Sharing my goals for the remainder of the 2018.
If you are a regular reader, then you may have noticed I stopped doing my monthly goal posts in August. With Kellen on assignment, my time has been very, very limited for blogging. Yes, this is one of my jobs, but being a mother is my number one job, and my kiddos have needed my full attention over the last few months. It was a stressful transition back to single parent life, and one I didn’t think I would be doing ever again for this long of a period.
Also, I haven’t been in a good place since Kellen left. I’ve been depressed, had some major anxiety attacks, and have generally felt overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. Add to it the stress of trying to sell our house (which is still for sale…that’s a whole other story) and keeping the house constantly clean and well…..I think you get the picture.
But with A back in school, things have gotten a bit easier. I’m feeling a little less overwhelmed, I’m more motivated to work, and I’m working on being happy with the phase of life we are in.
That said, I wanted to make a few goals for myself for the end of the year. In addition to my health and fitness goals that I’m still working toward, I want to set a few other goals for myself and our family.
Here are the goals I have for the remainder of 2018.
Get to bed earlier
I have done a piss poor job of getting to bed on time. I know so many people who stay up late working, and sometimes feel like I should as well. But I also know how important sleep is for our overall health and wellness. I’ve struggled to lose the last little bit of belly fat I have, and I know lack of sleep is playing a part in that. So my goal is to get to bed no later than 10:30 5 nights a week.
Start writing in my journal
I love journaling. I’ve written several posts about journaling. But over the last 8 months or so, I’ve gotten out of practice. And my attitude has been reflective of that. Journaling can be such an empowering and inspiring practice. I want to start writing words of gratitude daily in a new journal.
Finish 1 book
Along with getting to bed earlier, I’ve been trying to get up earlier each morning again for some quiet time. I did this for years, but have really fallen out of practice over the last 4 months. My morning quiet time is where I read. I started 100 Days To Brave last week, as well as The Places That Scare You, by Pema Chodron. Obviously 100 Days to Brave won’t be finished this year, but I hope to finish The Places That Scare You.
Do better on my nutrition
My food has been all over the map. It started when Kellen left on assignment, and I haven’t been consistent with my eating since. I have weeks where I do well, but then I get so overwhelmed and a little depressed that I just eat whatever. I haven’t been overeating, just not making smart choices all the time. If I want to accomplish my body fat percentage goal, I have got to get my act in gear these last few months of the year.
Potty train EJ
He has actually been doing fairly well at going potty on the toilet, but I think we’re ready for full on potty training!
Relax more
I am your typical Type A. I am high strung and really suck at relaxing and letting go of situations. I want to fully enjoy this holiday season, and not be so worried about all the things. I want to be more laid back and let things roll off my back. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I am going to try to relax more these last few months.
That’s all I have for the remainder of the year. I need to invest more time in my happiness and self-care. Being a single parent these last few months has really taken a toll on me emotionally and physically, and I need to try to do better by me. When I do, I’m able to do better by my family.

These are all such good goals. I’m so sorry it’s been a struggle the last few months. You’re doing better than you think you are! And I love journaling, too! You’ve got this!!!!
I feel ya, Tiffany. I’ve been in a similar for different reasons so I understand not eating well, staying up too late and not relaxing. I’ve had a ton of anxiety as well and my body is really suffering. I’m trying to take small steps to make things better, but with some large obstacles, it doesn’t seem to be getting a lot better. I need to focus on relaxing more though. I don’t have much time to relax – haha – but I’m trying to stop by Starbucks or something for just 30 mins before going into work in the morning after I drop off my son for football at 6:30am. It’s sad that that’s my only alone time. This is a tough time for both of us. I’m praying for you, friend. I’ll be praying for your house to sell, a smooth move and more time with Kellen when that’s possible!