Happy Thanksgiving week to ya! We’re getting ready to host Thanksgiving at our house again this year so there’s lots to do this week.
We had an eventful weekend, as usual. My weekend really starts on Thursday. I only work from home for a few hours in the morning Thursday’s and Friday’s, so I consider those days like the weekend. So we did a little shopping on Thursday. There’s a Rainforest Cafe in the mall. Little A kept wanting to go back to see the alligator like every 5 minutes.
She named him Little Alligator. Clever, I know.
Then we drove our car around the driveway while Huebie and I worked outside for a bit. She really likes to drive.
Friday Huebie was able to come home a little early so I ran my 12 miles in the afternoon while he stayed with Little A. More details tomorrow but it was a pretty tough run. Then we went to a happy hour get together for his new job and met some great people.
Saturday we had Little Gym in the morning, then went and cut down our Christmas tree in the afternoon!!
She was prepared with her tree finding stick.
We found it! She was a really good helper cutting down the tree. She patted Daddy on the back to encourage him.
And we went and saw Warren Miller that night. And yes, Huebie left wanting to heli-ski. Again. Great night out with our friends.
We spent Sunday decorating the house for Christmas. Yes, I know for some it’s early. And even though we’re hosting Thanksgiving on Thursday I wanted our house to be ready for Christmas. We’re out of town 2 of the weekends before Christmas so that doesn’t leave us much time to enjoy our house being all festive, or to decorate. But I do still have a few Thanksgiving decorations up, including the dining room table set for Thursday.
Little A was a good helper. And the house is almost done! I think Huebie is going to attempt to get the lights on the house this week too! Hopefully having the house decorated early will make for a more enjoyable, relaxing holiday season for us.
Did you do anything exciting this weekend?
When do you put your tree up?

Julian loved that Alligator at the rain forest. :O) but inside he git scared because of the thunder.. great photos :O)
Yes, first it was the butterfly we couldn’t get away from then the alligator. Kids are so funny.
Have a great week Nicole!
I love your tree! x
Louisa – My Family & Abruzzo
Thanks Louisa! We had a bit of an issue with it, but it turned out just great.
What a wonderful weekend! That rain forest cafe looks so cool!
As you know, we decorated this weekend too! We usually do it on the 25th of November but we didn’t want to decorate on a Monday night (it’s just not as fun).
I love your tree. It’s beautiful! (I see you’re wearing that gorgeous ombre cardigan too).
It’s pretty fun for kids. It’s a jungle theme.
I’ve seen a few other bloggers with their trees up so I don’t feel so bad now. 🙂
I really do love the sweater; it’s so cozy. The hubby said if I’m ever gone and he’s missing me he’s going to use it as a blanket because it’s so soft, ha!