It’s Thursday! This week has flown by. As much as I wish the days were longer, I love short weeks. More time I get to spend with my family.
Day 142: She waited FOREVER for Huebie to get home from work last Thursday. I was eventually able to talk her into going outside and playing while we waited. Otherwise she would have stood at that window for much longer.
Day 143: What a terrible picture! Well, it was dark. We’d put baby girl to bed and decided to break out some vino. Obviously.
Day 144: We were going to head to our lake house Saturday, but we ended up not going. So we decided to stop at Starbucks for a coffee and treat while we decided what to do with our day. Little A loves herself a good pastry. #justlikehermama
Day 145: First time at the pool this year! She is such a water baby and was having so much fun playing and splashing around. Need to get that girl back into swim lessons.
Day 146: We ran some morning errands, then went and visited some good friends who just had their second little girl! Little A loves her some baby snuggles. And since she’s obsessed with pinky fingers (yes, you heard that right. She’s obsessed with pinkies) she asked to hold baby Annabelle’s pinky. Sure, why not.
Day 147: I’ve been itching for a good run and wanted to get Huebie back out there. He hasn’t ran since he injured his knee before our half marathon last year. We didn’t go too far, but it felt good to run again. It’s been a while. And sis loves riding in her stroller these days. She requests stroller rides, which is much better than it used to be (where she’d kick and scream to get out after 4 miles).
Day 148: Worked from home again yesterday. I multi-task a lot when I’m home. Work, blog, meal planning. What can I say, I like to keep busy. We’re getting new desks at work so I’ve been without a desk for almost a month now. I thought it would be hard, but I’ve really enjoyed the freedom to only go in when I needed to. New desks will be complete on Friday, so I go back to my normal schedule on Monday. 🙁 But it was good while it lasted!
And here are a few photos from the rest of our awesome weekend.
When we decided not to go to the lake, we had nothing else planned for Saturday. So we decided to take a ferry ride over to one of the islands (Bainbridge for you locals). I love spontaneous adventures!
Little A’s first ferry ride! She LOVED it! She kept saying, “It’s so windy! It’s so windy!” Yes, yes it is windy my dear. She wanted to be out on the front of the ferry the whole time and was so sad when we had to get in the car to get off. Luckily she got 2 rides in one day. Happy girl!
Find me on Instagram: @tiffanyatouchofgrace
Have a great Thursday!

What a great week! Boo for having to go back into the office next week 🙁
Little A always has such cute clothes…you pick some cute stuff!
Love the wine picture 🙂 That sounds like a perfect night to me! I wish Kevin would drink wine with me more often. And I LOVE my stemless glasses. I pretty much never use my ones with stems now because I’m obsessed with those.
Pinky finger thing…so cute!
Y’all are so fit. I really hope we become more like that in the future. We already think it’s too hot to run outside so it’s gym or home workouts for me. I need to get Kevin to the gym with me. Is that your neighborhood?! So many pretty trees! Jealous!
Like I said on Instagram…I just love that ferry picture of Little A. Her smile says it all!
I think it’d be fun to do these everyday photos. I’m afraid that I’d forget to take a photo every day though! My life is super boring sometimes :-p
What a wonderful pictures and so many moments well captured!
I was surprised by how much more Little A looks like you… some of these pictures are unbelievable! You have a “Mini Me”!
Kid’s in bed.. time for wine?! I hear you! That was me last night. Glad no one snapped my picture… I’m sure I would have looked completely cross-eyed. It’s been a looooong week.
Wishing you a lovely weekend my friend.