Woohoo it’s Friday! This week was a long one, but each day things are getting better. Little A has been amazing these last few days and I feel like I can breathe a little bit easier.
The fact that it’s almost May is not lost on me. May is always a good month for me. It’s mine and K’s anniversary month, as well as a big month for birthdays. Plus the weather is usually really good in Seattle. I’m looking forward to spending more time outside each day; going to the park, family picnics and long walks around our neighborhood. May is going to be a good month!
Recapping April Goals
My only goal for April was to get used to having a newborn again and being a mom of 2. And while I’m used to the newborn phase again and all that comes with it (lack of sleep, lots of poop and sweet baby snuggles), this mom of 2 gig is no joke! Even just taking Little A to preschool is a production. The other day EJ started crying outside the classroom so I had to get him out of the car seat….but then I couldn’t help Little A get all her school stuff together. I had the teachers helping me and then one of the dad’s carried the car seat to the car for me. I felt so helpless and honestly a little silly because I couldn’t do it all, but at the same time I felt so supported by everyone. I know it will get easier, but like I said in Tuesday’s post, motherhood is freaking hard!
May Goals
I’m feeling pretty good about our routine we’ve gotten into during the day. EJ has been a really good baby and will lay on the floor or in his bouncer watching me and his sister play. And Little A has been doing amazing playing independently. So I’m going to set at least one blogging goal for myself this month.
Increase my Pinterest presence // Pinterest is one of my focus social media platforms for this year, and I haven’t dedicated the time to it like I should. Pinterest was my jam at the beginning of the year. I’d gained a lot of new followers, and my page views were up quite a bit. But in the weeks leading up to EJ’s birth and since then, I’ve fallen off my Pinterest game. This month I’m hoping to dedicate a bit more time to Pinterest, including more pinning of others’ content. Also, with the changes that Pinterest is making (showing total repins each post has ever gotten instead of repins per pin…if that makes any sense) I want to work on getting my new content seen by more people.
Go to the park 3 days a week // Now that the weather is getting better and days are getting longer, I really want to spend more time at the park with the kids. I want Little A to be able to run around as much as possible and get some of that energy out. The girl is always bouncing off the walls so letting her run around and play will keep this mama more sane at the end of the day.
Continue family walks // I love our family walks we’ve been doing most days of the week. The weather in April can be unpredictable here and it rains often, but we had some really great warm days and we took full advantage of it. I want to continue that in May. Most of the time I walk with the baby, Little A rides her bike and K either rides with her or runs, but now that I’ll be cleared for more intense exercise in a few weeks I will be running with them as well.
Start my postpartum fitness plan // I’ll be sharing more on this next week, but since I’ll be cleared for more intense exercise in the next 2 weeks I will be restarting my usual fitness routine, with a few modifications that I’m excited to incorporate. I’ve also thought about starting a group for postpartum mom’s to encourage one another as they work to get their bodies back, but I need another thing on my plate like I need a hole in the head, so we’ll see if that happens or not.
Restart our clean eating plan // I’m talking more about this next week as well, but K and I are starting our clean eating plan again this week. We have our go to meals figured out and will be doing meal prep for lunches and I’m super pumped for it! I really do like eating clean; I just feel so much better.
Get myself some new digs // Y’all, I have not bought anything new for myself, makeup or clothing wise, in over a year. I kid you not. Maternity clothes don’t count since I can’t wear them now anyways, and I think I only got 2 pairs of pants and 4 or 5 tops total throughout my entire pregnancy (I stretched my existing wardrobe as much as I could using these pregnancy style tips).
Needless to say I am due for a few new tops for summer, as well as some new running shoes and leopard flats. I do a really good job not spending on myself as much as I used to, but sometimes you just need a few new items to freshen up your wardrobe, ya know what I mean?! I think I may dedicate a post to this and share what I’m looking for in a post pregnancy wardrobe this summer. We shall see.
And that’s about it for May goals. I’m trying to keep it simple and give myself a lot of grace like everyone says I should, but it’s hard for this type A personality of mine.
What are some of your goals for May?

Oh my gosh I can only imagine the scene at school earlier this week – I’m glad you have so many supportive people around you!! Good luck with your May Goals! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I love how supportive and helpful everyone at Little A’s preschool was! I can only imagine trying to do so many things at once, but it sounds like everything is going so well for you guys. I can’t wait to hear about your fitness goals and clean eating! We are trying to go more in that direction, but haven’t put the time or effort into preparing so we can be successful and not cave into processed foods. You totally deserve a few new things for your closet- when you’re not constantly buying things, it’s so much more satisfying when you do get a few things and know you really need them / will wear them!
You rocked your April goals. ???? Haha
What you said sounds a lot like what my sister went through last month. Being a mom of 2 is a totally different ball game.
Your May goals sound great! Getting your Pinterest game going is one of the best things you can do. 🙂
Oh i am SO keen to hear about your cleaning eating stuff. I made a drastic life change in November of last year and it has been wonderful. I’ve been reading/following Hemsley & Hemsley and Madeleine Shaw (they’re UK based and super popular here).
I think with the nicer weather, you’ll be really encouraged to meet your goals this month and will feel more like a normal person all around. I know my sister really struggled with adjusting to life with 2 kids and being outside helps TREMENDOUSLY.
I love family walks when I can talk my crew into walking with me. 😉 Going from 1 kid to 2 is hard, but it does get easier, and I think you’re already doing great! I hope you guys have a great weekend! xo
Do you have tailwind? I know it’s not for everyone, but it has been a game changer for me <3
Happy Friday friend! Have a good weekend!
Hi! I’m so excited to find your blog! Not only is my family moving to Seattle later this year, but I’m pregnant with my second (due in June) and really enjoyed reading your experience thus far. It sounds tough, but I love that you’re being real about it. I look forward to following along and hope to gleam some tips for my upcoming months!
Those are some awesome goals! I’m sorry you had a rough time when you dropped Little A off at preschool but I’m so glad that other people helped! That warms my little heart to hear people helping each other instead of doing nothing! One of my goals this month is to organize and find a place for things in our new house. We move IN ONE WEEK and I really want to do better at organizing and making sure everything has a place that makes sense!
Wonderful goals!
I want to try to get to the park more often too. It makes the kids (and me) a lot happier!
Pinterest is absolutely awesome when you can harness its power. It will be interesting to see what the new changes do.
I’m so happy to hear that you’re settling more into a routine.
Thanks for sharing your goals – wishing you an awesome month!
I’m so glad that you felt supported by those people! That was so sweet of them to help out. Having 3 older kids is one kind of difficult so I can’t even imagine babies/toddlers! Stressful in a different way! Good job working out! I haven’t found time for that yet and I start back to work next Tuesday.