I had a completely different post planned for today. But we came home from vacation on Monday night to a house full of dust from the contractors. So I’ve spent the last 2 days dusting and re-dusting our entire home. Not how I wanted to end my vacation in Disneyland.
Did I mention that Kellen didn’t even leave the airport when we got home? He went and boarded another plane to Wichita, Kansas. So I’m doing all of this cleaning up myself. Boo!
Needless to say blogging has taken a back seat. On the bright side, the carpet is getting installed today and tomorrow so all the work will be done (except some touch ups) this week! I am soooooo ready to no longer live in a construction zone!
My last confessions post was back in February. You can read it HERE. It was a doozy!
Today I confess….
…I just want a weekend getaway with the hubs. Unfortunately I don’t have enough milk stashed to leave the baby for a full weekend. Maybe overnight?
…that I wish wd e’d had one more day at Disneyland. Three days at the park was enough to ride the rides, but not enough time to see all the sights and do some shopping on Main Street. If you book a Disneyland trip I highly recommend a 4-day park hopper pass.
…that I have some BIG news I want to share, but need to wait a bit longer until the details are finalized. Trust me when I say it’s huge and something that I have been dying to share for a while now.
…that I thought when A turned 5 the attitude would subside a bit but alas, the attitude continues. She has more sass than I can handle most days. I love her to pieces, but some days I feel like I’m at my whits end and need a break.
…the hubs’ travel schedule for the rest of the year has me on edge. He’ll be gone more than he will be home and just the thought of it 1) breaks my heart for the kids and for him, and 2) stresses me out. He is my partner and I hate when he travels.
…that I really need EJ to sleep through the night again! He’s been waking up every night around 2:00 and I cannot handle it anymore. I just need him to get back to being my good sleeper.
…I ate like shit in Disneyland. I had a Dole Whip, cake pop and 2 churros. And I think I had pizza twice. We walked around 6 miles a day but I still ended up feeling sick at the end of the day a few times.
…I just want to go shopping for myself. I rarely get myself anything and I am in desperate need of some new flats. Like 3+ years in need.
…that I just want to hire a cleaning service to clean up all this dust. I’m just so done with cleaning up after contractors.
…that I’ve been feeling uninspired with blogging lately. I have this vision of where I want to take my blog and how I want to expand it, but I’ve really been struggling to find time. I feel like when A is at school I need to give EJ all my attention, and when A is at home I need to be spending time with her. That leaves me maybe 1-2 hours a night to do any work, which just isn’t enough. I know we all have the same number of hours in a day, but I want to make sure I’m spending the majority of mine with my kids. They are my priority right now.
…that I just want some damn sushi. I could eat sushi more days than not. It is definitely my favorite food and I am missing it.
…that I binge watched the first season of Empire and I’m not sorry about it. I never binge watch shows, but I am hooked and am working on season 2 right now. If you haven’t watched it you need to check it out.
…I just drank half a bottle of wine and had 4 pieces of dark chocolate.
And that’s about all I got.
What do you have to confess today?

Eeek! I can’t wait for you to go public with the news, either. So exciting.
Half a bottle of wine and 4 pieces of dark chocolate sounds like a real party! 😉
Oh my word! Coming home after a trip with no hubby, with two littles, to a messy house… you definitely needed that half a bottle of wine!
Give yourself a break! I have discovered that many bloggers/writers have days/weeks when they are feeling uninspired. You need a little more time after the vacay to get back in your groove before the blogging ideas will return. And they will. 🙂
Construction dust is miserable! Thanks for the Empire recommendation, i need to move that further up my list.
Looking forward to your news.
Girl, go get yourself some sushi! Why not? And I totally hear you about contractor dust. Man I don’t miss that! But it sounds like you’re almost there… Almost!
I hate those times when I feel uninspired about things and just blah overall! You sound incredibly stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted which may be part of it. I know sometimes that’s the case for me. I send you some time to yourself to relax and some :mama hugs: 🙂
I felt the same way about Disneyland! We did a three day pass and it wasn’t enough! And we wore our Fitbits while we were there and got so many miles, too! Yay for that! And I totally feel you on the wanting to spend time with kids/not having enough time to blog/big blogging dreams thing. I’ve been trying to figure out how I can focus on writing, which is what I love, and leave the other blog maintenance stuff for every few days so I don’t get overwhelmed with it. It’s helped so far!
Haha! I like the last one :-p Sometimes I think I’m a better blogger when I drink wine 🙂 I so wish I lived closer…I’d babysit overnight so you and Kellen could go on an overnight date and I’d babysit more so you could go shopping by yourself. I know that alone time is needed for your sanity! I’m feeling it too. Why haven’t you had sushi?! Take the kids at lunch one day!
Can’t wait to hear about this news you want to share!! Hoping you can sneak away for an overnight date!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston