We interrupt our regularly scheduled health and fitness post to bring you a little life update. Because honestly, I really haven’t felt like blogging these last few weeks. The weather has been so nice, A is out of school and we’re working our way down our bucket list of activities. Blogging is taking a bit of a back seat this summer, and I hope y’all understand.
I may do another blog break sometime in July or August, as I’ve done in previous years, but am undecided. I’ll let you know before I do though.
I thought I’d share a bit of a life update, since I haven’t talked much about life since this post. And a lot has happened since then. If you follow me on Instagram, then you get more info, but here’s a little update on what’s been happening lately.
The biggest thing is Kellen’s assignment in Kansas got extended. First until December, and then again until June of next year. Cue the waterworks! We are planning to move to Kansas to be with him sometime in August, unless things change before then (which is totally possible…so stay tuned).
Summer has finally arrived in Seattle. And now that it’s warm, people have gone from complaining about the rain to complaining about the heat. I swear, you can’t please Washingtonians. I try to not complain about the weather, because I feel fortunate to live in such a beautiful area, so even though it was 100 degrees at our house yesterday, I was just staying positive that we have a pool and A/C.
Little A is trying out for the competition dance team at her studio! You guys, this is huge. Her dance studio is one of the top 5 studios in the Puget Sound. And she is adamant about trying out. We have talked about it multiple times but she is sure she wants to do it. She’s taking 4 dance classes this summer and fall (if we don’t move), and if she makes the team that adds one additional rehearsal per week (plus other monthly rehearsals), so just stick a fork in me now.
I will say, though, that I’m so proud of her for her commitment and determination. She’s been practicing more and is very serious about her dancing.
EJ recently (like 2 weeks ago) discovered he can climb onto the kitchen table. So that’s pretty much all he does every day. Climbs onto a chair, then onto the table. So I spend most of my days at home standing by the table, taking him down or making sure he doesn’t fall off. If I pull all the chairs away he just climbs on them and tries to knock them over. Good times!
I started a new fitness routine! I shared a bit on my Instagram stories a while ago (and why I changed things up in this post, but have been incorporating more weight training, and am definitely seeing changes. If you’re interested in what my routine looks like right now, I’d be happy to share more details in a separate post.
Kellen and I started eating Paleo! There is a lot that went into this decision, including a TON of research, but it has been life changing for us. Kellen is doing a combination of bulletproof and paleo, and I eat paleo, and do bulletproof coffee a few times a week. I’m not trying to lose weight, but have subsequently lost 4 pounds in the last few weeks just from changing my diet a bit (and I continue to gain muscle). Kellen has lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks from this lifestyle change.
I’ll be sharing more about our decision to go paleo in a later post, but if you have any questions, feel free to comment with them, or email me separately and I’d be happy to answer.
We got a new pool for the summer that was a godsend this weekend! It’s a little 8 foot pool, but it’s a good size for the kids, and has seats for adults. And cup holders! I’m sure we’ll be spending lots of time in there this summer if this amazing weather continues.
EJ got his first hair cut!
I sort of wanted to cry, but in the end was glad we did it. His hair was just always in his face, and he continued to be mistaken for a girl when he had a man bun, so we trimmed the bangs and cleaned the back up and now hopefully it will all grow evenly. Although now I’m contemplating a buzz cut on the sides and mohawk on the top, ha!
I guess that’s all the big things that have been happening lately. We’ve crossed three or four things off our bucket list already this summer, and will be crossing more off this week!
Tell me something new that’s happened/happening in your life!
Cheers to the week ahead friends!

I totally know what you mean about blogging taking a bit of break this summer as it should!! Looks like you guys are having lots of fun!! How cute does EJ look getting his hair cut!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Wow, that’s quite the extension for Kellen! I hope everything works out the way you want it to – have you started looking at buying/selling??
Girl, everyone blog breaks in the summer! I’m taking two weeks in Aug and am so excited for it. I bet we have the same pool! Is it a blue blow up one that was like $40 from Target?!
That little fake Toy Story smock for EJ’s haircut made me laugh! What a cutie, though! And those pictures of A in her dance outfits are so cute! We are starting a little toddler dance class for our Little A this week and I’m excited to see what she thinks. I’m sure she’ll love it! Boo about Kellen’s assignment getting extended! I hope it goes by fast and you get to visit a lot!
Summer is all about living it up. No time for blogging next to a computer. looks like you are up to good things! enjoy!
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger-and you guys are seriously the epitome of that! I was wondering what bulletproof coffee is from your stories. Saw the recipe one day as well. Is it supposed to speed up your metabolism? I’m curious to hear about your paleo journey! Looking forward to that. And I hated the end of this post because now EJ is a boy and not a baby 🙁 But you made up for it with adorable photos of Audrey!! <3 #TeamAudreyOnYouTube
Sweet babies! Summer is such a sweet time. I can imagine how you felt when EJ got his haircut. When we were in Texas we found MY hair from my first cut. It was sweet… and also weird.
Bahaha! “Stick a fork in me now” Too funny. I want to see a picture of this little pool with cup holders! 🙂 EJ in that photo getting his hair cut…so adorable!