots to get ready for. Last week was a good one and concluded with a 10k on Sunday. Details on that a little later.
With day light savings time we’ve had to break out the stroller lights so we can be seen. So far it hasn’t been too bad; we’ve been able to get out home from work early enough to get a quick run in. But during the mid-week 5 mile runs it tends to get dark before we’re finished so we’re making sure we are prepared and have our reflective gear and lights on.
Tuesday was really chilly in the afternoon:
And yes, princess crowns are required when running now.
We ended up making Thursday our rest day and ran Friday instead since the 10k was on Sunday. I got out on my own for a quick 3 miles:
It was a beautiful but cold day so I had to break out the pants. But even for 3 miles I was sweating bullets in those babies. I just can’t wear a lot of clothing when I run. I get way too hot.
Sunday we got up early to head into the city for our 10k race! This was honestly the first race I’ve done since high school. I’ve done obstacle fun runs, but not just a run. It’s a whole nother ball game.
Our friends live super close to the park where the race took place so they came down to support us and snap some photos:
All ready to run. I was crazy nervous on the way down. I had no expectations going in so I’m not sure why. I think I get nervous that I’ll do bad or not be able to finish or something. And the race wasn’t super organized so we drove around for about half an hour looking for where it started. After that I wasn’t too nervous; just irritated. But we made it with plenty of time to spare.
The course was down and back once for the 5k runners and twice for the 10k runners. I actually didn’t mind that it was down and back. I was able to judge how I was doing better. It was also really flat with a few rolling hills; super easy course. Why can’t our half marathon course be that easy?!
Side note: We drove the half marathon course on Saturday after the ski show and oh my lord. There is this hill. It is the mother of all hills you guys. And we have to run up it. Like a long ways. They might as well just have the ambulance stationed there waiting for me because I think I might die right there on the course. Oh and did I mention that the hill is around mile 9?! Like almost all the way at the end of the run! Oh my terrified! But there’s not turning back now. I’m committed.
Ok back to Sunday. The course was pretty easy and it ran right along the water so it was gorgeous.
See, gorgeous. Beautiful views of the Puget Sound. I felt really good and had no problem keeping up with Huebie. I think he was even surprised at how well I was doing. Around mile 2 a girl passed us and we said our goal was to catch her and beat her at the end. We stayed on pace at the half way point and even picked it up a bit heading into mile 4. At the last turn around we passed the girl and ended up beating her by almost a full minute. Go us! Huebie moved out in front of me the last half mile or so, but I kicked it into high gear for the last quarter mile and was able to sprint to the end. I finished in 57:24, a 9:15 mile pace. Not too bad for my first race. Now I know that’s not a realistic pace for me for the half marathon, but it’s good see that I’ve really improved over these last 2 months.
And I came in 3rd place in the women’s division!
We weren’t even going to stay for the awards but thought it would be good to support our fellow runners. So glad we did as I had no idea I came in 3rd. It was a great way to finish off a really good week of training. Huebie was right there too, just missing a podium position by 17 minutes. 🙂 (The first place guy finished the 10k in 37 minutes. Crazy fast).
Injury update: I haven’t mentioned it before but Huebie’s left knee has been really bothering him lately when we’re running. At the end of the race he was limping pretty badly and it was hurting him like none other so he got in to see the doctor today. They said since he has a tight left IT band and quad tendon and it’s pulling his knee cap over, causing it to rub against some tendons or ligaments or something. Yeah, not so great but nothing requiring surgery. So they gave him a few streteches to do this week and told him to rest up. they also trained him on what he needs to do next week to get back into the swing of things. But if it starts to bother him at all he has to stop running. I’m hoping and praying that this week of rest gives his knee time to heal. He’s my hype boy so not having him running with me would really be a bummer.
So in preparation for the half marathon, I’m going to try to run more hills (ugh!) and get my legs prepped for the mother of all hills. I really don’t want to have to call the paramedics to come revive me on that beast.
Huebie left for India this morning (last trip, yay!) so I’ll be doing 11 miles on my own on Friday. Eek!

You have to run up a big hill?! That would be it for me too! Congrats on placing third! That’s awesome!
I hope Huebie heals quickly and completely.
Wishing you a lovely day.
Oh yes, yes I do. It’s so steep it’s like you could reach out and touch it while you’re running (that may be a slight exaggeration….but it’s really steep).
Thanks for the thoughs for my hubby!
Have a wonderful week!
Congrats on coming in 3rd! Awesome. I hope your friend’s injuries recover quickly. That’s always a bummer when you train so hard and get injured. I’ve had some IT problems in the past, not fun. Good luck with the hill training and the half!
Thanks Dawn! Yeah it’s a bit of a bummer he is injured, but I’m hoping he can rest up during this week while he’s on business. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for the well wishes! I am going to need them! 🙂
Sorry, I didn’t realize he was your hubby at first! duh.
Congrats Tiffany! Such an accomplishment!
Thanks Becky! I appreciate the support!
Have a great Wednesday!
Wow look at you! Congrats on that time and for making 3rd! That’s pretty awesome! I’m excited to see how you prepare and do for the next one. I now little about running and preparing for marathons. Hubby is the track and cross country buff. I hope Heubie feels better soon! Yay! His last trip to India!
Thanks Brittnei! I’m still totally surprised I did so well. Friday will be a day for determining how I do in the race; it will be an 11 mile day 🙂
So so excited this is his last trip to India! I want my hubby back 🙂