I had planned to share baby boy’s nursery ideas with you today, but then realized that I had pregnancy and baby overload going on in my last few posts. So I figured it was time for some confessions. I’ll share his nursery mood board with you probably next week sometime.
It’s been a while since I’ve done a confessions post. Yeah, I just checked and the last one was a year and a half ago. Whoops! You can read the last confessions post HERE. And y’all….I have a lot to confess to you today.
BTW… ever time I hear “these are my confessions” I instantly start singing the Usher song in my head. Anyone else do that?
I confess…
…that I have not been keeping up with my workout schedule. I had a scare a few weeks ago and ended up in the ER for the day and it was just not good. I’d already been in so much pain because baby is so low, then add that into the mix and I’m just spent. I’m lucky if I get a walk in most days. Luckily we have stairs in our house that I walk up and down 20 times a day, so that’s my new workout. That and my morning stretching.
…that I could eat Thai, Indian or Mexican food every day right now. Give me a spinach salad for lunch, with a side of OJ, then foreign food for dinner. These foods just always sound amazing. And Pho and sushi too. Add those in there and I’m a happy pregnant lady (don’t worry, I’m only eating cooked sushi; no raw fish).
…that I leave the house about 15 minutes before we need to for preschool drop off, just so that I don’t have to start a new activity with Little A, and so that I can keep her confined for a bit. This gives me time to scroll social media and read if I want. She actually likes it because she gets to listen to Taylor Swift for longer.
…that since we aren’t going on a babymoon I asked the hubs if we could spend a day and night at a nice hotel downtown. He seemed excited, but I doubt he’ll ever mention it again if I don’t bring it up. I’ll maybe ask once more then bag it. I’ll just treat myself to a few more pedicures instead.
…that sometimes I want to throw all my daughter’s toys away because I’m sick of hearing her ask for a new toy every time we go somewhere. Fine, you want a new toy, I’ll just get rid off all the other toys you already have, including the 5 you got just last month.
…and that I will often put on a movie for her because I’m tired and I don’t want to listen to her complain about xyz anymore. Plus it gives me time to read or blog.
…which is why I’m so thankful that my office is now in the bonus room. I can still be close by but I can do some work while she plays or watches a movie. I consider it a win-win.
…that I have been so freaking emotional lately I want to slap myself. I get it’s the pregnancy hormones, but my God can I just not cry for once when something upsets me?! #preggoproblems
…that I loathe glitter. Like I really cannot stand it. If Little A ever gets glitter as a gift, I usually hide it…then eventually toss it.
….that in addition to loathing glitter, I’m not a big crafter. I’ve said it before, but I honestly really hate doing arts and crafts. Poor baby girl. Her nanny was so crafty and artsy. I’d much rather go on a walk or color. This is probably because I’m not at all artistic and can’t even draw good stick people. Whenever she asks me to draw something, it’s usually horrible, or I tell her she has to wait until Daddy gets home because he can actually draw. When we do craft I try to keep it short, like under 10 minutes; that’s about all I can handle.
…let’s just continue on with the crafts shall we? If she ever leaves extra crafting items out…I toss them. Are those some extra fuzzy balls I see that fell off her art project? Perfect, they will find their way to the garbage when she isn’t looking. #sorrynotsorry
…that I play up how uncomfortable I am sometimes just so I don’t have to cuddle with Little A before bed. I bathe her, read to her, spend all day with her; it’s the hubby’s turn to step up and do some cuddling. Plus I get lots of cuddles throughout the day. I think I’m a pretty darn good mom, but there are just some days where I’ve had enough cuddle time.
… that I have been eating 2 truffles a day. Ugh, I hate myself for this one. But right now I’m wanting apple pie so I figure a few truffles won’t kill me as long as I don’t eat an entire apple pie.
So there you go. My confessions as of late. Man if my hubby reads this one I’m in trouble.
What do you have to confess today?!
**Side note: I made a bonehead move and accidentally deleted a few people off my mailing list. If you recently signed up (like after January 20th) if you could please re-sign up for the newsletter that would be fabulous. Unfortunately there’s no way for me to figure out who it was. 🙁 Thanks!

LOL… lots of confessions my friend!
My second pregnancy was horrible – I didn’t have morning sickness or anything but I had so many issues that my husband and my OB-GYN recommended I stop having kids. I didn’t argue.
I was in constant pain after about week 18 (I was carrying low too). I had antepartum depression and was constantly depressed, sobbing, and irritable. Come week 30, I had false labour almost every second day – one time it was so bad I went to the hospital – they thought I was in labour initially too (I think I was 32 weeks). They were starting the process to see if they could stop the labour, put me on IV and it stopped – I wasn’t in labour, I was dehydrated. Drink your water lady!
LOL – so that’s why we stopped at two.
I’ve played the movie card the past couple of weeks too – my youngest is in a wild phase right now. If I can get 1.5 hours to regain my sanity and not snap… that’s what I’m going to do.
Thanks for sharing.
I forgot to mention that I hate sparkles too! My daughter has a My Little Pony dress up costume that she decided to wear the other day. There’s pink glitter on the fabric and now it’s all over my couch and my yoga mat!
I so hope you get that little babymoon and then eat all the mexican, sushi and pho your heart desires! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
You should just book a room, and let him know that he’s welcome to join you and if not, that you’ll be there enjoying room service, catching up on your reading and enjoying the spa, all by yourself. 😉 Ok, maybe don’t listen to my advice, but I sure hope you get a night out.
ER… what?! Glad you’re doing better!
Crafts… I am with you. Crafts are right up there with baking for me. I prefer to just let the kids at it and hide in the other room until they are done. I think it must be the mess. I need to get better about letting it all go. Maybe someday. 😉
Love the honestly! I hate glitter too! Someone gave Ash a bunch of dress up clothes and the glitter from them has made our carpet have a constant shimmer no matter how much I vacuum!
My confession: I hate being a working mom and most days cry and contemplate quitting without even telling husband. But that’s not a good life choice right now 🙁
So glad you are doing okay after the ER! I don’t blame you on the glitter or crafting things– one year one of my niece’s got this foam type stuff and I remember my sister-in-law being slightly annoyed because it was super messy!
Those are not bad things at all! And I’m glad you are okay! I went to the ER when I was pregnant with my son and it was scary! And a lot of these things are totally justifiable since you are PREGNANT!!
Girl, I totally hear you on having enough baby snuggles after a certain point. Come about 5pm in fact. That’s when I’ve had enough of it for the time being… And I stopped bathing H when I was about 28 weeks because it was just too dang hard to get down near the tub and scrub him! I made hubs do it. Haha! Totally wish H would have sat and watched a movie when I was pregnant. Or now. He can’t sit still for more than 2 minutes! But he is really good at entertaining himself and playing so I guess that’s close enough.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your body is being spinner out of control right now and your hormones are everywhere. You deserve some down time. And you look great so don’t kick yourself about exercise. If you are in pain don’t make it worst. Take care.
Oh girl. I admire you blunt honesty. #MomLife can’t be easy, but you’re doing a great job. You actually sound a lot like my sister.
Sometimes she tells her 3 year old, “I’m your mom, it’s not my job to play with you all the time.” Sounds harsh, but really – it’s not! I think it’s good that Ellie learns that she won’t be constantly entertained.
Consider this a pat on the back. You are rocking motherhood to Little A and this new little one.
Wait, you went to the ER?!?! I didn’t know that! Ah! I’m glad you’re okay. That must have been scary. And oh man, I cry all the time as my normal self so now you’re just more like me :-p I know you don’t a lot so I think it’s the pregnancy. Haha. I hope you and K get to spend a night in a nice hotel!