Do you ever have those days as a mom where you have come to your whit’s end and you want to just throw you hands up in the air and walk away? I know I can’t be the only one.
Motherhood is freaking hard.
There are days that both Little A and I end up in tears, tantrums last for an hour and I’m just spent by noon. There are days that I just don’t want to “mommy” anymore. I want to peace out and be alone. But that’s the thing with motherhood. We don’t get the option to just check out. We’re in it 100% and even though we may want to walk out the door and go to happy hour by ourselves, we have these little people who depend on us and we don’t have a choice.
Right now, my house is a disaster. Little A has the playroom torn apart and there are dishes in my sink that I’m sick of staring at but can’t put the baby down to do. I have 4 piles of laundry sitting on the floor of our laundry room waiting to be thrown in the wash; not to mention the 3 piles of clean, folded laundry in the family room waiting to be put away. And don’t even get me started on our closet, where you can’t even step foot on my husband’s side (my organizing hasn’t fully rubbed off on him just yet). My toilets need cleaning and sinks need scrubbing. Oh, and I could stand to take a shower (like 2 days ago) because 3rd and 4th day hair is not a good look for me.
Yep, motherhood is really freaking hard.
But you know what, the few times the baby let me put him down yesterday I spent playing with my girl who has so desperately needed my attention. And it felt so good. I got up a little early and put some makeup on to cover my new mommy dark circles to make myself a bit more presentable at preschool drop off. And it felt so good. I cuddled EJ extra long the other night, even though he’d been sleeping for half an hour and I could have put him down. And it felt so good. Even though I’d like more time to write, I took a few minutes to myself the other day to finish this post. And it felt so good.
It’s not always like this. There are weeks where the stars align and I’m on top of my game. The house is pristine, the kids are well behaved, dinner is homemade every evening and K and I get to spend quality time together. But the messy times, those are just part of the deal that comes with raising a family and being a mom.
Yep, motherhood is hard, but it’s also amazing. It ain’t always perfect. I may be a hot mess sometimes and my hair is usually unwashed and up in a really crappy top knot, but I love the life I have. I may not want to “mommy” some days, but for the most part, my life is pretty damn awesome. I’ve been blessed with an amazing husband and two adorable children. And I wouldn’t change a thing.
Tell me a story. What do you have in your life that isn’t always perfect but you would never change?

Oh girl you need to give yourself some slack – hello you have a newborn and a little girl!! Dishes, laundry and the playroom can wait!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Oh girl. I actually gave up on putting away my clothes! I just take the clean ones out of the basket and wear them. Too much work to put them away! I hear you. Sometimes I look at the clock and it’s only 2pm and I wonder how I’ll make it to bedtime (7pm – I totally don’t understand how some people put their kids to bed later than that! I wish our bedtime was 6pm!) And you know what? Some days I do pour wine in a to-go cup and take the kids to the park. While we’re walking I have my earbuds in so if someone is upset (by like, a tree or a squirrel or some other weird toddler-ism) I don’t have to hear it. I just push that stroller, listen to music and sip on my bevvie. Then let them run wild at the park. And put them to bed at 6:30 😉
We put our kids to bed between 6-7 — you aren’t the only one! 🙂
I know I don’t have a baby but I agree. It’s been really hard. It’s great mothers like you that raise wonderful children because they are loved and sacrifices are made for them. Unfortunately, not all moms are like that 🙁 My kids’ mom chose drugs and alcohol over raising her babies which completely breaks my heart – I don’t understand how a mom could do that. Good job being a great mommy, Tiffany, even when it’s really hard!
Lady, you gotta give yourself some grace! You have a newborn and a little one at home! It gets easier 🙂
All of us mama’s have good and bad days. Take one day at a time, nothing more. Forget the to do list sometimes, you have a newborn blessing. Go easy on yourself. These are precious moments that will not last forever. Meaning, the kids being small. Laundry, dishes = yeah, that will last forever, but it is what it is. Also, top bun hair = meeee!! My hand is raised. I just pretend that I am walking around with Audrey Hepburn’s cute bun ~ all glamorous! It’s the thought that counts. 😉 xo
You’re doing a fantastic job, girl. I’ve heard motherhood described as the hardest, BEST job ever.
I love this so much! We seriously need more honest posts like this, because yes, motherhood is super hard! I’ve never slept as deeply in my life since I became a mother because at the end of each day I am just exhausted! Like you said, some days I am on top of things, but other days, it’s almost dinner time and I still haven’t done my hair (cough-today). But it really is so worth it in those simple, small moments!
Motherhood is so, so hard. It just takes so much effort and energy.
You’re doing great mama – it’s an adjustment period, for sure! Continue to give yourself grace.
Thanks so much for sharing and being so honest here.
It is hard! It is the hardest job ever, but one we wouldn’t want anyone to do for us. Even with my kids being older, it’s still hard. Just hard in different ways. Btw… I love that picture of the 3 of you. 🙂
You are doing awesome momma!
Oh yes. It’s hard and amazing all at once!!
And transitions (like adding a baby) are always hard. Our third is due in the fall and our oldest is going to school. I have a feeling I will relate to all the hard you speak of this fall!! Yikes. 😉
That’s a huge transition you have coming up! Good luck to you guys!
A freaking men!!! So good, Tiffany 🙂 You stole my thoughts 😉 It is SO hard transitioning from one to two (in my experience) those who say it isn’t have to have some kind of freaking awesome support system or something or their some kind of unicorn gods ! HAHA
You hit the nail in the head with this post for me and I’m sure for many others. You also brought back some strong memories. I can remember many days I didn’t want to mommy and just want to be me. But, I wouldn’t give up my life for anything in the world and this two boys of mom are the jewels of my life. It hasn’t been easy at all raising them, but with God I think I’ve done pretty well. Keep hanging in there and pray and everything will be all right. Take care and give that baby boy a kiss for me.